Barisone Pleads Not Guilty

I agree with you Idaho. For example, there are abusive domestic situations women and kids are stuck living in. While they are likely scared, they probably don’t always actually think they will really be killed even though they’ve already been beaten.

It’s pretty inconceivable that your horse trainer would kill you. Kick you out and tell people bad things about you? Yes! Kill you? Seems crazy!


I believe this is post 2084 from the big thread and is La-la herself. This post was in the middle of several pages of posts about the gun and who owned it.

Sep. 7, 2019, 11:25 PM
Originally posted by westisbest View Post
“the forums suggests Ruth Cox the barn manager but it was removed so I don’t really know.”

so DH ie crazy desperately trying to be relevant/lost all her fan base wanna be FB famous loser poster is apparently 24/7 watching and lifting comments off this thread now.

“I agree.
But, RC was never, ever ever the barn manager. She paid for half of one of MB’s gfs horses. Bc shes his gf, she’s been promised a spot on 2020 team repeatedly- and WEg 2022 if that fails. RC is merely a partial owner who slept on a mattress outside this horse’s stall. They argued constantly about the care, feed, training etc of this horse. Thanks to them, I’ll never go halfsies on a horse purchase.


This is post 2103 from the big thread. Perhaps this will settle your mind about CPS and LK:

Halfway Bronzed

  • Join Date: Apr. 22, 2017
  • Posts: 315
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#2103 Sep. 8, 2019, 12:18 AM Originally posted by [B]eggbutt[/B] View Post Yes. They had just left when the incident occurred. Apparently she also called their father and told him the same story she told Child Protective Services.

Maybe you’re unaware of Safe Sports purpose. I was. They’re pretty much only interested in minors. They asked me questions. I told the exact truth. Not that I owe anyone an explanation. As I told SafeSport, I don’t believe mb MEANT to behave in the way he was behaving. He just didn’t know better Bc he doesn’t have kids. SafeSport had a different view. I also told them about the body shaming. Just ask ANY female who has ever been in full training there. Mb is a perv. Also, I NEVER called the father. But… it seems you think you have better info than I do. That’s interesting.



La-La told me in the big thread that the barn manager was sleeping in the barn on a mattress by the stall of the 1/2 owned horse. I asked why she was sleeping there and La-La said she didn’t really know, but speculated it was because she didn’t want to sleep in the house.

In another post La-La told me the gun belonged to RC. She never said RC kept the gun in the barn and she never said RC was afraid as far as I remember, or offered her opinion on why RC had the gun.


Doesn’t say she slept outside the horse’s stall with a loaded gun.

1 Like

No, doesn’t change my view of the SS/CPS issue.

Yeah, I was just reading through more of that thread and stopped after page 111…too much BS. The gun, RC and sleeping outside the stall was mentioned several more times but nothing significant. I would ASSUME, if RC was worried about the safety of her horse and she had a weapon on the property, she would have that weapon close by.

I read Halybots initial posts and read as far as Girl Joey’s posts and had to stop. The cruelty that woman endured is heartbreaking.


I could see people thinking it was part of a landlord tenant dispute (even though LK clarified that was not the case) based off of the 911 calls and also an interview (I could probably find the link if needed) where LK’s father said his daughter was involved in a landlord tenant dispute (commentary post shooting) So it’s not totally nuts for people to think that was what was going on. However, that was as not the case per LK.

And what is with the long commentary in the comments section of the COTH blog post by Lauren Sprieser? That seemed a bit over the top, but I don’t fully understand it’s context.

I still think this whole thing is nucking futs and I’m interested in the trial. Situations like these seem so unreal.


Yes, in the big thread she repeatedly speaks of being owed $50,000 by MB. Comparing just the few pages I read tonight from that thread, this thread is kindergarten compared to the tone of that thread. Lots and lots of passion and anger. Lots of confusing posts. I am so thankful my life is so normal. I think I need to take a break from this nightmare for a few days.



