Barisone Pleads Not Guilty

 Here is the quote from GWE. 

 She says that some people are PMing others discussing whether I am an alter. 

  She does NOT say that people are PMing each other discussing how vile LK is. Instead, she, herself, just states flat out “LK is the most vile of all.”

   So the words of GWE have indeed been misconstrued. Instead of discussing LK’s vileness privately among the anti LK core, GWE simply posted publicly that LK is “the most vile of all.”

It’s possible? I can try to go down that rabbit hole later… but these threads, IMO, have gotten way out of control, it feels pointless to try and inject facts LOL

(also - for that I’d need to do a PACER search, but that’s not free.)


I am too lazy to go find the post but I do believe LK said in her response to my question that the gun charges (for the gun owner, not for MB) were federal charges.

Is there a federal search option?

   Even if there were no written lease on the apartment, I would think there would be written agreements on board for the horses and training. Or at least for board. 

   I’ve never seen a board or training agreement that required either party to give more than 30 days notice that they want to discontinue the arrangement. I am switching trainers at the end of the month, and to do so, have given my current trainer 30 days notice. 

    So I think that with regard to ending the rental of the house, board, or training, all that needs to happen is that one party says to the other “I am discontinuing this arrangement 30 days from now”. I certainly did not feel I needed to get my trainer to sign something agreeing to my leaving her program. 

 So “giving notice” is a unilateral action. I really don’t see how Barisone would need signed agreement from LK for Barisone to end any of those agreements.

It’s called PACER. But you have to register and it costs a few cents to run a search (I haven’t looked into it any farther than that)


No lease agreement was incredibly irresponsible and unprofessional if true.

That is how one ends up in this situations.

Are we still going to sit here and blame LK for getting herself shot, or can we finally put some of the blame on MB.

If MB had legal contracts and agreements for the rent of the home, perhaps he would not be in jail right now. Perhaps this is why he was not able to “evict” as per the rumours.

Let this be a lesson to all professionals, get it in writing, signed, and witnessed. Always.

I am always amazed at how many professionals, do not use contracts. MOO of course.


Thank you. (Learned something and appreciate that.)

Having read many of these threads and several threads about other controversial topics, I think the best way to keep this thread (and every other thread) from getting closed is to ignore those bating you (on both sides) and to stop calling names.
I believe the one side here really wants the threads closed so they will continue to poke and bait. It takes the others to just ignore them to let us continue to discuss stuff.

I think most of the interest in this topic is the same reason there are so many channels and shows that include true crime stuff. If this stuff did not interest people (nothing to do with the person specifically being discussed) shows like Live PD, Dateline, etc would not be available.

I will repeat the given - it is wrong to shoot people.


Yes, this situation should be a wake up call to trainers and clients to keep their relations in a business/professional level. But these forums are full of threads where friendship/personal relations get tangled up with business/client ones. Heck, half of the SafeSport stuff is trainers mingling romantic/sex ties with clients, employees. All of which are anathema to 99% of other professions!
Who knows if Barisone even had a written training/boarding agreement with her? If the housing situation was that informal, maybe everything was? Which is why it was such a mess.


What attacks on MB have been made?

I have already apologized, several times, and admitted error, in referring to him as a “quasi-Olympic trainer” (alluding to his status as a reserve rider); feel free to bash me further on that.

 But aside from the ill-thought out use of the word “quasi”, what has ANYONE done to “attack” MB?

 I don’t think that defending LK against cheap insults and unsubstantiated allegations constitutes “attacking” MB. 

  I actually agree with you that MB is a tragic victim here. But I think he is a victim primarily of his own horrible decision to shoot someone, and secondarily of the fact the someone made a handgun available to him, whether intentionally or not; I don’t think he is a victim of LK. 

 YOU may think that to be pro-MB you must be anti LK, but don’t foist that “logic” on others. In trying to defend LK against what I see as unwarranted attacks, I am certainly not trying to attack MB. 

    Entirely aside from being criminal and immoral, a trainer shooting his own client in broad daylight is so horribly irrational from the point of his own self interest, that I do think there is an issue of diminished responsibility in terms of his mental state. Whether that should or does get him leniency is up to the courts. 

    Please note that saying I think there was some diminished responsibility due to his mental state is ***NOT*** saying that LK is at fault or responsible for “breaking his mind” or creating that mental state through anything she did. That would be victim blaming.

thank you


A recurring theme of GWE is that MB has remained silent, while LK has not. There is a logical reason for this.

Until the trial starts, his legal team does not need to commit to a particular defense strategy, in the sense that they don’t need to commit to a particular “scenario”, for example, LK brought the gun to the porch, there was a struggle, she gets accidentally shot, he brought it with him to defend himself against the dog and fired at the dog, but missed the dog and hit her, etc. As long as MB says nothing, the choice of “scenario” used by the defense is constrained only by the evidence the prosecution already has.

If MB makes statements A, B, and C, those statements may contradict some of the many scenarios currently available to the defense, narrowing his options with regard to defense strategy. By not saying anything, he is keeping his options open.

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 GWE is accusing you of causing a rumble by incorrectly saying that she was PMing others discussing how vile LK was, when in fact the PMing was about my status as an alter, and GWE’s discussion of LKs vileness was a flat out public statement by her alone in the same post.

Oh, there is plenty of blame to be placed on MB. He acted quite stupidly.

It blows my mind how many people do not do written/signed/witnessed. Blows. My. Mind. Then when it goes to crap they act all surprised.

I did board at one stable with no contract years ago, and it actually worked out quite well and was one of the best stables I’ve ever boarded at (I moved from the area, that’s the only reason I left, BO and I are on good terms and I have driven back for weekend clinics). It gave me major anxiety. I was incredibly stupid and lucky. But I also dug around the community to figure out the BO’s reputation, so that helped. But still.

I was almost involved in a landlord tenant dispute when I inherited a home. An unwritten tenancy, of course. Again, I lucked out. The tenant moved along, and I sold the home. After a small glimpse into being a land lord and browsing landlord tenant laws, I decided no way was that something for me!

Some of these horse training or residence deals have big money involved, but no contracts. Crazy.


Tbh, I never thought that YankeeDuchess was LK.

Thought that whole theory was odd.


I have boarded at more places with no contract than I have with a written contract.
Of the six boarding barns I have been at in my life only one had a written contract. But then, I am older than dirt so pre internet that was probably much more common.

I am in no way saying that no contract is a good thing or a smart thing. I agree that the professional way to do things is to have a written contract. I am just stating that in my experience not having a written contract is not a rare thing.

I agree.


Well at least we have one piece of evidence. YankeeDuchess is not LK!


Kudos for testing the system by checking for Barisone as well as Cox!

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The NJ PROMIS/Gavel system only displays defendants who received a conviction. So we will not see Barisone or Cox in that system unless they receive a criminal conviction and sentence.

   I appreciate the people who take the time to inject facts, even if it amounts to one post out of fifty.