Barisone Pleads Not Guilty

Me. The entire thread becomes interesting and easier to read without the yank and her tiara.


This post of yours strikes me as having “an air of contempt”.

You have stated several times that you and others have advised LK not to post. LK has a team of lawyers and a lawyer father. And you think it is your place, as an anonymous poster on a BB, to “advise” her on posting?

You accuse me and perhaps dragonfly90 of “seek[ing] to run the conversation” on the Barisone case, but think it is your place to advise the victim of the shooting and the victim of the internet bullying not to post, and similarly castigate posters who took her side enough to be accused of being her alters.

[Pause here so smoofox can mock me for wanting to appear a martyr.]

If you have been following the discussion of the actual case, someone asked if there was information about the gun. LK chimed in and stated that RC had been charged with gun violations. If people want to decline to believe her, fine.

But almost immediately, people are saying she is a drama seeking liar, making up the thing about the charges, because they can’t turn up documentation in an internet search.

Many pages of useless crap later, someone (not you) provides the useful information that in NJ, criminal charges are not on the database until after conviction.

Turns out that LKs statement about gun charges, in response to a direct question, may well be TRUE. Turns out that the inference that because multiple people could not find it in an internet search implies that LK must be lying, is FALSE.

So in your (contemptuous) opinion, LK, who as the victim has access to more information than others, should not be posting. While you make a point of calling out me and dragonfly90 for criticizing the anti LK core, have you bothered to call out those falsely claiming to have caught LK in a drama seeking lie? Or any of their other unsubstantiated accusations?

Yes, that certainly makes sense. If you make no statement, you can’t contradict yourself later. I do wonder what his defense and statement will be.
Obviously I don’t like LK. But it doesn’t matter how I view her, I would NEVER consider shooting her or someone else who annoyed/harassed me. So if he tries to use that as a defense (that she “drove him to do it”) then he’s an absolute fool and deserves to be locked up. I’ve said it at least a dozen times: her behavior past/present is not any kind of valid excuse for his actions. If he did indeed walk up to that house with a gun he deserves to be in prison for a long time. It’s inexcusable. Whether she called CPS/SafeSport etc or not, it doesn’t matter. I don’t care if she did stand outside his residence and scream at him (or whatever he said on that 911 call) there is still no excuse to shoot someone unless you are in imminent danger: as in someone is trying to actively kill you in that moment.

But as I’ve said before, her being shot/being a victim in this circumstance doesn’t excuse the times she has been a bully or threatened someone. (Those are still not reasons to try to kill someone.)


I’m just curious
 does anyone know why the laws appear to protect deadbeat renters and tie the hands of the landlord? For years, I’ve heard nightmare stories of landlords on the losing end of a lease. I get protecting tenants that are playing by the rules, but why on earth is it not ok to boot someone that isn’t paying for a service you’re providing??


According to this, if the tenant does any of the following they can be evicted in 3 days;

[TD]Disorderly conduct; willful or grossly negligent destruction of landlord’s property; assaults upon or threats against the landlord; termination of tenant’s employment as a building manager, janitor, or other employee of the landlord; conviction for use, possession, or manufacture of an illegal drug either on the property or adjacent to it within the last two years, unless the tenant has entered a rehabilitation program (includes harboring anyone so convicted); conviction or civil liability for assault or terroristic threats against the landlord, landlord’s family, or landlord’s employee within the last two years (includes harboring); liability in a civil action for theft from landlord, landlord’s family, landlord’s employee, or another tenant; committing or harboring human trafficking.[/TD]
[TD]N.J. Stat. Ann. §§ 2A:18-61.2(b), 2A:18-61.1[/TD]
[TD]One month[/TD]
[TD]Habitual failure to pay rent after written notice; continued violations, despite repeated warnings, of the landlord’s reasonable rules and regulations; at the termination of a lease, refusal to accept reasonable changes of substance in the terms and conditions of the lease, including specifically any change in the term thereof.[/TD]

If MB was in distress due to any of the above, he had the autority to remove LK within 3 days. So this makes me think, he chose his path, over simply evicting. For whatever reason, and the rest is now history.

Out of curiosity, because I know nothing about landlording(or whatever its actual term is) if you serve an eviction notice and the tenant doesn’t leave, what happens next? Do the police then have to come remove the tenants? Or is there some other recourse?


Consider this analogy:

There is a row of dominoes, and the last domino is [MB shoots LK]. It didn’t happen out of the blue, there was stuff going on, which is represented by the dominoes leading up to the last one.

Especially in the last thread, and to some extent in this one, my interpretation is that some posters have explicitly or implicitly said that by

  1. Making a false allegation of child abuse to SS or CPS
  2. Being a squatter and refusing to leave
    ”â€č”â€č”â€č”â€č”â€č”â€č3. Screaming outside his windows at night, or
  3. Generally being an icky person
    it is LK who set the whole line of dominoes falling, so that she “caused” her own shooting. This is what I consider victim blaming.

