Barisone Pleads Not Guilty

She commuted from New Be rn N.C. daily to work at a farm in New Jersey? That’s absurd. She had to live on the farm or nearby.
Do you think no horse farm should allow guns on the property? Does the farm you currently board at have a no guns policy? Does your current residential area have a no guns clause? Have you demanded one?
Of course, hindsight is 20/20.


Ok. If I take that at face value, you’ve said prior to then that you were in fear of him… so I’ll take that as you were afraid he would do SOMETHING, but were in disbelief that he would actually attempt to KILL you and hide the bodies. I get that. I mean, who WOULD plot to shoot people in broad daylight? Unless he was looking for jail time.

I’ll take it you can’t answer why you took pictures of the disgusting filth of cat litter if it wasn’t reported or planned to be reported. Was the condition of the rest of the barn better? Were stalls mucked and horses clean? I can’t imagine someone that doesn’t have time to keep cat crap from seeping into a sleeping area being in charge of high quality horses in any way. That’s just gross.


The thing about analogies is that some aspects of the analogous situation carry over to the original case but other aspects don’t. Forgive me for not coming up with an alternative analogy that is not deterministic.

Asking once or twice why she did not leave is reasonable curiosity. Hammering it over and over when she declined to respond or provided an answer you don’t like is not curiosity.

But GWE has provided a perfect recent post (#522) suggesting, once again, that LK is responsible, and at fault, at least in part for the tragedy because she failed to leave prior to Aug 7.

I’m familiar with both deterministic and indeterministic systems, so no need to condescend with a copy and paste from the dictionary.

:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol: This is a classic duchessism with a tiara included. I’m not sure why I continue reading her posts.


Originally posted by La-LaPopRider View Post
Unless… you didn’t really, really believe you’d be shot killed.

This is the most accurate post on any of these threads I have read thus far.
No one- No one who isn’t a violent criminal themselves (and not even them, unless they’ve killed a human being before) would ever TRULY think someone is going to shoot them to death.
My expressed fears on fb were all 100% real & true - as were the posts about being physically & emotionally bullied. None of those seemed warrant thousands of lynch mob Coth forum comments. No one started a thread here, THEN, claiming I’m such a “shtt person,” who “bullies & taunts people.” Only after I was actually shot (making my previous fb posts an ominous prediction into the future, true) causing some people’s beloved coach to be arrested & jailed - did anyone suddenly decide I was in any way at fault for this. It is the epitome of victim shaming/blaming.
IMO- if I were “such a BAD person,” who is a “known problem in the Dressage world,” (quoting 2 other posters) - surely, a new topic thread would’ve been started before the shooting - ir, at least, right after my fb posts about being fearful. These types of threads have been started over actual evil people, like SW/DH, Nick Peronace & so many others. Alas, regarding me, nada. Only after being shot - by a SEMI BNT - did all the nut jobs come pouring out of the nut jar to form a peanut gallery of victim blaming speculators… ~ smh

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I did not say LK “did absolutely nothing to warrant any ill will whatsoever at Hawthorne Hill Farm.” As you know.

I said that she is not responsible for the tragedy just because she chose not to leave prior to Aug 7, and that I have difficulty understanding your posts as saying something other than that you consider her responsible for the tragedy, at least in part, because she did not leave.

ETA. I hope Barisone gets the best possible defense. To the extent he is a victim, he is a victim of his own bad decisions and possibly the gun owner, and not a victim of the person he shot. Regardless of how much ill will LK may have created, and regardless of how icky you consider her SM persona.

You have a reputation in NC, not throughout all of dressage. Ergo, the rest of the dressage world didn’t care about you until now. I wouldn’t start a CotH thread about someone who isn’t a well known presence in the discipline, I don’t imagine anyone else would either. SW has a platform that people all over have seen, hence why threads were started about her. You were talked about IN NC prior to the shooting. You didn’t warrant a thread because, again, people outside of NC didn’t know who you were.


Legitimate question, Lauren. Had someone posted a thread then, or now even, warning others of your past behaviors, with screenshots of posts, statements from those who have said you’ve done things to them, etc., how long would it take you to file a lawsuit shutting the post down, tying it up in courts to defend your reputation? I have no idea why someone didn’t do this before other than your apparent threats of legal action for things you don’t like.

I don’t know you or anyone connected with MB from any stranger, but there certainly have been plenty of negative posts here. My sincere reason for all my questions is none of this makes any sense whatsoever in my logical mind. I would have left in a heartbeat and then ruined MB in the courts for all the wrongdoing he’d done to me and my boyfriend.

 If you are saying that what Barisone did was insanely irrational, I agree.
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It might be inconvenient for LK if her current residential area has a no guns clause. Didn’t she post months ago on Facebook that she owns guns herself?


Likewise, I am baffled as to why you continue to read them and respond to them.


How many times does someone have to go to the Olympics before they are an actual BNT rather than a SEMI BNT?

Apparently more than two times? What’s the threshold? Three times? Four times? Five times plus a gold medal?


This wins the prize for the #1 post of the day. Thank you for this perfection!!!



You’re welcome. :slight_smile:

And thank you for the new emoji. :tickled_pink:


Click on “more” on the emoji icon and you will find several more less commonly used emojis!!!


No, I didn’t say you were responsible for “being almost murdered”. You should not have been shot. You should have been sued.

You posted an ugly accusation of animal cruelty/neglect, state you have photos as evidence, but you didn’t report it. THAT is irresponsible. You chose to do nothing.

The post was written by you after August 10th.

The dog is a biter. It would have been seized by animal control in my state the day it bit the officer (the day or two before the shooting). In all likelihood it would have been destroyed too. Even small dogs can do a lot of damage. Ever see a terrier in action? I’ve seen what a JRT can do to a child’s face, as an example.

The JRT was not my dog. I was a horrified witness though when that dog charged and bit a toddler that was 5 feet away. The dog simply disliked kids.


Yes, she did say she owned guns, the rest of the post stated they were not in NJ with her, left back I believe she said in North Carolina.

She had recordings of people plotting to murder her, but didn’t take them straight to the police or county attorney’s office. Bizarre.

I spoke to a county attorney when a friend’s STBX illegally recorded my conversation with her. There was enough evidence to charge him, but not convict him. They were still living together but clearly the marriage was coming to an ugly end.

Rest assured if I had prior knowledge of people actively plotting to do me physical harm, I would have parked myself in front of their office.


Carerful @MorganSercu , you are dangerously close to victim shaming! :uhoh: