Barisone Pleads Not Guilty

LK seems to become fixated on certain people for whatever reason…Hayleybot, Girl Joey, some trainer in NC she brings up frequently, MB, MH, JI, LS, SW, basically anyone who disagrees with her or has something she wants. For sure she has a grand imagination.

I sincerely wish her well and wish she could focus on healing and her horses and move on as much as possible until the trial and stay off SM to stop feeding the barracuda (myself included). She has nothing to prove to anyone other than herself IMO.


It will also be interesting to see if MB has recordings of LK.


That would be interesting!


Has anyone seen the alleged “cat crap” photo? Until I see it I find it hard to believe. Were the private areas of MH/MB and the kids open for anyone to go through I wonder? It would seem to me their bedrooms would be private for sure. Who knows, this entire situation doesn’t cease to amaze if you tend to believe everything.


It’s configurable.

My view, for what it’s worth…

LK clearly played a role in the unravelling of her relationship with MB. Whatever it was that a happened, both she and he bear some responsibility - and likely there are other people involved.

That still doesn’t mean she played a role in getting shot. Getting shot is not a reasonable or predictable outcome of an ongoing dispute with someone, even a nasty one.

The SHOOTING did come out of the blue. The dispute did not.


Yep. I wonder what she expected the outcome to be?


I can’t see if GEe said this or GWE. Either way, that’s a pretty dumb theory. Who TH calls CPS & gets children involved
as an “harassment,×´ tactic. Or any tactic other than protecting children? I’d bet more people who witness child abuse say nothing & don’t get involved than people who do see it & actually call protection services. To do something like that as “harassment,” ?? That’s just dumb.

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I suspect many of us would agree with you that would be considered dumb and probably harassment.


It’s not uncommon in acrimoneous
divorce proceedings


My guess is that she expected their dispute would get settled in court, and that she would prevail, and that a month or two down the road she would move to a different trainer.

said, she was probably NOT expecting to get shot, given that getting shot is not a probable or predictable consequence of being in a nasty dispute with your trainer.

When you agreed with her post (“yep”) did you read the post enough to realize she was saying pretty much the opposite of what you have been saying?


Quoting I understand when you are replying to a comment. I personally don’t care if someone edits or corrects something later. If people want to QFP everything LK writes here, I could care less, I just find it annoying.
For a while, before someone explained,
I thought it meant “Quit Fxxking posting!”

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Maybe it does!

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Maybe it should!


As CPS reports are entirely anonymous, plenty of people do it to harass others.

Maybe we should stop telling others how to post and just worry about our own selves?


Incorrect. Police, judges & DA’s can easily retrieve this information. Especially, in a court order which involves or pertains to circumstances in an attempted murder trial. But nice try on attempting to mislead.

I feel like this is kinda par for the course. Actually, not a whole lot is a surprise anymore.


I wasn’t threatening in any of my words. What does “go wayyyyy back,” even mean? Just a gaslighting method so you don’t have to specifically point out your example of my alleged “threats.”
FTR- I don’t consider telling anyone to “leave me alone,” “find another hobby,” or anything along those lines to be “threatening.” Also- you seem to be implying YD’s story is meaningless, while making sure to embellish the importance of OTHER posters’ experiences. A bit one sided- don’t you think?

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