Barisone Pleads Not Guilty

When my son was in second grade my son told his teacher that he hated me (because I made him go to school) and she reported my family to CPS. It was pretty horriffic and took almost a year to get it straightened out, not to mention a fair amount of money.

They threatened to take my 3 children.

She told CPS that my mother had siezures, which was not true and was irrelevant in any case. She had brain damage from surgery to remove a brain tumor and had aphasia. We finally got it straightened out when I was able to catch her in a lie. She told the psychologist that he was habitually late for school because his mom (me) regularly overslept. Children who were late for school had to be signed in at the office and that never happened.

She was fired.


Wow, that sounds terrible. Did you figure out what motivated her to lie about your family?


The accusation is that she called in a FALSE allegation of child abuse against MB to deliberately harass him.


That information as far as I know was just hearsay. May or may not have happened. Many of the stories on here are very one sided or just gossip. I would say that the dog getting into the ruckus of the struggle at the time of the attack occurred is probably true, as there were apparently bite(s) on MB and according to LK her boyfriend too. Many dogs would get excited in that situation, with the gun going off, the tussling and yelling.


All I’ll say to this ridiculous insinuation which implies MH, JH, MB & RC had any reason to “leave,” whatsoever, is this- they didn’t have reasons.
And , yes. Just a hunch- but i suspect the SHOOTING will, indeed be a “major part of the trial.” After all, its an Attempted MURDER trial.

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Got it - thank you.

No, but CPS threatened us with not only taking our children but also criminal charges which would have menat that Mr P would have lost his security clearance and thus his job and we would have had to go to court.


Just awful. So sorry.

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if someone was abusing their child, wouldn’t you want them to look into it? I mean, it is easier to prove you are a capable parent if you are. My good friend worked for CPS for years, now things might be different here in Canada but they hardly threaten to remove children over a childs one complaint unless there is something behind it. They do everything they can here to ensure the family stays together ( sometimes in my opinion giving the unfit parents too much leeway). Again, things might be different in the US.

I understand it can be stressful, but I think to err in the corner of child safety is always important. MOO

@YankeeDuchess thank you, I did not realize it was about a supposed false allegation.

You have no flipping clue but bless your heart


With CPS here in the states, you are guilty until proven innocent. If you call CPS on ANYONE, you are unleashing a world of government bureaucracy crap into their lives - at the least. I’ve been following the whole crazy quarantine thread over on the Hunter/Jumper forum, and a CPS investigation can turn into something like that, except it’s your child. It can be especially fraught if an educator is the one making the complaint. Be very careful who you are calling CPS on, and don’t go about making those calls willy-nilly.


Originally posted by GreenWithEnvy View Post
This is the closest you’ve come to a feeble explanation. But you “really, really” believed you were in a very dangerous situation. Yeah, you definitely got shot, lots of lives ruined and many people have been morbidly entertained along with lots of lawsuits filed. What a crying shame when so much could have been prevented if only MB/MH/JH/RC had packed up, locked up and fled their property, leaving it in the hands of alleged squatters. Yes, that is exactly what the majority of us would have done (deep sarcasm)
I doubt any of us would have shot someone, but that will likely be a major part of the trial, won’t it?

The entire post except for the last line was “deep sarcasm”. Sorry you missed it. They DIDN’T have reason to leave but YOU did, didn’t you?

This thread has become so ridiculous with recipes, semantics, definitions, LK popping in and out, accusations, misreading of posts, misidentifying who alters are
We ALL have contributed to this mess, myself included. There really are better things to do than give LK the attention she is starved for along with entertaining YD.

Wake me up if there is something huge that has been revealed other than CPS and the gun ownership.



why not enlighten me then instead of slinging insults? Are genuine questions and discussions not allowed here or just, hearsay rumours and hate?

@Mersidoats thank you for explaining how things ARE very different in the US to Canada.

In defense of @carolprudm , I think this incident was VERY stressful and your comments were somewhat dismissive. Saying that it’s easier to prove you are a good parent and isn’t that better than no reporting? Not in her case as she reported it. The teacher lied, the case got escalated based upon those lies. It’s a horrible position to be in and I sympathize with her. Calling CPS is no joke and should never, never be taken lightly.


I literally said I understood it can be stressful, not sure what more I am wanted to say. So now because I don’t offer sympathy and hugs I don’t have a clue? This thread is about MB and LK, not carolprudm. While I appreciate the personal experiences, I am not required to comment on them further, nor do I feel I have enough facts to comment further. There is a lot of policing of comments on this thread.

But lets just think of the kids here. If a false call results in an uncomfortable and stressful time, is that not better they check it out than a child who is being abused be ignored? In my opinion it is. I am shocked others feel differently.

