Barisone Pleads Not Guilty

I never said you posted a lot. It is fantastic the weather has been good enough where you are to ride so many.


ok well I got replaced with LK and put into the top 3 category, I thought it was of ppl posting the most in these threads. So what exactly am I top 3 in? I have posted like 4 now 5 times in the last two threads.

It was terrible weather but my parents have an indoor and my horses are enjoying it for the winter. Had lovely weather in there lol

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Sorry, I thought that was the name of the farm Barisone was based at.

Totally off topic, butā€¦ man, I envy those of you that get to ride multiple horses a day. :slight_smile:




That is the name of his LLC. His farm was Hawthorne Hill. I donā€™t know the name of his facility in White Fences/Loxahatchee

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Youā€™re part of the big three or big four, if you include LK, not because you post a lot but because along with dragonfly90 and me, you have a consistent position opposing some of the posts of GWE and the core anti LK posters, as far as I can tell.

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In defense of GEE, it is a fairly common ā€œrumorā€ in the NC/SC area that LK was either asked to leave or was going to be asked to leave for causing drama at FR (I have no idea what the drama was). So, before bashing GEE any further, I feel certain many in that area believe it as fact. It makes no difference in the large scheme of things combined with all the other true or rumored accusations surrounding LKā€™s past. The owner of FR is a widely respected horse woman who is very fair from what I understand and allows second and third chances. Iā€™m NOT saying that is what happened but that is apparently her reputation. It IS true LKā€™s previous trainer was there at the time and is still there from what Iā€™m told.

Again, such a mystery why so many negative rumors follow this woman around. I canā€™t believe it is the envy of anything she has acquired or accomplished.

 This post is just perfect.

Is this where we all start with cryptic posts?


Should I start chilling the cardbordeaux?


Pull out the recipes, itā€™s time.


If you are accusing the barn manager or anyone else (who is not Mr. Barisone) of committing a crime, COTH rules require that you link to an official source, or news article with an official source mentioned, to confirm your statement.


Iā€™m just here taking notes on who actually contributes to the forum beyond drama and OTā€¦


Thatā€™s been done. Itā€™s Python philosophy time!

Raise your glass!


Seriously? There is a group on here that PM each other to discuss people that disagree with them and how vile LK is?


Ah, thanks. I did not realize that is what ā€œ10wā€ meant. :smiley:

I donā€™t see why not. Not a party to it. I always seem to be on the outside looking in. But on a thread like this - perfectly understandable.

PS to Skydy: When you said, ā€œItā€™s Python philosophy time!ā€ I thought it was going to be a huge talking snake spouting RenƃĀ© Descartesā€¦


Not being part of the PM group I can not be sure, but I can be sure that what you are saying is not even close to what GWE said. GWE said people are discussing via PM who might be an alter of who. Not sure how you made the leap from that to ā€˜how vile LK isā€™.


Because that is what certain posters on this post have done. They take a small truth and twist it, and then attempt to embellish it.

Havenā€™t you seen the throngs of angry posters with their torches and pitchforks out defending MB and attempting to burn LK at the stake? No, you havenā€™t, because it hasnā€™t happened.