Barisone Pleads Not Guilty

As The Dressage Horse Piaffes


:lol: Perfect!

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As The Piaffe Turns
Lauren’s Hope
One Show Score To Live
All My Cat Shit
General Dressage Barn
The Bold And The Blonde
Guiding Jealousy





I’m fond of All My Cat Shit. @IdahoRider :lol::lol::lol:


Ummm… and I’m the one obsessed? (Belly laugh) Shes 35 or something now. When I was the equivalent of a YR - I was landing double axles. Now, if could land a single toe loop or not travel during a sit spin… I’d be delighted. Who gives a rats tail what anyone did 2 decades ago. Besides, (as per usual) you missed my point entirely. And again, separately, only MH would feel the need to point out a “great score,” she got once & add to it, “it wasn’t bc she was thin & beautiful.” I never EVER used the word “beautiful,” or “thin,” in regards to her. I used those words to describe the young, thin, beautiful & TALENTED staff girls she constantly berated. I DID say that Michael told us as nauseam that he saw her at that YR competition & thought she was the most beautiful girl in the world & would’ve scored her 100%. He’s 20 years her senior. Checking out the very young riders as an old guy does set a precedent for future behavior. Then again, so does impregnating a 19 yr old while married. Any advice for that, Green? If so, you should probably give it to Michael.

edit- I checked & did use the word “thin.” Not “beautiful, though. How TH would I know? I was just quoting what OTHERS said - or didn’t say. To repeat, I dont give a hoot what some woman was doing 20 years ago. Nor do I care what she’s doing now - or at anytime in between. Except for that one thing…


OMG!!! You are freaking brilliant. I’m voting for ‘Lauren’s Hope’ first and ‘All My Cat Shit’ second.


Or… maybe she thought she was smart enough to make it seem that way. Unluckily for her- she overestimated her own intelligence. Her truth will come to light. No matter what.
FYI- in order for police to confiscate possessions (aka phones, computers, iPads, papers etc…) very specific criteria must be met, which then allow (& sometimes force) authorities to collect these possessions to form charges. Take that however you want.

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When You Give a Cat a Condo.


Impregnating a 19 year old? When did he do that? Is that true? That could be quite slanderous for you to say I would think.

Talk about obsessive, why would you care how much older MB is than MH? You continue to make comments about their relationship. I’m certainly not the obsessive one. All I did was pull up an old article about her NAYRC achievements after you stated her parents bought her a grand black horse and did everything for her and that’s why she won. You seem a bit envious of her achievements. If I recall correctly, she married shortly after that, finished college, had two children and basically was out of riding until the children were older and she started back up again.

As far as me being MH, I really do suspect she has much more on her plate than playing around on SM or concerning herself with what you are doing. That information is based on word from a friend who saw her in FL recently and said she’s doing quite well under the circumstances juggling her children, teaching, training and living life.


Well, it’s called a search warrant, the relevant legal standard is probable cause, and it’s not that hard to get. Pretty standard these days in criminal cases since people keep so much personal information on their electronic devices that could and often does include evidence.

Personally, I’ll take that as “law enforcement is doing its job.”

You may well be skating on thin ice here. Go ride your horses.


Daze Of Our Lives


You know, you & GWE are just argumentative, rude people. YD is way kinder than I. Each time she has apologized for things which, IMO - she did NOT have to or need to- it’s a lose-lose. IDC who is an alter or not- but you &Green DO sound a lot alike & sure do come to “each other’s,” “rescue,” when presented with a line of logic you refuse to or simply cannot follow.
You both change the subject immediately, the minute you’re asked questions regarding accusations you can’t back up. I would bet $$$$ if you’re not the same person- you’re having very interesting coaching convos via pm. AnotherRound is probably included!
Back to the point. YD apologizes & it is “backhanded?” She corrects herself if something is misread or misinterpreted (something I’ve seen none of you do, aside from perhaps, CanteringCarrot, Ladyj, BigMama & a very select few others) then gets pummeled for admitting she may have done this. Meanwhile, back at the ranch, Angela Freda literally May as welll be speaking in a different language, based on the amount of times she’s changed the subject when cornered- MHM is victim blaming at its worst by thinking she’s … idk… building a personal case file - hoping to what, (?) prove Michaels “innocence,” by quoting my every post - but not other person’s? Morgan Sercu can’t get enough of this tragedy - so she continuously begins new threads even though the others have rightfully been closed… WildLittleWren is stalking my “friends only,” fb posts which seemed to very much bother (whoever it was) that strongly voted “Nooooooo,” in regards to my arrival in Lox.

Its just odd to me. There are so many other totally out of order posts which allege the ridiculous - assert the rude- proclaim the insane & what you choose to harp on is a “backhanded apology,” which wasn’t backhanded at all & IMHO- was undeserved. Like I said, YD is a much, much better person to a bunch of nameless strangers than either I, or anyone else might be. Get an Effin GRIP!

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Well that’s money you’re going to lose. Good thing you seem to have plenty.

Actually i have responded to every single thing you and/or YD has said to me, or asked me. You either didn’t see them amidst the sea of posts or chose to ignore them. That’s on you, not me.
It was a backhanded apology. She apologized for saying I was an alter and then immediately added a line alluding to me being an alter.
I have apologized for the one post I put up that wasn’t factual. Haven’t had a reason to apologize for any other posts. Some of my posts to you have been kind, though I’m regretting that.
None of the other people you just listed have had much interaction, if any, with me. Ergo they haven’t needed to apologize to me nor I to them.
My last few posts have been pretty innocuous so I don’t know why you’re choosing this moment to rant at me.


And you are a modern day violent criminal sympathizer. Not to mention victim blamer. Join date- Dec 21 2019


What are you even talking about? I’ve flat out said that regardless of any behavior of yours leading up to the shooting, MB was 100% wrong to shoot you. As in it was NOT your fault. On this particular thread I have said you are a bully and I don’t like your behavior. I also AGAIN said that’s not a reason to be shot. I quite clearly said “unless he was in imminent danger (which it appears he was not) he should not have shot her”. Please tell me how that’s victim blaming or violent criminal sympathizing. You’re confusing my dislike of you with my thinking you deserved to be shot or MB is innocent. Never said either of those things and don’t believe either of those things. Read my posts before you attempt to defame me.
Yeah, I joined and then talked on a thread about you. I’ve also talked on other threads. It’s not all about you.


Also following THAT logic, you defend YD and she defends you… so are you the same person or is there coaching going on in PM? Are you getting that’s pretty ridiculous?
You (not YD) change the subject when I answer your questions. What’s the conspiracy behind that?


I have an idea. Why don’t all of you that are arguing with each other all the time and making this thread nearly impossible to read, start PMing each other? I imagine you can keep each other busy for hours. Or start a new thread and call it “I like to talk about my feelings on Chronicle of the Horse forums”