Barisone Verdict Is In: Not Guilty By Reason of Insanity

“Trouble with a liar is, he can’t remember what he said.”

Cormack McCarthy


If at first you don’t succeed, try, try again.


I’m so confused. Why discuss bringing guns when there were shovels and manure forks aplenty?


Because they want to? When does needing a point matter to these people other than to hurt others?



And, apparently, MB wasn’t so incapable of finding a way out of the problem that he wasn’t able to arrange to move her elsewhere. Wasn’t it testimony that he had worked with her father to find another place for her and her horses? And they were going to let her her know she had to leave (ED)? Seems to me that they had it all set up to have Daddio on the Patio and ED sort her out so she understood that she has a place to go, with her horses, and and needed to leave, here it is in writing, and if she didn’t there would be an eviction, so best get your butt in gear.

So why decide to “murder” her instead? Daddio on the Patio was going to get her out and on her way.

I highly doubt MB was planning murder when he had legal avenues lined up. But then comes the CPS, the inspection, and everyone had to be out of the dwellings, only to find out LK and company were languishing in the house still! With new high anxiety, he went up to the house to say, how can we sort this out, people, and took a gun to protect himself from the dog that bites. He wasn’t wrong about that. But, He got jumped, and beated in the head so badly and choked out that he has no memory of the whole things, and the horror of that whole event, aiee, and the dog may have even jumped first. But there’s no indication whatsoever that he intended to kill anybody.


I am probably being redundant, but… I wonder if CH and the others screeching that it was accusations of “neglect” and not “sexual abuse” that gave rise to the CPS visit have considered that LK’s own repeated accusations of perversion may have given rise to such theories about allegations of sexual abuse? The following statements from LK date back to September 2019, so seeds were sown early.

Let’s not forget when she explained her call with SS and said in same paragraph “Mb is a perv.”:

The subsequent linking of dots between said call and CPS and her response, including a kinda sorta denial that she had anything to do with the CPS call (now proven in court to be related):

Her allegations about lecherous behavior:

Or when she alleged MB taught one of MHG’s children to untie bikini tops in pools:

Or when she said he impregnated a 19-year old and letched after a young MHG and other young women “I DID say that Michael told us as nauseam that he saw her at that YR competition & thought she was the most beautiful girl in the world & would’ve scored her 100%. He’s 20 years her senior. Checking out the very young riders as an old guy does set a precedent for future behavior. Then again, so does impregnating a 19 yr old while married.”

And later… “His perverted acts which followed indeed had precedent set to these behaviors & he had zero problem bragging about them.”

I am sure I could find others… but perhaps LK’s own words led some to believe - pre-trial - that such accusations played a central role in her SS complaint.


Fear, intimidation, harassment… Take your pick.

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This scenario makes the most sense of most scenarios


Two things…

Any guy, engaged to someone, would say about their gf or fiance they thought she was beautiful when they saw her.
“Beautiful” is now pervy?

And second, I’ve watched several clinics of MBs now, with less than attractive, per general standards, riders. I’ve only heard him talk about the idea of fitness and that the rider is an athlete like the horse.

I’ve also heard people say he name drops and brags when yo my ear he’s crediting the teachers he’s had with the wisdom that he’s now sharing secondhand.

I think ones perspective or bias can hear the same comments very differently.

Considering her shaming and posting video of a young woman in a store, I’m going to guess any “body shaming” (loose term here, allowing for a skewed mind like LKs) MB might have done was approved of by LK.


In no way am I agreeing with anything she said nor am I saying any of it was true. I am simply pointing out that a certain someone keeps harping about how some people got it wrong about the supposed nature of the SS report and that perhaps there is a reason why… from the lips (err… fingers) of the person who filed it.


I think LK manipulated everything. Absolutely everything.



All of it is amazing and shows LK in her typical form. But I am laughing out loud at her assertion that Bilinkas has questionable knowledge of trial law… If he has questionable knowledge of trial law I am confused on who doesn’t have questionable knowledge of trial law?
Oh wait, I know. That amazing civil attorney of hers that goes online and insults jurors. I am sure he is extra smart in her opinion.


According to LO, Michael has been allowed to grab a book at AK, so he’s not staring at walls.

Is the determination hearing still scheduled for the 17th?


getting her banned from USEF competitions. That would pretty much put the damper on her riding endeavors.


Yes, LK does not want anyone she does not like to be allowed to do anything.


Wait - wasn’t MB 55 or 56 when the shooting occurred? Was LK saying she was around him some 20 years earlier?

And even if he did make those kind of comments, she apparently wasn’t disgusted enough by it to decide not to train with him.

Or was one of her personalities disgusted, but the other one thought it was okay? :smile:


Remember, they wanted LK’s horses for MHG!

As if MHG “needed” LK’s horses! She is quite successful without them I hear!

Just imagine the value of those horses- they were worth killing 2 people over! (Sarcasm for those who cannot read the room!)


I’ve been wondering the same thing: How is LK and her family supposedly targeting and trying to ruin MHG?

Really, what concrete actions have they taken or could they conceivably take? Is LK even saying anything about MHG on SM (the way posters here are continuing to bash LK)?

I, as a single anonymous poster on a single BB, have made the point that MHG played a role in creating the incendiary situation that led to the shooting, and said that I think MHG may regret having sent her 750 page file against LK to USDF, but I’m not LK and have no connection to the Kanareks.

Do you have knowledge that LK has submitted a complaint on MHG to USDF?

Do you have knowledge of LK having submitted a complaint on MHG to USEF?