Barisone Pleads Not Guilty

Which surprises me as one of the people bitten was a police officer.


No, but I was an actual law librarian many years ago, which qualifies me to link you to libguides and training pages.

Por vous!

Loyolaā€™s Libguide to PACER

Also, Loyolaā€™s libguide to Dockets, Court Documents, Transcripts, and Recordings (good stuff here)

Last, PACERā€™S link to training.

Looking forward to seeing what you find!


I you want to make them visually look like a quote you can do it manually.

[ quote = screen name ] body of the quote [ / quote ]

Without the spaces.

Be sure to not do what others here have done and edit them and pretend that is the real quote.


Oh dear. There is no rabbit hole too deep for meā€¦ but I have actual work to do right now and pacer went down a little bit ago. heh. Thanks for the links. :slight_smile: Trying to stay under the $15 limit so I donā€™t have to pay, but Iā€™ve already gone over a dollar, it happens FAST


Thank you. Iā€™ll try and remember that in the future. I figured including the post number would help.

No, no - I didnā€™t edit the words. I did bold some phrases for emphasis.

I think including the post number is a great idea on a thread like this. Even if the thread gets edited you have a general idea where to go looking if you want to.

I was not implying you edited. No worries.



People are assuming she called CPS because apparently CPS showed up. My point has been that CPS showing up does not establish for a fact that she called CPS with a false accusation of child abuse. If she called SS for some other reason, for example alleging bullying by MB toward her, I find in plausible that SS after minimal follow up may have made a referral to CPS. I donā€™t know for a fact that she did not call CPS. Iā€™m just saying that the fact that CPS showed up does not establish that she called in a false report to CPS. Or any report to CPS.

No, people are assuming she called CPS because when asked if she did, she didnā€™t deny that she called them. She is foggy about that.


I donā€™t disagree with anything youā€™ve said here. Perhaps she did call CPS. Iā€™m just saying that the fact that CPS showed up doesnā€™t establish (to me) that she called them, as opposed to the SS making a referral to them.

In the NYT story the lawyer for MB states that she called CPS, but I donā€™t know how he would know that for a fact, other than assuming it like everyone else. She was not interviewed until after she got out of the hospital.

Just like itā€™s possible to simultaneously consider someone a victim, dislike them, and consider that their actions and motivations may have played a role in their circumstances, itā€™s possible to be in a life-threatening situation and not think you have to leave ā€œjust yet.ā€ There may be a few reasons:

  1. Hubris: thereā€™s no way anything bad will happen to me and I can control this situation to make it work out in my favor.
  2. Naivete: thereā€™s no way theyā€™d actually hurt me, people donā€™t do these sort of things, I can fix this.
  3. Co-dependence: I donā€™t think Iā€™ll get hurt, Iā€™m usually wrong about these things anyway, it will get better if I stay.
  4. Paralysis: This is bad, but I canā€™t leave because something else bad might happen.

My guess is that both parties had a lot of number 1 and maybe a little number 2.


Funniest coomment I can entirely relate to, yet. I can get lost down rabbit warrens for days. Imagine being like that and discovering the joys of genealogy. I think I was lost to most of society for several years.


Didnā€™t that bite happen just a day or two before things came to a head? And after the police had already been called to the farm several times? Maybe the police didnā€™t want to bother adding to the giant existing pile of paperwork if the bite wasnā€™t too serious.

It does seem surprising, though.


I think so and yes, paperwork is not fun. On the other hand - biting a person is usually taken very seriously. Maybe the officer wasnā€™t aware of the prior bite and as you say, simply wanted to get gone.



And while she is unclear about calling CPS, she is crystal clear on every small detail about the shooting.


No one else answered me so I appreciate it!
So basically you can evict a tenant but if they donā€™t leave youā€™re justā€¦stuck? Iā€™m definitely not becoming a landlord.


No, then you have to file the eviction notice with the court, go to a court hearing, win your case and then the court will tell the tenant they have x days to leave. If the tenant doesnā€™t leave you have the right to get the Sheriffā€™s department to escort them out and place their possessions on the curb. But they donā€™t do it straightaway and the landlord may have to wait still longer.

