Barisone Pleads Not Guilty

You wrote it, so you would know if you intended sarcasm.

I assumed that saying USEF and USDF were partly responsible for the shooting was sarcasm. Sort of like I assumed someone else saying that the cat was responsible was sarcasm.


No, this is Manni01. She has a unique take on amateur dressage riders in her adopted country.


Well, whatever you say… I did elaborate why I think so, but obviously you are not reading everything… So just for you I will try to explain again…

USDF and USEF run their Organisations in a way which is not focussed on the participants but only on money… They do not care if everybody who cannot afford it will drop out and stop showing. As a result the classes get smaller and smaller… Many times you get a blue ribbon no matter what because you are the only participant…

And this is the point… You buy a nice horse and you enter a class then you will get a ribbon… If you play tennis, you loose in the first round if you are not good enough and that’s it… Not very satisfying…

I hope I made myself clear now…


Oh getting personal again?? Warning one more time and I will report it to the mods…

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Report away neighbor!😂


what were barn hours? How do you know what the hours are? Didn’t she live on the property?

I tried to explain it… They changed the show scene in the US to a playground for the rich… I have no problems with rich people, but I am sad that the sport of Dressage is suffering… Its so beautiful to team up with a horse and develop together… and there are many good riders in the US.

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maybe, but it is annoying when people get personal because they have a lack of true arguments…

It is certainly true that equestrian sports tend to be a lot more expensive in the US than in Europe.

It is not clear to me how this is the fault of USDF
or USEF. A huge difference between the US and Europe is that the density of horses and riders in Holland or Germany is far, far, greater than in the US, so that a dressage rider can trailer to a rated show within an hour pretty much any weekend of the year. In my area, there are 4 rated shows a year.

Same reason Europe has a fabulous train system, and the US doesn’t.

What specific policies of USEF could be changed to make the sport more affordable?


The mileage rule shut out a lot of lower cost shows and the mega shows make more financial sense for everyone but the competitor.


Having come to way too many threads where the OP has come along and removed all of their posts and no one quoted them I actually appreciate it that topic important posts are quoted.

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Go to your profile and hit ‘Edit settings’.

Under User Settings go to the Account tab.
About half way down the page, under the heading of ‘Conversation Detail Options’ is ‘Posts per Page’.

I thought it was sarcasm too.


Who is IW?


   The post of yours that she was threatening to report to the mods was one of the more innocuous posts I be seen on this thread. I wonder what the poor mods would think.

I think this would be another thread… Its OT here. But thank you very much for reading my post!!!

After reading through all these pages I think the reasons why this incident happened are really really complicated… Its going to be tough trial for everybody involved

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If you can explain what USEF could do or not do to make dressage more affordable in the US, I will start a petition to make you the head of the organization.

Saying “dressage is much more expensive in the US than I would like” is something everyone agrees on, but does not make dressage less expensive.

If USEF could do things differently to make it less expensive, please be specific on what the fix is.

Just as an example, for a CDI, you need a particular number of international judges. Consider the difference in cost of obtaining 10 international judges on the west cost of the US vs in Germany. How exactly does USEF “fix” that problem?


I guess you don’t much about the history of this board… I think it was already mentioned that some user write PMs to each other to discuss threads. They do team up if they feel like it and go against single user… I hope you saw that Sparky has not participated in this thread at all until there was a chance to get personal… I was stupid in the beginning and tried to argue but its impossible so now simply report them to the Mods before they get into mobbing mode…

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OMG Manni01 - while I appreciate that you were supporting my post - please don’t make this thread about a tirade against USEF/USDF.

That has absolutely nothing to do with what happened between LK & MB. Money is apparently not an issue for LK, as she has told us in various forms.

I’m going to be seriously impressed if you come stomping into this thread and are the one to get it closed down in less than half a day.

 If it’s a USEF rule that is a constraint, that is a fair criticism. But mega shows having better economics is not the fault of USEF. 

 But if USEF is artificially shutting out the competition from smaller shows, that’s a fair criticism.

I find that annoying too! So glad we can agree on this!

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You clearly haven’t been showing at all or just started. The mileage rule paved the way for mega shows. The mileage rule is a bad policy created by… wait for it…the USEF.