Barisone Pleads Not Guilty

Spot on analogy


Safe Sport can destroy your business, your reputation and that indeed sucks.

CPS can destroy your family.

I would differ in that opinion somewhat. There are horror stories of CPS swooping in and removing child/ren from the home based on false in”â€čformation. SS, On the other hand, investigates thoroughly, using experienced, trained personnel, before taking permanent action. They even do enough investigation to determine if the accused poses a current threat before issuing a temporary suspension. And, not being able to engage in a sport (even if that means you lose your job) is not as horrific as having your children taken away. Imho.


Yep. Hard to wrap your head around how a situation could have gone south so badly over the course of 1-3 weeks. I think that if you are kind of a drama queen and familiar with the rise and fall of personal conflict, you expect the course of every conflict to follow that same rise and fall. You might posture (especially if you have an audience), but you don’t really think you could get killed. Or even wounded. It’s not your first rodeo. You’re digging in to wait for the 8 seconds to be over and suddenly you’re freaking shot.

There had to have been clients and boarders at the barn, with a front row seat. I don’t care how low maintenance you are (how far under the radar you travel within your barn’s culture), that level of conflict is going to be noted. I am sure that will all become part of the record if there is a trial.

I am glad nobody was killed. It is tragic that so many lives have been changed forever because of this. Even LK, although alive, will forever be known as “that person”. Nothing is ever going to be the same again. It really is tragic for all concerned.


Excellent post!!!


Safe sport can take your job. CPS can take your job and your family and throw you in prison


I’ve also been in these shoes. In my case, I have a son on the autism spectrum. He had an IEP carefully formulated to account for the fact that he has sensory processing issues, and being overstimulated in a traditional classroom environment would cause him to completely melt down. We had arranged in his IEP for that, as well as clear instructions to teachers on how to recognize and handle the overload.

One teacher kept insisting on ignoring these instructions, resulting in repeated meltdowns that could have been avoided if the IEP was followed. There was one VERY memorable incident where we got called to the school because he melted down when said teacher insisted he handle the noise despite the meltdown, and it got
 ugly. I threw a fit (after trying to deal with this politely on multiple occasions), and had to keep him out of school for several days until he was back to normal (he’d been repeatedly sent home for sensory overload meltdowns). I was told that as a parent I didn’t know what I was doing and was setting him up for failure as an adult, and since I only had two kids I needed to use HER judgement. You guessed it, we got the call because we weren’t sending our child to school.

In case you’re wondering, I’m NOT a nice person when you mess with my kids. No, these issues aren’t a quick interview and done. In my case, I was fortunate that we’d been working with one of the best child psychologists in the state and he’d had a large hand in formulating that IEP, and we had proof it wasn’t being complied with. We eventually decided to pull him out of school and go the home school route. It was stress that was completey unneccessary and avoidable. Yes, I was LIVID. The school office got some very ugly phone calls, and we had to threaten them with lawyers. Anyone who thinks it’s not a big deal really hasn’t met a person determined to weaponize the system.


This exactly. They came out swinging with threats to take my children away from the get-go. It wasn’t an investigate and determine, even though we had very clear documentation about what was happening. It wasn’t even an accusation that we were abusive. It was over getting called by the school to pick up a kid on the autism spectrum having issues with sensory processing and melting down due to the teacher NOT following the IEP, and occasionally the fallout lasting more than one day. He was under regular medical care, was in a child psychiatrist’s office immediately upon red flags coming up, and received every single bit of help the psych recommended. One individual willfully ignored the sensory processing issue, determined to “make him get over it” and set us back horrifically in his development. That teacher faced NO consequences for reporting something that had zero basis, or that resulted from her willful disregard of the IEP and professional medical advice. SHE caused the issue, reported us, and we got to live with the consequences. The missed school was a direct result of sensory processing issue meltdowns triggered by her. Yet somehow she’s the fit teacher and we were the ones threatened with losing it all.


YES! Please wake me up also if something regarding CPS is revealed! Like, start a wave of beeping car horns so I’ll know to check this thread! TIA. So kind of you! No need to inform me when someone cracks the federal arrest database on weapons charges arrests. I know that one already. CPS revelations ONLY please!

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 are you suggesting I was posting as two different people? I may have been on heavy, heavy pain meds & other types of “post almost dying by gunfire,” meds- seeing as though this post was less than a week after being released from ICU & I had no idea which end was up, but
 I post under my own screen name. If you think I’d have had the energy or time to post as an alter- I guess you’ve been never been shot repeatedly, flatlining twice, put in a coma & waking up with tubes stuffed down your throat & at least 5 other places in your body- realizing, yes
 someone actually tried to kill you. Not to mention wondering where in the hell you are & why you can’t speak & why your hands are bound by oven mitts (or something.) Plus, having the immediate thought your fiancée might be dead. (Even though you thought you last saw him alive - just before passing out completely.)

