Barisone Pleads Not Guilty

 I don’t think the issue of whether the apartment rental agreement was in writing or not is a huge deal. Even if it was just an oral agreement, the courts can deal with that. Somewhat more problematic than if it had been written, but the  basic idea that you get rid of an unwanted tenant by using the courts instead of shooting them is exactly the same even in the absence of a written lease.
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There are also logical reasons for LK to have remained silent, but alas, she has not. IMO she has helped the defense more than she’ll ever know with her SM posts of the event.


By the way, today has been a homemade French Baguette day. My home smells amazing!

We, as the general public, cannot see charges against RC on a public database, even if there are, in fact, “official” charges against her, but it seems plausible to me that as the victim of the shooting, LK would be informed of them.
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LK, who would know, said as much, but many refused to believe her, apparently.
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    Mostly pointing out that by remaining silent, MB is simply acting in his own self interest. It’s not that he is being noble in staying mum regarding his “side” of the case. 

     To the extent that there is a reason for LK to remain silent, it would be a DIFFERENT reason than MB, since she is not a criminal defendant at risk of narrowing her defense strategy.
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Is anybody else skipping certain posters’ posts because we KNOW it will be yet another debate over semantics?


I don’t ever dare say one poster is another under an alter. But of course, I also have a life and kids and I’m super busy so it’s not exactly on my to do list to act as an investigator. Glad you got it cleared up though with the Mods! Now maybe everyone can move on…

BTW, I was NOT the one who contacted the Mods about it.
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Yesterday I was talking to a friend about it taking me forever to catch up from the weekend postings here and then we both agreed that by skipping one poster worth of posts we will get to the end much more quickly and not miss anything.

On the topic of what we discussed before. Is there a free place to look up people convicted of crimes? If know someone was convicted of a federal crime, can you find out what it actually was?


I looked more at PACER and it said while the searches/documents have a fee, if you spend under $15 in a quarter then fees are waived. I may go ahead, to satisfy my morbid curiosity, but can’t right now.


Agreed. I have never understood why some create screen names/accounts just to hold court on specific contentious threads… whether it is/was a George Morris thread or the latest edition of a Barisone thread. It has gotten harder to push through the unrelenting barrage of imperious posts seeking to control the narrative and condemning anything else (good example: people surely MUST be PMing each other just to say how terrible LK is when that was not what was said) but perhaps we can get back to a simple discussion about what is going on without the air of contempt that some insist on brandishing like a light saber.

In other dire news - snowed in here in Puget Sound up on my little hill. Cannot get out - no one can get in. More snow due - and so far power is still on but overbent trees are likely to take it out with more snow tonight. Once that happens it can take days to get it restored. DAYS. The guys who were supposed to install the new generator(s) have not shown up for 2 weeks. The old one was taken away. No generator - no power - no heat - no WELL = no water. I have extra buckets and tubs filled everywhere - and once the snow starts to melt again, I can use the runoff. I turned my ankle on the ice last night and it bloody well HURTS. My bubble wrap stallion has decided that the extreme weather was a perfect trigger for what we suspect is COPD. Vet will not be able to get in here for a while. So the best I can do for him right now is SMZs.

All this and less than 2 miles away on the main road I am sure people are shopping for groceries, laughing over lattes at the corner Starbucks and life is going on as normal.

Back here in the snow… it is just one-legged me, 2 small terriers and a big Lab/Newf cross struggling to keep 24 horses fed and safe.

Sorry to whiiiiine… but there it is. There are far greater things of concern than some mythical super secret PM group…



You have every right to whine!!! Please stay safe. Wish we were close enough to help!!


Ooo, was that light saber reference another glimmer of a Star Wars discussion? Not everybody loves recipes, you know. :lol:

Sorry you’re snowed in. That stinks, even when you and the animals don’t have soundness issues. I hope the situation is rectified soon!


In addition to the feature that would tell you how many posts anyone had on a thread, I also miss the option to block certain posters. I don’t know if I ever actually used it, but it was always nice to know it was a possibility. :lol:


Any chance whatsoever of getting someone with a snowmobile and a bunch of buckets with lids to at least keep everyone hydrated? Bonus points for a toilet that flushes.

Be careful!


wave That would be me. :slight_smile:


A housing/rental agreement without a lease is called a month-to-month tenancy. Most states have basic month to month tenancy lawas, but basically the tenant can be asked to leave at the end of the month, and payments cover one month’s right to live there, whatever the payments are. An oral agreement would be a month to month tenancy, and in most states, the landlord is under no obligation to offer the property any additional months beyond when he wants to end it. Some sort of notice would be expected, such as 30 days. Getting a tenant to leave who won’t requires an eviction. If the landlord accepts another rent payment, the lease is extended for another month. Whatever the agreement was, the landlord has every rightr to end it whenever he wants. If there was a written lease, he would be obligated through the end of the lease. Apparently, MB was not obligated to allow LK to continu living there once he was done with the arrangement, since he didn’t have a lease with her, and the agreement was oral.


I know some states have apps where you can search this, which ones for which states I am not sure. They use these a lot on the Websleuth forums.

Do you have this in writing for the state of NJ? Would be interesting to see the actual wording on this if it is true.