I simply don’t understand someone who went to the time, effort and expense to set up surveillance cameras that also recorded sound, gathered information that a group of people were in the process of plotting to harm her physically but didn’t alert the police. Posted that she was afraid on Facebook though.

She called 911 about a black SUV - right?

She didn’t call it in or drive to the station with clear evidence that a crime was being planned. Rob is ex-military according to Lauren - he could stay at the house to ensure nothing was moved. Presumably they still went food shopping so for one to leave for an hour wouldn’t alert the plotters that she was onto them and had uncovered their plan. But she has said these recordings will be evidence in the case - correct?

That still strikes me as bizarre.


I had forgotten that she had bitten two people before the shooting (that never should have happened). Again - that dog would have been picked up by animal control in my state and been held in quarantine pending a hearing before the animal matters board or the owner agreeing to euthanize the dog.

ETA: I was referring to the shooting as something that shouldn’t have happened. Of course, the dog biting two people shouldn’t have either but it’s not as serious as the shooting


To verify that the cheese had not slid entirely off of my cracker, I found this post from a closed thread written by Lauren (quote feature unavailable, naturally)

“yes! And their names are Robert, Cameras 1-3 , Audio 1-50, phone videos (too many to count), MB, MH, JH, RC AND LK. Only 4 of these named peopled have a motive to lie. They planned the whole thing!”

Post 1104

“Cameras at the house. Yes. From what I hear, (people who have visited him in jail) - MB has changed his story about the shooting a million times. To some, he’s said he doesn’t remember. To others, he “blacked out.” And to others still, “he was confused.” Balinkas, I’m sure, will try to provide the best defense strategy possible. It’s EXTREMELY difficult to say this, extremely … but, taking myself out of the equation, just for a second- I do believe an accused person of a crime is entitled to his 6th amendment right to effective counsel & due process. Being the victim, it’s a whole different ball game. I know he is guilty. Of every single charge as stated. I knew he was guilty days before… as they planned it. I just truly didn’t think he’d really try to actually murder us. To me, the very thought of taking human life elicits nausea. Unthinkable. Until it happens… And then, you begin to see things in people you never noticed before, which lead you to believe they are, perhaps, a person capable of murder, also. It’s not a curse I’d wish I’d wish on my worst enemy.”

Post 1405 (the bolding is mine)


So it’s been another busy night here. Any interesting breakfast recipes for the morning after a good sleep?


Belgian Waffles if you have time. Otherwise, how about Huevos Divorciados?

This dish includes two sunny side up fried eggs (huevos estrellados), one of which comes topped with green salsa and the other of which has red salsa, hence the ‘divorced’ name. They are accompanied, as a rule, by beans, sliced avocado and the staple of many a Mexican meal, the humble corn tortilla.


The police will not get involved (it’s a civil matter) unless there is a court order.

(edit… there I go again, replying before reading the 4857047825678 new pages in between… LOL)




I am guessing that the bites were not reported. In my state, the dog probably would have been required to be home quarantined IF the bites were reported.


Good, you need to step back and reflect. Go enjoy your normal life. If normal is internet stalking and harassing the victim of a serious violent crime and posting on an internet forum 24/7 about it, then I guess it is normal.

I hope you spend some time thanking your life you were never the victim of a violent crime. I doubt you could come out the other side as well as some posters on CoTH who have. You have ZERO clue, what it is like dealing with that trauma. Zero. Would be good for you to learn some compassion and understanding of what victims go through after they recover.


FWIW I finally registered for PACER. But it’s a huge pain to use, I’m not sure it shows warrants, and my attempt at a case locator search brought up nothing for “ruth cox” (but there’s no field to search by name, only case title, so I may have to search a bunch of different wildcard combinations or something.

Lauren mentioned it was a federal warrant (not sure why that was in all caps, as I was already aware, LOL, and talking about how to search federal court databases), but… I don’t know how to search this system. Each attempt costs me a dime, and without a case title… I’m sort of lost, LOL. Is there anyone on here who uses this (for work, or something?)

(I eventually searched United States * Cox and got a bunch of results for Sept-Jan, but none from relevant states or involving a “ruth”)