Barisone Pleads Not Guilty

I am very very lucky that my parents have allowed me to move my horses to their private farm, otherwise I would be not be riding until at least May unless trailering out. It means up at 5 every day to go take care of them, but totally worth it.

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but they donā€™t care about her at all right :lol:

Here I am in my nerdy corner thinking this was about whether list comprehension or recursion is more Pythonic.


Apparently you and @Jealoushe need more reading comprehension classes. Let me share the full quote with you: As far as ā€œbeing accused of being her alterā€, if the shoe fits. Posters are still PMing each other wondering this exact thing. As you can see, those privately asking questions are about @YankeeDuchess identity, NOT about how vile LK is. She does that well enough all by herself in her posts.

I love how you people pick apart a post and twist it to match what you want to attack.


I can read just fine, regardless of what you said, you made an account to post on MB and LK threads only. Seems a bit obsessed.


OK, Iā€™m lost. Whoā€™s GEE?

Something completely different.
I watched a video of the release/bail hearing. In it, the judge asked if there was a lease agreement. Through his attorney, Barisone said there was no written lease, only a verbal one that they could stay there with her horses in training.
So, does any of the tenant/landlord laws apply? Or, if Barisone ended the training, does that mean housing is ended? Maybe that is what the papers to be signed were, a notice that he was no longer training the horses so they had to vacate?



Do we now need permission regarding what forums we will post on? No, Iā€™m not obsessed, other than refusing to defend what appears to be a professional victim. I started reading these threads sheerly out of interest until the last one when I decided to become involved. While it is arguable whether MB is a victim in this situation, it seems it is perfectly okay for LK and others to attack him and spout their theories and grand defenses of LK while he and his close circle of friends have remained quiet. Let me, of course, make the obligatory statement, it is not okay to shoot someone.

Nice deflection by the wayā€¦so you start a rumble and when called on it by several posters, you deflect and walk away. Got it. Always blame the messenger rather than admit misunderstandings or address the topic.



(Slaps forehead) Of course! Thanks!


what? I canā€™t make any sense of this post at all.

What deflection? What rumble did I cause? I literally was tagged as being some sort of top 3 in these posts and asked why. Blame what messenger? Walk away from what?

Do you even know what you are arguing at this point, because I sure donā€™t.

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This is untrue and you know it. Carry on on your mission to make sure everyone knows LK is a professional victim. Such honorable work you are doing :lol:


Um instead of addressing your original statement saying I had said posters are PMing about how vile LK is, you decided to change the subject (deflect) to the age of my account and what forums Iā€™ve posted on. How did that relate to your OP on this topic?


How would I know this??? Are you his friend or part of his close circle? Do you have any proof of who anyone is, because I sure would like to ask his friends some questions via PM!!


I saw a couple questions in this thread but Iā€™m too lazy/busy to go searching for them to quote them.

  1. from @MorganSercu : regarding recordings in which the participants donā€™t know theyā€™re being recorded:

NJ law says it is a one-party consent state. That means one party IN the conversation needs to know there is recording. This means any footage that LK recorded may be inadmissible in open court. HOWEVER - this only applies to private spaces. In public, if the individuals do not ā€œhave a reasonable expectation of privacy,ā€ then itā€™s fair game. I expect that thereā€™s a point at which multiple parties involved in conversations in the barn knew there were recording devices present. Depending on when they became aware, conversations AFTER that point would be fair game as well, as best I can tell. But I would expect if these recordings exist, the defense will work really hard to exclude them.

  1. from various folks about the public record system, regarding RC:

I searched the NJ criminal cases system (PROMIS/Gavel) and did not find any records for Ruth Cox. HOWEVER, and this is a big caveat - their system sort of sucks. Here in Maryland you can easily search one system for the entire state, and itā€™s updated almost instantly (so if someone is arrested on Monday, it will show up within a day or so. Same with charges being laid). When I searched this same system for Michael Barisone, a week after the crime, it was still not showing up. And in fact, when I searched his name TODAY, itā€™s still not coming up despite the fact that we know heā€™s in jail, charged with attempted murder, and going on trial for it.

If I find a better system somewhere, Iā€™ll probably search there too, but I havenā€™t found it yet. It may be they donā€™t update that system until trials/cases are complete. Either way, my point is that there IS a public records search available to the public. But that the easiest one to find is not updated immediately or incomplete. If RC was arrested/charged it may not be big enough news to be published anywhere (it would be big news to US, but probably not to the general public).

EDIT> Answer to the above on public criminal records:

Certain records are not available for public inspection in accordance with statutes and the Rules of Court Governing the State of New Jersey Judiciary. Only defendants with a case(s) on which he or she was convicted and sentenced in Superior Court, will display in your search results. No other defendants will display


I believe I put a question mark after that sentence. My reading comprehension is just fine.

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Dude, I never said that. I said you were obsessedā€¦as a reply to someone elses comment. Are you actually here to have a discussion or just pick apart every single persons post word for word because they arenā€™t agreeable to yours.

To show you were obsessed, I said you made an account just to comment on these threads. I did not deflect at all, I showed my evidence to support my case. You say otherwise however, my research indicates you are indeed, obsessed with LK and proving to the world she is a bad person or a professional victim to use your words.

This is all MOO. You do not have to agree. However there is no point taking what bits and pieces you can from my posts and arguing over semantics and sentance structure. Iā€™m not about that life.

Iā€™m about justice, which will be served swiftly to MB in the summer. Canā€™t wait.

QFP, also more proof of how much you enjoy those PMs :lol:

Weā€™re getting into a lot of bickering, personal commentary, etc., so this threadā€™s days are likely numbered until thereā€™s another significant development in the case, but we were able to tie the YankeeDuchess account to a real person who is not LK, so the murmurings about that can be put to bed.


LK alleged that RC was going to be taken into custody in Florida by federal marshals but she returned to NJ to be charged. So, could it be a federal charge? Maybe she had the gun registered in Florida and did not register it in NJ?