Barisone Pleads Not Guilty

I work for DCS in another state. Records will be provided on a closed case under subpoena or court order. Sometimes a motion to quash will be submitted depending on the circumstances, which may or may not be granted. However, the referent is redacted on all submissions.


I’m super confused about why people keep attributing so much vitriol to me. I’ve hardly spoken on this thread. I haven’t speculated on what “she did to get shot”. I literally said it didn’t matter what she did or said leading up to the event, it’s 100% his fault unless he was in imminent danger. (Which it seems he was not) I’ve said multiple times shooting her was wrong.
Basically I’ve called her a bully and made a joke about how if MB isn’t a BNT then a BNT must be one who wouldn’t accept her as a client.


Originally posted by rothmpp View Post
I know this is going to get me tarred and feathered by several posters as victim shaming, but I just don’t care at this point.

Lauren - no matter how much you try to spin it, you played a role in the events that preceded the shooting. You were not a completely benign, innocent bystander that got caught in the crossfire. You gloated prior to the shooting about collecting “career-ending” information on someone. Your actions, intended or not, got CPS involved. These are not the actions of someone who “does not enjoy drama”. Someone who does not enjoy drama would say “This is no longer working for me. I am the paying client, and I am going to find a situation that will work better for me”. And then do just that. Not spend weeks collecting information with the intention of destroying the careers of everyone at the barn.

While several of us have pointed out that someone who was the traveling alternate for an Olympic games and the trainer of a Olympic medalist is, in fact a BNT, there are plenty more BNTs out there that would have been happy to take on your string of fancy horses. Riders change trainers all the time. It is not career-ending.

If somewhere in these multiple long threads, you’d have just said “Yeah, maybe I could’ve handled some of the preceding events better” we’d still all think there was NO excuse for MB shooting you, but many of us might have more sympathy for you. Like it or not, you do carry some of the blame for the relationship having gone sour. Though certainly not for him having chosen to shoot you. You have NOT ONCE admitted that MAYBE you could’ve done SOME things differently, and MAYBE the outcome would have been different. [QUOTE]

Youre entitled to your opinion. No matter how incorrect you are. You have no idea at all what happened. None. I do not “enjoy drama.” We did what we had to do- what we were advised to do & not one thing more or less. How dare you say I’ve “spun things.” You have no clue.

Also, FTR- a piece of info. We’re now fairly certain that even if we dropped everything & ran away from the big bad bully- he’d have had us killed anyway. He might have been successful had he done it elsewhere or paid a professional to do it. So please, take your crap elsewhere. You know NOTHING.

 Referent = person who called in the complaint?  May well vary by state, of course.

Yes. It was a civil dispute - but not a landlord tenant dispute at its core. My father (when he said “landlord/tenant dispute” ) was way more concerned about the call hearing I was shot than using longer, alternate legal terminology.

Mb makes about 9 totally different claims in his 911 calls. If you listen very carefully, you can hear him pause a few times to hear what the person coaching him was telling him to “add on.” I can’t hear what’s being said- only the pauses which result in extra, random & false accusations being made. If it were (at its core) a landlord ten dispute- why mention that we were at the barn at 9 pm? That’s what time we were supposed to be there. I can’t elaborate on that so asking more about it would be pointless. Sorry
 not being sarcastic- just saying honestly I can’t elaborate.

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For the love of God spend a minute learning how to use the quote function.
Yes, I’m imploring you to change how you post
 but seriously, it’s an eye killer. At least learn to use color or bold or another font for your comments, if learning to quote is too hard.


Who knows, who cares? I’m guessing they each expected that the other party would either give in or compromise to some extent on whatever the issues at hand were. That’s what most people involved in a dispute would expect. None of this would be remotely interesting to anyone not personally involved if it hadn’t gone all pear-shaped and ended with attempted murder.

 You were the one who accused her of having been asked to leave another barn, and refusing to leave, which doesn’t take a lot of dot connecting to interpret as accusing her of having a pattern of being asked to leave barns and refusing. After a number of posts challenging whether you were making the statement based in information from the principals, you backed off and admitted that it was a third hand rumor, and apologized. But if

@ladyj79 had not challenged you, the rumor would still be out there as an “internet fact”.

Yes. For the protection of that person and so that people with information regarding child abuse, neglect, etc. won’t be afraid to call in. In my state you can also report anonymously and the case is treated the same as when we have the identity of the referent.


