Barisone Pleads Not Guilty

If I had the time I would organize all these threads and sort the comments to write a quasi-fiction book of everything that has been posted. It would be fascinating to get it all organized in one place, wouldn’t it?

It just occurred to me it will be interesting to see who the witnesses will be at the trial. I imagine RC’s testimony will be quite explosive explaining her need to sleep outside her horse’s stall with a loaded weapon for protection.


I believe it is called “convenient recollection”. Everything has become rehearsed and more pat now that the trial is looming. I feel certain that is a common practice for parties of trials - to rehearse testimony and play devil’s advocate. Heck, we’re actually helping LK by asking so many questions the jurors would probably want to be answered, giving her plenty of time to form a response.

I have no idea who the prosecuting attorney is, but I wonder if Ed Bilinkas would be considered a BNT or SEMI-BNT or even a Quasi-BNT as far as criminal attorneys? :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:


I mean, I guess if it can be proven that LK and RG were walking around the property armed and threatening everyone, it might maybe in some way make sense that the barn manager was armed and seemingly ready to fire at all times, but outside of that I don’t get how the defense is going to use the fact that the barn staff was carrying loaded weapons as a way to make a case that it was even remotely acceptable and appropriate for MB to shoot a person TWICE at point blank range, and also attempt to shoot another person immediately after that.


If there is evidence that she called CPS which will be produced at the trial, why be worried that “it would look bad” now? Whether she called CPS with a false allegation on MB is an important point to people who think her behavior prior to the shooting provoked MB into shooting her, but why does it matter to a jury in the attempted murder trial whether she called CPS or not?

People are assuming she called CPS because apparently CPS showed up. My point has been that CPS showing up does not establish for a fact that she called CPS with a false accusation of child abuse. If she called SS for some other reason, for example alleging bullying by MB toward her, I find in plausible that SS after minimal follow up may have made a referral to CPS. I don’t know for a fact that she did not call CPS. I’m just saying that the fact that CPS showed up does not establish that she called in a false report to CPS. Or any report to CPS.

I thought I saw a post of hers saying she was not aware of calling 911 after the shooting. I did not get the impression that her recollections in the minutes after the shooting were crystal clear.

When did the NYT interview her? In the hospital?

So you know for a fact that RC was sleeping outside her horse’s stall with a loaded weapon? The pink handgun?

That does sound explosive.

I suspect everything and anything will be introduced to show the state of mind in the days leading up to the shooting. I still maintain the arrival of CPS was the straw that broke the camel’s back so to speak emotionally…seriously, how low was she willing to go to harass and intimidate? Nothing will surprise me in this trial.


It was well documented in the big thread. I don’t know that the “pink” handgun was referenced but a gun was referenced in the big thread.


Sarah Nir interviewed her and several others in September I believe. The article had several errors in it that many people pointed out and some were corrected in the online version.

 I’m asking whether you personally know she was sleeping with a loaded gun, or whether the statement is an internet rumor.

Can you help me understand how your reply here relates to my post that you quoted, which was in reference to your assertion that the fact that RC was apparently sleeping outside of a horse’s stall with a loaded gun within reach could potentially help MB’s defense?

Unless there is evidence that LK and RG were roaming the property with loaded weapons, threatening anyone on the property, the fact that the barn manager was carrying a weapon makes the defense of MB MORE, not less, complicated. Especially if the gun that MB used is the same gun that RC was sleeping with.


I wasn’t there and I’m not going to play that game with you. Now, you want personal eye witness knowledge. It is amazing for someone so interested in this as you seem to have become, that you have not read the several hundred pages in the big thread. There is a wealth of information there that was not disputed by anyone.


The article was dated Oct 15,10 weeks after the shooting.

So in other words, you still don’t know.


As I clearly stated, it will show state of mind of others there. If someone was fearful enough to be sleeping outside their horse’s stall to protect it from harm, what does that say? Were they afraid of MB/MH/JH or what? I suspect all of the surveillance videos will show if anyone was roaming the property at night. All of this is sheer speculation isn’t it because we have not heard first hand from anyone other than LK?


She interviewed people in September. It took several weeks for her to publish it.


No problem. Just asking whether it was a fact or an “internet fact”. Turns out it is an “internet fact”.

Correct. I do not know whether she called CPS or not.

No, CPS was simply driving by that day and decided to pop down that driveway and chat with MB & MH. This dead horse is close to bones at this point, isn’t it? I can’t imagine who else would have been responsible for CPS being on the property, can you?



WHAT??? What is a fact versus internet fact??? Oh, nevermind, I see who I am responding to.


Who on earth is dumb enough to hold on to a job where she is so scared for her life that she is sleeping on the ground in front of a horse’s stall with a weapon (that anyone could take away while she sleeps)?

Why didn’t she just leave? (Do you see what I just did there?)

And what does the state of others (who seem pretty crazy themselves) have to do with defending why it was not so bad that MB shot LK?