Barisone Pleads Not Guilty


I have never once stated he “decided one nice afternoon the time had come.” I’ve repeatedly stated the exact opposite- as have you in your post here. Maybe he did decide to kill us on AN afternoon- but that decision was made far before THE afternoon of August 7th.

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No thanks
I’ll wait for the trial. There are already too many twists and turns to keep straight. June is just around the corner. As someone said several posts ago, you will always now be known as “that woman” and he will always be known as the man who shot that woman (for now allegedly).


To @La-LaPopRider a serious question
and I promise it is coming from a good place. With all this notoriety, will you be able to move on and find trainers you can trust and more importantly can trust you? I would imagine many trainers are quite head-shy at this point to want to get involved with you for a variety of reasons.


Never alleged MB’s thinking “made sense.” Also, I’m sure you saw the footage of all the police cars, EMTs and other authorities, right? But
 you could t see the back porch at all. There was a truck parked in a parking spot in the driveway. (Civilian) Could you see anything at all beyond that? No. Neither could anyone else - be it a driver on the road or a neighbor in their house on either side. Therefore, your “broad daylight,” point is moot. It may as well have been in a dark alley. From our back porch (and any other vantage point shown on tv footage) the area the shooting took place was just as hidden as a dark alley. You can see only the BACK of Michaels silver truck & the right side of the truck parked in the actual parking spot. Did you see the table? No. Did you see our entrance door? (The porch door.) No. The ONLY door you saw was the side entrance door (only door used) of MB’s side of the apartment. Same door that big orange note was posted on. His - not ours. If you can produce a photo of the BACK of the house (where everyone who lived there entered & exited) - please share it here. Thanks.

Uhhh, ok. Well you do you! You sure had a whole lot to say before !! Cat got your tongue? Or
 maybe you just realized you’ve been 100% wrong. IdC either way. I don’t need to quote you for the sake of quoting you. Each & every post here & on the other threads have been screenshot & printed out in order.

Okay well that wasn’t a post meant to attack you. I wasn’t saying you were lying. I was saying his thinking made no sense. I did not see the video footage, so I didn’t realize that the actual scene wasn’t “in broad daylight”. And by that I just meant the middle of the afternoon. Should have worded that better.

ETA: of course now I’m wondering if it even was the middle of the day because as you mentioned I haven’t seen the video.
And as for me saying his behavior made no sense, that was more me trying to wrap my head around why he would have considered to do something so insane.


Do you screenshot and print all of your posts as well? I’m sure your layers would be delighted.




What??? No, I don’t think I’m 100% wrong because I don’t know the entire story, but I sure don’t believe your theory that he would have killed you whether you left or not. You’ve gone way past Pluto at this point.

I assume you’ve screenshotted and printed every post so you will have it all handy for your book or movie deal. There’s nothing more you can do with it other than to try to identify any poster who stated something you didn’t like. Sounds like standard MO for you.

But thanks for laying out the prosecution’s apparent case that it was all planned based on where he parked his truck. I thought it had to do with you reading on the porch. But, we don’t really know anything at all. I am waiting with bated breath for the “big secret” to be revealed at the trial.



Like I care what nameless strangers claim about me “causing drama.” Some people are just so bored & desperate for attention- it’s almost like a gift from god when someone they dislike (with or without merit) is plastered all over the media, providing them a chance to be the spotlight. Pretty sad. Being in the spotlight- especially for THIS - is never fun. Actually, IMO- it’s NEVER fun, period. Unless you’re SW/DH 
 then it’s fun to “fk w crazy horse bitches for fun.” (Her own words.)



But you continue to be the gift that keeps on giving to “those people” by your posts.


Quote feature used! Your turn. For the love if God speed a minute doing something other than victim blaming. Read a book. Go to the gym. Take up yoga! Yes, I’m imploring you to change your life habits. Seriously, it’s brain killer. At least learn how to use critical thinking skills and logic! Even if you have to use crayon. Any color! Any font! Any critical thinking or other hobby I’ve suggested will do.


I honestly wasn’t trying to attack you, either. I may have incorrectly assumed, you, like the majority of other posters have seen the footage. I was just trying to better explain why & how he would’ve thought a 2pm shooting would bear no witnesses. Apologies.

Also, I agree - it is hard to wrap ones head around anyone getting a gun and trying to murder people. We, ourselves, clearly didn’t wrap our heads around it. We never thought getting shot and almost killed was even remotely a reality. Well
 maybe REMOTELY. But not anywhere near a serious worry. Even AFTER hearing what we were hearing.


I’m still dumbfounded that surveillance equipment was installed in a private barn without the owner’s permission. Insane.


Okay, folks how about getting on with life. This thread is becoming quite something, not in a good way.

Doesn’t matter what side of the fence you’re on, or if you’re sitting on the fence post itself.

Recipes, dog breeds versus mutts, favourite brands of dental floss
anything is better than the endless back and forth on this topic with no new information or insight.