Barisone Pleads Not Guilty

 But we do know that if there IS an arrest record for Ruth Cox in NJ, the policy is that it is not entered into the searchable database until after a conviction. For example the criminal charges against Barisone do not appear in the database.
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Some interesting info in these news releases involving RC:

She has said that as part of the consideration of victim’s rights, she as the victim was informed of the charges. 

 Others have established that in NJ, criminal charges are not made public via searchable databases until after conviction, so what kind of verification are you requesting?
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BuT iT wAsN’t A lAnDlOrD tEnAnT dIsPuTe.

Even though to LK’s dad was quoted saying that it was to media, other articles including the ones posted here (above by Jealoushe), point to that, and it is referenced in MB’s 9/11 calls. So, still a bit unclear about that.


He was the landlord.
She was a tenant.
They had a dispute.

It is not entirely clear exactly what the dispute was about. It was not necessarily about her tenancy in the apartment. It was probably about money.

But there was an acrimonious dispute between a landlord and his tenant, so it’s fairly described as a “landlord-tenant dispute”, as opposed to, say, jealous husband or attempted robbery.


Of course, but it was said that it wasn’t by a party involved.


Hello! Scorekeeper here: 71 pages = 703 posts. This is like a never-ending game of badminton on a windy day. Really slow, things being lobbed about, racquets swinging and missing. But carry on. There are points to be made by virtue of sheer persistence.


I’m sorry but your story does not equate at all to what happened with LK and MB. If you are using it for comparison YOU really need to read what LK writes. Go wayyy back and see how threatening she was in her own words.


Fair enough.

But the purpose of my story is to illustrate the idea that “played a role in souring a relationship” =/= “is morally responsible for” the bad behavior of the other person.

My trainer did not shoot me, but she treated me (and my horse) badly, and ripped me off to the extent she thought she could get away with it before I left. And bad mouthed me to other people for several years because I left. I understand very clearly that had I done things differently, like agree to every greedy thing she wanted, the relationship would be fine from her point of view.

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Huh? Even if the dispute was not ABOUT her being a deadbeat vs fully legitimate tenant, it was still a nasty dispute between a landlord and a tenant.

If a reporter asked you, as her father, why she was shot and you had 4 seconds and 20 words in which to respond, what would you have said?

I don’t have inside information on how it played out. They could have wanted her gone, but for some reason decided to pressure her out(maybe not letting her take one of her horses saying she still owed $) instead of outright telling her to go or through legal means. Maybe at first he wanted her to stay but under new terms. Maybe the terms they wanted for her leaving she didn’t accept(who owed what to whom). By the time he called 911 he definitely wanted her gone and in his mind they were squatters.
I was just offering a theory that maybe MH wasn’t charged because while she may have been involved in the conversation taped or overheard (again no evidence yet there was one) plotting to kill LK and her fiancé, MH could say it was all just talk and didn’t think MB would do it.
I have no evidence of any of this, just like many others trying to make sense of something senseless. Don’t quote anything as fact!

I don’t understand what you’re saying.


Here’s a thought
none of this really had anything to do with MB except for the events of the afternoon of August 7. It very well could all boil down to LK’s rancid envy of Mary Haskins Gray
a mom, gorgeous, talented, respect by most, a Gold Medalist for NAYRC and USDF, accomplished trainer and actually has everything LK lacks and desperately desires. I wonder if it was MH LK wanted out of her life, not MB. Just food for thought.

Anyway, here it is, 1:55 on the East Coast, something much, much, much more important than a narcissist and her alleged attacker is getting ready to begin in Washington, DC.


What’s about to begin?

Chief Justice John Roberts swearing the Senate as jurors in the Impeachment of DJT. No political commentary here, just that this is an important, serious day in our Nation and Democracy.

If LK wanted MH out of her life, she could have ... left?  Even if she was insanely envious of MH, it appears she did not  get her out of her life by criminal means (attempting murder).
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“No comment.”


You’ve completely missed the point, as usual. I am presenting that LK wanted MB to remove MH from the equation. That wasn’t going to happen regardless of any drama/turmoil LK manufactured.

  Indeed, I did completely misunderstand your point. So your point is that LK was harassing MB in order to force him to choose LK as a student/client over his gorgeous, talented, and accomplished girlfriend.  That had not occurred to me.
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   Makes sense. You so frequently “quote” posts, but in response offer no comment, not even to say “No comment” or QFP. 
   Indeed, at first I thought you were offering no comment on my post, and wondered why you were being so verbose as to actually say “no comment”!