Barisone Pleads Not Guilty

I don’t have a problem with people wanting to discuss the context.

We know that she did not leave the farm prior to being shot. What I honestly don’t understand is why there were many posts by a couple of posters (many posts/ only a few posters) who kept harping on “Why didn’t you leave?” “You should have left, it was his barn/home”, “You still haven’t explained why you didn’t leave”, unless their logic is that it was her responsibility to leave prior to getting shot. Why else would her failure to leave be relevant to anything?

So we already know the facts of the context: she had not left prior to Aug 7. This is a sincere question: what is the point of repeatedly asking her why she hadn’t left?

I will say again that the majority of the people posting are neutral, curious posters with insights to contribute and discuss.
But IMO a very small number of posters seem to have an agenda of taunting LK (“Answer the question as to why you didn’t leave”; “You have never taken responsibility for anything, you should take responsibility for your role in the events leading up to the shooting, “You have a reputation for refusing to leave barns when asked.”) I really don’t understand the point of those posts unless the point is to suggest that she had a significant role in setting up a bunch of dominoes.

   If the analogy is not useful, don’t use it. I never said anything was deterministic.
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Unless… you didn’t really, really believe you’d be shot killed. Like, couldn’t believe that was truly going happen & perhaps (for discussion sake, not making a statement one way or other) thought you had more time to make a proper decision w everything else going on- but instead got shot on Aug 7th. That would eliminate the option of having even one more second of time to decide what the best course of action might be.
Again, this is just a plausible response to your question. Not a statement claiming one thing or another.

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Oh, okay…so asking why someone didn’t leave a dangerous (their words) situation when they had been offered facilities and transportation to leave, is now off-limits? To my recollection, this question has never been answered, neither has the question of what LK expected the outcome to be of this fiasco. But, these particular questions are none of our business now? Everything else has been.

Let’s assume part of a home is on fire (danger, danger Will Smith) but you refuse to leave, choosing to pour gasoline on the fire (calling CPS, etc), but you continue to post on FB (?) that you are in danger. Is that logical?

Again, give any evidence LK has taken responsibility for anything. She says she has all sorts of photos, recordings, evidence of all sorts (cat crap for example…) but does nothing constructive with it. In my short life I was taught if I see something, say something…it’s called accountability. Must be a vanishing attribute.

🤮 Just for @La-LaPopRider - a vomit emoji. Enjoy it.


This is the closest you’ve come to a feeble explanation. But you “really, really” believed you were in a very dangerous situation. Yeah, you definitely got shot, lots of lives ruined and many people have been morbidly entertained along with lots of lawsuits filed. What a crying shame when so much could have been prevented if only MB/MH/JH/RC had packed up, locked up and fled their property, leaving it in the hands of alleged squatters. Yes, that is exactly what the majority of us would have done (deep sarcasm)…I doubt any of us would have shot someone, but that will likely be a major part of the trial, won’t it?


What “behavior,” that you “have mentioned,” of mine- is related to anything at all? In fact, I’d venture to say you know nothing of my “behaviors.” Just stirring the pot. Idk you from Adam & even the other victim blaming posters from the first thread (who have met me @ horse shows) stated “I met her a few times at shows & she was very nice & polite. Obviously, a front for who she REALLY is.”
So… I’m “nice & polite,” but in a galaxy far far away, I’m some entirely different person? Which “behavior,” exactly, do you find to be offensive? Retorts to fictitious accusations aside.



Perhaps the behaviors cited by @Girl Joey and @haleybot for starters or the screenshot posted on this thread from a Chronicle Blog post. There is any number of irrational posts of yours available to those who like to search that indicates your behavior. I’m sorry but you’ve opened your own Pandora’s Box based on all your own social media posts.


The decision not to leave the farm in response to reportedly feeling threatened and/or being unwelcome can be seen as part of the context surrounding the shooting. Why is curiosity about that puzzling to you, if you understand people discussing this tragedy in a larger, complex context?

Trust me, I have no intention of using your analogy. You’ve asserted that this analogy explains others’ thinking, however. Projecting your ideas onto other people and then telling folks to disregard if they wish is nonsensical at best, and easily interpreted as manipulative and hostile.

