Barisone Pleads Not Guilty

My post was meant as rhetorical. That if she thought guns should have never been permitted at the N J farm, does she now take steps to make sure guns aren’t at her present locations. Or is this another of her historical revisions.
In hindsight, the farm owners likely wish she had never been permitted to be on the property.”‹”‹”‹”‹


I wonder if she was aware that that gun was on the property prior to the shooting? Seems I vaguely remember someone saying on the big thread RC was sleeping outside her horse’s stall with the gun at her head for protection. Protection from what or whom I wonder?


Rabid Honey badgers, of course. :wink:


Sorry, w, what is BNT?

Big Name Trainer.

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BNT = Big Name Trainer as opposed to HB = Half Bronzed or QO = Quasi-Olympian :winkgrin::winkgrin::winkgrin::winkgrin::winkgrin::winkgrin::winkgrin:


Pro tip: The most salient feature of a system is going to “carry over” in the minds of your interlocutors when you use that system to construct an analogy. And it doesn’t help you look less manipulative and hostile when you suggest that it shouldn’t.

Now, can someone show me where these extra emojis are hiding? The mind reading segment of the Lady Whatserface Show has been a bust and I’d like to learn how to vomit on this here thread.


Click on the smiley Icon then click on “more smilies” to see the rest. There isn’t a vomit one…I cut and pasted that one from my library. 🤮 here, you can have one too!


So if MB is a “semi-BNT” who do we consider a BNT? :confused:


Dover? Anky? Lars? Who knows in the minds of dressage divas? Shoot, anyone who knows more than me and can teach me something is a BNT in my small world!!!

 I now understand that in my dominoes analogy that you consider the determinism of the system to be its “most salient” feature, and apologize, again, for not bothering to come up with a different analogy with a non deterministic system.

So, a trainer who wouldn’t put up with the kind of drama she brings? Can’t imagine Anky etc would enjoy their name being associated with hers on more than an acquaintance level.


So it has to be a one name type? Like Cher? Or Madonna? :lol:


I suspect Anky only takes highly qualified, dedicated no-drama riders on as students, other than the random clinic rider.


So again, a BNT is one who wouldn’t accept her as a client.:yes:


Thank you! so many acronyms… hard to keep up!


As a random side note (I usually post from my phone because my computer is a veritable dinosaur) I’m really enjoying these emojis I can see with my computer.


I wouldn’t bet on it but stranger things have happened for enough money and absolute airtight contracts protecting the trainer! :encouragement::encouragement::encouragement::encouragement::encouragement::p:p:p:p:encouragement::encouragement::encouragement::encouragement::encouragement:


One thing stands out: it was reported in the NYT article that when questioned about the call to CPS, her answer was “she did not recall placing the call to child services.” So, she is able to remember minute details before, during, and after being shot. Yet this detail - did she dial a phone and make a report to an agency - which would have happened prior to any shooting/trauma is somehow foggy? But other contemporaneous actions (she self-reports calling SS, installing cameras, calling 911, etc.) are not foggy.

While her statement that she cannot recall calling CPS is not evidence, it is notable that she cannot provide a yes or no answer when she insists on black and white certainty wrt her recall of almost every other aspect of the events leading up to and occurring on the day of the shooting. It strongly suggests she knows she cannot deny making the call (e.g., there is evidence and it will be produced at trial) but admitting it would look bad, so she simply “doesn’t remember.”


A new emoji and the perfect opportunity to use it! It’s my lucky day!