But wait! Thereā€™s a catch!

If certified mail is not picked up, then you keep it sealed unopened and bring to court when you go to evict. You never open notice unless the judge has you do so in court.

Then if there is damage to the property or unpaid back rent, they get to go back to court to try and collect the money owed.

If that doesnā€™t work, they get to fix the place up and pass along the costs to the next tenant in higher rent.

And all of this can drag on for months.




As I remember (could be wrong), initially she was foggy about whether she herself called 911 after being shot or whether it was someone else who called them.

If she did call CPS, and that is useful for the defense, presumably it will be revealed in the trial.

Why would she readily admit to calling SS, but not be willing to admit to calling CPS?

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She said that the police do not get involved unless there is a court order. I believe that if you evict them and they refuse to leave, then you get a court order and the police (or a marshal) will escort them off the premises.

Curious what does it matter if she did call CPS? If she saw something she thought warranted the call, is it not good she did. Or is it just being assumed she did it for nefarious reasons, simply because she is LK and in the minds of some here that is enough? Why does she have to confirm with random nobodies on a message board whether or not she did in fact call CPS. In reality, it is no ones business but hers and the parents of the child. Are the parents on this board? Or just close friends of the parentā€¦

I called CPS on someone a few years ago, watched them smack their kid across the face at a tack sale. I have no issues telling anyone called, children need protecting. Even if the call wasnā€™t warranted, if they go investigate and find nothing what is the issue? If you have nothing to hide, you really shouldnā€™t be irate over someone calling CPS.

Is it possible Ruth Cox is not her legal name and that is why it is not found? Perhaps a middle name, or a shortened version of her real name?

Wellā€¦ youā€™re not just stuck, itā€™s just that it can take longer than a few days even in the case where you can order a tenant to vacate in 72 hours. Maybe someone else here knows better, itā€™s possible that in those cases the initial eviction is filed by court order in the first place instead of just coming from the landlord, in which case police or sherriff might get involved. But Iā€™m a little fuzzy on this and from cases Iā€™ve read about/followed it can take multiple trips back to the court to get ironed out. But I think a case of emergency eviction under those standards would get resolved faster than a typical one.


I think most of the curiosity is that people donā€™t understand calling CPS if she was afraid for her safety. It might well have been something important to do, but if you are afraid of someone, it doesnā€™t make sense to do something thatā€™s likely to make them angry. Itā€™s the course of action that doesnā€™t make sense to people, more than them thinking it was something ā€œnefarious.ā€ Iā€™m not sure how I feel about it, given the timeline, if CPS showed up it may have been from something that happened or was reported at another time before she started to fear for her safety. And itā€™s certainly no reason to shoot anybody (but as a parent, I do know how protective/defensive having CPS called would likely make me, and thatā€™s without an already-fraught situation.

Is it possible Ruth Cox is not her legal name and that is why it is not found? Perhaps a middle name, or a shortened version of her real name?

Yes that is possible. More possible is that I donā€™t know what Iā€™m doing on PACER. Thereā€™s lots of search variables, different districts/locations to search in, first names are sometimes in case titles and sometimes not, and Iā€™m not sure if a federal warrant automatically means federal charges or not so if charges were NJ state charges (even if it was a federal/cross state warrant) it might not come up unless she was convicted.

That said, all the Cox records that do come up in the time frame Iā€™m pretty definitely sure are not her - charges filed/originated in states completely unrelated to the ones in question. One case filed in Georgia, but that doesnā€™t seem to be it. But again, that doesnā€™t mean thereā€™s nothing there, just that itā€™s harder to find :slight_smile: Iā€™m so used to the Maryland court system search (itā€™s SO easy. And you get everything, from arrests and traffic tickets to court proceedings). Florida is almost as easy except you have to search by county which makes some stuff hard to find (earlier in this mess it was mentioned Barisone has some unsavory stuff on his record in florida but I was only able to find a traffic infraction - but Iā€™m also not searching every county!)

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