As for determinism, if you look up any explanation of deterministic systems, you’ll see that dominoes are the classic example. Your analogy is inherently deterministic. Most people here don’t seem to think that way, kinda like most people here aren’t interested in your attempts to sort everything into black and white, polarized pro- and anti- categories.


But wait…haven’t YOU said you have recordings, days in advance of August 7, indicating there was plot being formed to kill you, yet you didn’t believe it? Come on…


Straightening a few things out here: 1.) We were tenants, playing by the “rules.”
2.) Of course we were paying for services… even though we learned too late they weren’t being provided.
3.) No eviction papers were filed at any point while resides there.
4.) If we were really doing these “horrible things,” alleged in 911 calls- we, under NJ landlord tenant statutes could’ve been “booted,” (as you called it) - within 72 hrs.

We’ve heard L/T “nightmare stories,” too. None of which apply here.

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I think this should really stand out. I don’t care how obnoxious someone is (or isn’t), or how accustomed they are (or aren’t) to conflict with other people. I don’t think anyone in their right mind would stick around thinking that grave bodily harm or death is a possibility.

So what if she posted that she was afraid? I think that even in the moment when someone might post something like that, regardless of how accurate that statement might be (i.e. are they really afraid or just being overly dramatic), actually being shot is kind of an academic thought. You know as an intellectual exercise that you could be in danger, but as an actual possibility? Not so much.

I get that. I didn’t at first. But the more I have thought about it, the more I have gotten a handle on how someone could be in that situation and think that even amid the drama and emotion of it all, that they weren’t in danger in a way that might kill them. Especially if you think you have a bone to pick with the other people involved.


Her “place of residence,” is Newbern NC. Where did she reside on the NJ farm… exactly? STOP PERPETUATING LIES. You think because you’re “anonymous,” you can post falsehoods as fact & no one will question you? Guns should not have been allowed on the premises. Especially in THIS particular case.

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Let’s see, you’ve threatened LS (and through that JI) as was posted in an earlier screenshot, you’re well known in NC as a bully. You threaten lawsuits left and right. Drama follow you everywhere. You apparently photographed a mountain of cat poop in a residence and then decided to post about it on RC’s page (why? it had nothing to do with what she said) but apparently didn’t report it to CPS, though you found it prudent to report something to SS. For some reason you decided I was someone you seem to hate in NC and went on about how I had been kicked out of several farms, and you were going to tell the owner of FR what I said and she would know who exactly was stirring up drama. (FYI: I specifically asked a moderator to remove the name of the farm, which they did.)
That’s all clear “behavior”.


You ask her why she didn’t leave once or twice, and she answers or doesn’t answer. Asked and answered, or asked and not answered. Asking once or twice is fine. Why ask the third, fourth, fifth, tenth time? Seriously why?

While I‘m still not her alter, I would guess that she didn’t actually believe in her heart of hearts that he would shoot her, and, however ugly the civil dispute was, thought she would prevail if it went to court.

Even now, you are accusing her of “pour[ing] gasoline on the fire” by “calling CPS”. [Sigh. Still no evidence she called CPS.] If your position is that she was “pouring gasoline on the fire”, how do I interpret that in a way other than you saying that she is at least in part responsible for setting the dominoes falling, that is, responsible for getting shot? Serious question.

By all means ask another 20 times why she did not leave a dangerous situation. But if she declined to answer any of the first 20 times, or you didn’t like the answer she provided the first 20 times, don’t expect me to believe that asking it another time is out of innocent curiosity.


You know what, @YankeeDuchess, you are absolutely right. LK did absolutely nothing to warrant any ill will whatsoever at Hawthorne Hill Farm. She apparently got along well with everyone, rode all of her lessons, never installed surveillance equipment in the barn (elsewhere?), showed up on time, paid on time, never called SS with bogus accusations (?), was cordial with everyone, sat on MB’s porch reading, never once causing any issues whatsoever. Out of the clear blue one hot, humid August afternoon, Michael Barisone got a bug up his butt, found a gun somewhere and decided to destroy his life by shooting two people, hopefully killing them, for kicks cause that’s what a highly respected, successful, career equestrian trainer with a gorgeous fiance and wonderful life do in their spare time.

Case closed…forget a trial, keep Barisone locked up and toss the keys. Uh-huh.

But I am victim bashing for asking questions.