Because, guessing here, the local pd knew about your landlord/tenant, likely volatile dispute and had:

  • advised him to call 911, rather than deal with you directly.
  • allowed you to stay on the property but told you to respect the business hours of the barn, and to avoid MB during those off hours, as he now lived above said barn.

They do! Unfortunately, planting audio devices inside a home really IS illegal wiretapping. But
 it maybe important for people to hear what WE were saying compared to what THEY were saying. WE were truly fearful. THEY thought what they were doing to us was hilarious
until they didn’t. Then they knew how much we knew. No more laughing after that! Nope! Only plotting to hurt us physically until that was no longer “good enough.”

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Okay so a single post that I apologized for misrepresenting means
what? What’s so horrible about that? I genuinely don’t understand your obsession with that post.

What does that pattern mean to you? Do you think I was trying to say something other than she had been asked to leave a property? I don’t see how that has bearing on much of anything but please enlighten me on what about that was soooo horrible.


My bold

ETA but you still went to the barn at night, late, when you weren’t welcome to be there
 pushing limits
 of people you say you were truly fearful of?
Made alot of noise, when you likely could know that would not be appreciated


Originally posted by rothmpp View Post
I know this is going to get me tarred and feathered by several posters as victim shaming, but I just don’t care at this point.

Lauren - no matter how much you try to spin it, you played a role in the events that preceded the shooting. You were not a completely benign, innocent bystander that got caught in the crossfire. You gloated prior to the shooting about collecting “career-ending” information on someone. Your actions, intended or not, got CPS involved. These are not the actions of someone who “does not enjoy drama”. Someone who does not enjoy drama would say “This is no longer working for me. I am the paying client, and I am going to find a situation that will work better for me”. And then do just that. Not spend weeks collecting information with the intention of destroying the careers of everyone at the barn.

While several of us have pointed out that someone who was the traveling alternate for an Olympic games and the trainer of a Olympic medalist is, in fact a BNT, there are plenty more BNTs out there that would have been happy to take on your string of fancy horses. Riders change trainers all the time. It is not career-ending.

If somewhere in these multiple long threads, you’d have just said “Yeah, maybe I could’ve handled some of the preceding events better” we’d still all think there was NO excuse for MB shooting you, but many of us might have more sympathy for you. Like it or not, you do carry some of the blame for the relationship having gone sour. Though certainly not for him having chosen to shoot you. You have NOT ONCE admitted that MAYBE you could’ve done SOME things differently, and MAYBE the outcome would have been different.

Youre entitled to your opinion. No matter how incorrect you are. You have no idea at all what happened. None. I do not “enjoy drama.” We did what we had to do- what we were advised to do & not one thing more or less. How dare you say I’ve “spun things.” You have no clue.

Also, FTR- a piece of info. We’re now fairly certain that even if we dropped everything & ran away from the big bad bully- he’d have had us killed anyway. He might have been successful had he done it elsewhere or paid a professional to do it. So please, take your crap elsewhere. You know NOTHING.

This last paragraph is one of the most ludicrous statements in ALL the threads. Absolutely ridiculous. Who has the “big bad bully” reputation? MB or LK? It sure seems from all the various posters that LK has caused a lot of drama and bullying in her life. Just sayin’.


My view, for what it’s worth

LK clearly played a role in the unravelling of her relationship with MB. Whatever it was that a happened, both she and he bear some responsibility - and likely there are other people involved.

That still doesn’t mean she played a role in getting shot. Getting shot is not a reasonable or predictable outcome of an ongoing dispute with someone, even a nasty one.

The SHOOTING did come out of the blue. The dispute did not.
Last edited by BigMama1; Jan. 16, 2020, 05:53 PM.

You, GWE “wonder what I expected the outcome to be?” I expected the childish and also dangerous behaviors to STOP. I expected mb to honor his agreements despite what his gf instructed.
Again, the better question would be “what did Michael expect the outcome to be for killing us? What secret was more important to be kept than his own liberty?” Nah. You don’t WANT to have to ask THAT question. That would mean you’d have to start over with your “drawing board.” Easier to just go with what the crowd has already gifted you with compiling as a “perfectly reasonable scenario.” Think again. (Literally. Start your thinking again- from the very beginning.)

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Maybe it should.

That’s actually a question I was going to ask. What on earth did he have to gain from killing you? And you say even if you had left he was planning to kill you
is he just insane? I can’t imagine a secret worth that. Not to mention how he thought it would be helpful to shoot you in broad daylight. Did he ever believe he was going to get away with murder? The train of thought makes no sense.

ETA: I don’t know if you can share the answer, I expect not. Just finding it very mind boggling.