My question was about why calling CPS is seen as a negative thing. Another poster described the way they act in the US which is very very different from how things are in Canada. It was a simple question which I think is relative to the topic, and I got an answer. No need for condescending comments because I didn’t reply the way she wanted.

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Except that it doesn’t just become an uncomfortable and stressful time. A lot of times it gets blown up, when there was no reason for it all to blow up, kids being taken away, etc (and if you think foster care is all rosy
no, its not). However I HAVE read plenty of stories where children REALLY REALLY needed to be taken away, and they left them with the parents, or gave them back time and time again, with real evidence that those kids were in danger. And something tragic or worse happened to the child. I don’t trust CPS judgement after seeing all the stuff they do (or in some cases, don’t do when they should). The people who are case workers, are barely trained at best, at least in my area. And they make whatever minimum wage is ($8 something an hour, its not a high paying position, and I think more training and better pay might actually help CPS have a better reputation and better, more consistent results).

You bet your bottom dollar I would be LIVID if someone called CPS on me just to harass my family or be a witch, or anything along those lines. Having gotten custody of my stepson this last March, and just dealing with CPS on that case, it was a nightmare. He was taken from his mother, placed in DCF foster care for 6 weeks, and my husband wasn’t notified. He found out by ACCIDENT. By FINALLY being able to get in touch with his mother (she refused to answer his calls for weeks, he lived quite a LONG way away, and we couldn’t just drive down the street to check on him. Not to mention, she OFTEN went long periods of time without returning his calls, it was beyond frustrating with a child involved and his father just wanting to see/talk to him).

You bet your bottom dollar I don’t trust CPS to make sound decisions. He should have been the FIRST call when he was removed from his mother’s home. Instead, he wasn’t called AT ALL. We now have custody of him, but even being on the “better” side of the CPS case (i.e. getting custody, not having the child removed), it was a nightmare. Background checks, fingerprints, these people combing through your home, your life, your medicine cabinets, you name it. Of course, he was placed with us after several interviews with his case worker and her superior, and TWO home visits, as well as discussions with my children who already lived in the home. I was not being investigated for any wrongdoing, but we WERE considered “guilty” or “unfit” until we could “prove it”. I have nothing to hide, I think I’m as good a parent as one can be, our home is clean and tidy and safe, and it was STILL stressful.

I’m not saying don’t call CPS if you have a GENUINE worry about the health or welfare of a child or children. But don’t do it lightly, on a whim, or to get back at someone. It is inviting a whole world of he** into that family. I myself, yes, I have called CPS one time for my daughter’s friend and her brother and sister. However, I confirmed they were living with NO running water, NO electricity, and the parents were on heroin (the older sister explained to me what they were doing, she even knew it was heroin, she as I think 14 at the time). The kids in that case were taken away (rightfully so) and have now been living with their grandparents for the past two years, are flourishing, healthy, happy kids and my daughter is still friends with her friend. In fact, the grandparents thanked me for reporting the parents (their DAUGHTER and her husband), because they had no idea. I had firsthand knowledge though, had seen the house with my own eyes (no water/no electricity/no food in the cabinets/fridge etc), and had also spoken with the older daughter who knew her parents were on heroin. And I could never have lived with myself if I HADN’T reported it.

Yes we need to look out for children. But only call CPS if you really have a valid concern about that child’s health, safety, and well being.


I think others feel differently because CPS is one of those governmental departments that operates with secrecy and relative lack of due process. Almost 80% of the reports end up being unsubstantiated, and a huge waste of time and resources. The accusers can remain anonymous (which is different than confidential) and continue to call in reports and troll someone, essentially weaponizing CPS against an enemy. There is no cost to the accuser, and the accused has to spend time and money kow-towing to a government organization that measures your parenting according to impossible standards. The accused ends up on a secret CPS list, and could be subjected to random visits from social workers.

True abuse should be investigated. Things like letting your kids play outside unsupervised (true story), or if you witness a parent discipline their child (my flame suit is on) do not deserve CPS attention.

Unfortunately, we may never be able to know with certainty if CPS made a visit to the farm because those records are sealed and only available to those involved within the case. They are not available as public records or through a FOIA request. Only a court order can get them unsealed.


Thank you for the replies, I understand now, why the push back against calling CPS. Scary stuff.


It is striking to me how much this mirrors the comments of those who have issues with Safesport. Any reasonable person can agree the need for both organizations sadly exist, while acknowledging that there are absolutely awful people out there who will try to abuse the system. And those who get wrongly caught in it are themselves victimized.