If you actually think creating an alter then- or at anytime is something I’d have the time or desire to do, again, I’d guess you’ve never been almost murdered. Lucky for you. It’s not fun.

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In what way exactly does this “clear up CPS?” SafeSport made me aware they mostly deal with minors - making me aware. Still, aside from the constant body shaming- I’ve shared no information whatsoever of the allegations in the report. Only what I told them I saw & heard- none of which I shared with the BB. At least not in that post. Now, where is this CPS call I allegedly admitted to making? Apples. Oranges.

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Just thought of something I find interesting. If you were to learn that Joe Shmoe neighbor/friend/associate of MB or MH had called CPS - (not me) - would you be saying Joe Shmoe should take responsibility for getting himself shot (almost) to death? I’d love a written answer.
Tbh- I have no idea why I bothered responding to eggbutt bat all on this matter. She CLEARLY has more info than I do. (Dripping w sarcasm.) She has, however, been a great help in ways she can’t even imagine. Snail mail thank you note to her.

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No. I don’t think that is what this post was suggesting. GWE quoted you to show what was said, by you. Likely to clarify (possibly for westisbest, the other poster in that quote) about RC’s role and what you actually said regarding RC being a stable manager. I didn’t take it as an accusation of you having an alter (and IMO you have no alter on here). To each their own in respect to interpretation, but that’s just what I got out of the post.



Exactly. And being “that person,” is exactly what MB & especially MH were trying to accomplish. I don’t enjoy drama. At all. There were no boarders (except for the loyal foot soldiers aka working students) who were ever around (to my knowledge) when mb repeatedly called 911. They’re entire plan - no, the majority of their plan was to do exactly what MB promised. “If you ever leave here- you’re Dressage career will be over, trust me.”
Believe it or not, I was the boarder who flew below the radar. I didn’t like going to the barn at all if it was the “busy hours.” If I had to, I was always polite & made conversation etc
 I couldn’t think of one person there I could say “I have a problem with this person.”
The bottom line is, (among many other things) MH was unable to get Michael to talk me into “selling,” or “trading,” one of my horses to him so she could have him for herself. She wanted lots of things we weren’t willing to give. And, that’s just MH’s part in it & nowhere near all of it. I WILL always be known as “that girl.” And
 it’s unfair. I didn’t ask for this. I didn’t escalate something I had no idea about. They kept us believing everything was just dandy as they pulled disgusting tricks the moment we left the barn. And why??? MH didn’t get her way. I mean
 until now. Rather, August 7. She got everything she wanted. Except my horses 
 bc I lived. She wasn’t expecting that!!! Even the best laid plans
 etc, etc

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 thanks. Ok, that makes sense. I may have completely misinterpreted that. It sort of sounded as if I was being accused of writing as westibest - then responding to myself. I definitely see how your theory applies, too. I pretty much remember nothing that either I, nor anyone else posted on that big thread. (Random thought of the day.) Thanks for pointing out the comment by GWE May not have been an accusation. :slight_smile:

Idk, wouldn’t it be easier to just go out and buy or import a warmblood. There’s a lot of them out there. Why kill someone for their horses? I mean if the horses were proven Olympic level athletes that could also clean their own stall, prepare their own feed, and turn themselves in and out. Ok. Maybe
but not really. I find it hard to believe that any horse is worth a human life (this is not saying I don’t believe you, it’s just totally crazy for someone to kill another person for their horses). You’d have to be a very odd and crazy person to think that.

I really don’t know if this whole thing is because of MH and her jealousy because I wasn’t there, don’t know all of the facts, and just don’t know enough in general, but if so, wow.

I don’t know why MH would want your horses so badly? I’m not saying they’re not nice (I don’t know them), but that’s weird. Why yours specifically?


This is a rhetorical question mostly - if all of this is true, why hasn’t MH been arrested and indicted as a co-conspirator? Especially if all of this is on recording. Just something that was running through my head as I’m tacking up.

Maybe some prosecutors can enlighten us as to the process of indicting co-conspirators or accessories to attempted murder.


Yeah, I don’t know about that one.

Those are some big accusations against MH, so I’d like to think one wouldn’t toss those out there just for the heck of it without an ounce of truth, but who knows at this point.