The caveat that “of course he should not have shot her” is not enough, IMO. I have been objecting to the idea that, while acknowledging that MB should not have shot her, posters seem to try to hold her responsible for the preceding dominoes falling and sort of forcing his hand. That’s how I interpret the drumbeat of “explain why you didn’t leave”, insisting she “explain what her role in the events was” and the insistence that she filed a false allegation of child abuse.

Why harp on those things if not to construe them as dominoes that caused the last domino to fall?

Further, I do not see any evidence to substantiate any of the first three items. Obviously, many of you find her icky. But if Barisone thought her money was not sufficient compensation for dealing with her, ickiness and all, he merely had to give her 30 days notice to leave, and take her horses and her money with her.

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ALL the blame in terms of MB being in jail rests on his shoulders, and his shoulders alone. He fired a gun at 2 people. End of.


But hasn’t she filed a civil suit or two? Wouldn’t it make sense for her to remain silent until that is resolved? I would think that in a civil suit discrepancies in statement made on social media regarding events may be more admissible in civil court than in criminal court.


Yeah, I’m not arguing that.

   She has filed several civil suits and is a defendant, along with others, in a civil suit filed by Sweet Grass Farms. 

    When she posts, she typically says “I can talk about this but not that”. I assume she has discussed it with lawyers and some stuff is off limits to discuss. 

    I also agree that in the heat of the moment, she may risk saying something she shouldn’t. So for a lot of reasons, I would not post, in her position. But it’s her call. 

     There is still the major distinction that she is not the defendant in a criminal case.  The civil cases are “just money”, of which she seems to have plenty.

Don’t it always seem to go, that you don’t know what you’ve got 'til it’s gone?


Just to be clear- are you implying NOW I should’ve escalated a situation in which we were already in fear? Ironic. Only bc, BEFORE, you & others had a hissy when you accused me of reporting things to authorities, thereby escalating an already tumultuous situation
 Confused. Which is it?


F E D E R A L. W A R R A N T

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Because it’s a terrible analogy that doesn’t represent the viewpoints of most people who’ve posted on these threads?

The universe doesn’t consist of a set of binary switches all lined up in a tidy row ready to set in motion some fatalistic sequence of events. The fact that you construe the situation as a deterministic series of dominoes does not mean that anyone else does. Most people recognize that there are thousands of tiny decisions and events that could have gone in any number of ways, and that ultimately create a complex context in which that final awful decision to pull a handgun trigger was made.

There are some here who think discussion is pointless because only the decision to pull the trigger matters – not any of the context surrounding that decision. There are many others who find it troubling for a number of reasons to consider the trigger pull isolated from that context. I won’t pretend that every single post in these threads has been reasoned and dispassionate. But a majority of the folks reading and even posting on these threads are just curious about the context in which this sort of tragedy could have possibly occurred, as in most contexts it would be unthinkable.


I’m not implying anything. I asked a question, which you either can’t answer because you’ve been advised not to, or are choosing not to answer. I understand it might be better for you not to say until trial
 but piles of cat crap falling into children’s beds is disgusting and probably something that CPS would look into. It seems that if you had pictures of that, which you publicly claimed to on RC’s facebook page, the reason for those pictures would be to file a report, wouldn’t it? I have not said anything would be wrong with you reporting anything to the authorities. If I saw that, I would call them myself. I’d get myself off the property of the guy I overheard plotting to murder me and hide my body first, but CPS would be there ASAP.


Exactly, exactly & exactly. As I’ve always maintained, this was never just some “landlord/tenant,” dispute. Though, if an eviction were all they were seeking- due to their ridiculous accusations- we would’ve been forced to leave in 3 days if any merit were found to their fictitious allegations. Many of these people could watch a video of what MB did & still claim some outrageous thing - like, “that wasn’t really MB!!! It was a paid actor/imposter!” JHC 

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What I’m saying is exactly what you just said. The behavior I have mentioned of hers is not related to the shooting.
I haven’t said she needs to acknowledge her part or asked what her part was. Yes, others have. I have not.


Originally posted by GreenWithEnvy View Post
Don’t believe any of it. Apparently she is a master manipulator who likes to threaten and taunt. One thing throughout all of this is she has never shown any cruelty toward animals. I don’t believe a word of her post on RC’s page. Actually, there is very little one can believe since so much seems to be for effect and reaction. Again, accepts no responsibility for anything of consequence.

Do you people just say random words - hoping the next person will either add on more random words
 or elaborate on the first ones? That would make YOU the ones “threatening & taunting - saying things for effect & reaction.” Not me.

@MorganSercu how dare you call me an irresponsible pet owner. And
 how does anything involving my dogs “go along with not accepting responsibility ?? How dare you insinuate I should “accept responsibility,” for being almost murdered. Disgusting. You & GWE are 
 (where’s the vomit emoji ??) Anyone?

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