Barisone Pleads Not Guilty

I think we can all agree that in this day and age - horses are a luxury item. Very few horses actually work for a living and those that do are subject to the craziness that is PETA trying to suggest it’s cruel or bad for them to do so. They’re going after the carriage horses in NYC, but not the police horses. The arabbers in Baltimore are almost gone.

PETA may not be coming after dressage yet, but with enough time and money they will do so. The fact that PETA now owns significant shares in Facebook is why suddenly it is hard to join breeder groups.

How I loathe PETA. Years ago I went combing through their VDOCs and their kill rate at their shelter was due to a huge loophole in how a shelter was defined.

Sorry - tangential rant. Anyway. Horses are a luxury. Let’s agree upon that and then circle up to protect ourselves from groups chipping away at the ability to own, ride, train, breed, show, vaccinate, euthanize and even SELL them. We have enough troubles with fewer places to ride, the rising cost of land plus the taxes, and how hard it is to get a reliable source of local hay!


Nothing can surprise me anymore.

Perhaps it was the cat, who crawled out from his pile of feces in a childs bedroom, retrieved a pink gun, and handed it to MB. Meanwhile, aliens were in the stable with state of the art listening devices - in fact they were the ones in the mysterious Black SUV.

Little did we know that the cat sent MB to shoot his arch enemy: Dog. However since MB doesn’t speak cat, he could not understand and did not complete the mission. Instead he shot LK and fired at (I forget his initials) the fiance.

The cat fled the scene and is at large.


Wow, that really fell apart fast.



MB : MIB. This totally explains the black SUV, cats and dogs shooting people, etc. Maybe LK is an alien.



Wow. That’s amazing if it is $50/year and $11/class to show in Europe. Even I could afford that.


I did.

“it is also USDF and probably also USEF which are partly responsible for this tragic incident.”

That’s bananas.


I don’t disagree with that but I do have a question. Let’s work with the oft-repeated idea that you need to look a certain way while riding too in order to be successful. That without a particular body type, you’re not as likely to do well. I don’t put stock in that theory but for the sake of discussion, let’s say it has merit.

  1. Is that a selection bias by the judges, or by the fact that many people who ride upper level dressage are riding a lot of horses, burning a fair number of calories, etc.?
  2. IF (IF IF IF) it is the whole “the way you look plays a role in how we score you” (a la gymnastics or figure skating), then USEF/USDF didn’t make it happen, but they do need to look hard at what the judges are doing.

We’re all human. Some of us prefer horses a certain color, or breed and it’s not too much of a stretch to say that a competitor who presents a particular silhouette may grab more attention by a judge. For good or ill. Remember how much influence Balanchine had over generations of dancers and we still haven’t totally moved away from it.

But no, USEF/USDF didn’t make this happen and it’s silly to think they did.

Barisone shot Kanarek. He shouldn’t have done so.


It makes as much sense as some alternate theories we’ve read here so far!


I think the body type factor is genuine in the hunters and EQ. Way less so in dressage where the judges tend to focus on the horse far more than the rider. Have I scribed for judges who make catty, nasty comments about rider weight? For sure. But do I think those riders were scored lower than skinny riders with comparable performances? No.


Man, that is really sad to read that it has that much to do with scoring in some disciplines. It is a bit of a relief to hear that it didn’t affect the scoring in dressage.

Such a pity that people think they can ascertain a person’s value or skills simply by looking at their silhouette. But that is true outside of horses too, of course.

Thank you for taking the time to reply.

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As a significantly overweight rider and sometimes blogger who has been fat-shamed here on COTH, it’s a topic near and dear to my heart.


I’m so sorry, BigMama1. That’s just not right or necessary. I do hope that the riding you do now is mostly for yourself and you get much pleasure out of it. Improvement is the goal, but sometimes, it’s just enjoying the ride. Yes?


Which is why much of it, if not all of it, may be deemed inadmissible.


No he’s not. He’s in his condo in Wellington!


If this is the case, then you were not a resident, either. Was she traveling from NC to NJ every day?


How was she not welcome, when her horses were there?

Made a lot of noise?

Grasping at straws much.

After barn hours and mind you - people were sleeping in the barn so extra-disruptive.


So this is sarcasm, right?


That seems a bit paranoid.


Good question…I don’t know… You tell me…Do you think it is???

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