Barisone Pleads Not Guilty

I am pretty sure that there are ways to make it more affordable…

One very obvious thing (the easiest) is that you have to pay for 2 shows per weekend if you want to show both days…
It was a shock for me that you are required to pay all the fees twice…
And its BS that you need scores from different shows…

The important part is the different judges thing… the different show rule was probably created to make more money…

For me the pressure to pay for stalls I usually don’t even use (haul in fees are just as expensive usually) is another thing which could be eliminated without any problem…

And my fav argument 😊. the top argument is this stupid AA rule… That is one thing which was specifically created to protect the rich AA… Doesn’t make any sense otherwise…

And there are many many other arguments but as I said, its another thread…


When my son was in second grade my son told his teacher that he hated me (because I made him go to school) and she reported my family to CPS. It was pretty horriffic and took almost a year to get it straightened out, not to mention a fair amount of money.

They threatened to take my 3 children.

She told CPS that my mother had siezures, which was not true and was irrelevant in any case. She had brain damage from surgery to remove a brain tumor and had aphasia. We finally got it straightened out when I was able to catch her in a lie. She told the psychologist that he was habitually late for school because his mom (me) regularly overslept. Children who were late for school had to be signed in at the office and that never happened.

She was fired. [QUOTE]

Terrible stories. Imagine if a BNT shot you & you were all over the news everyday & especially every time something new is reported. Do you think for one second people determined to victim shame you, wouldn’t be the first one’s to go around saying “the victim isn’t a victim… she abused her children and even a teacher sad it!” And, “it was sooooo bad, CPS was called, took all her kids away! I found this info on a government site which I can longer find but I swear, I saw it! Child abusers aren’t VICTIMS!”

Then, people who have never met you but perhaps, engaged in some political debate with you on SOCIAL MEDIA claim they heard it too & even witnessed it! And, can offer up many more stories of your (theoretical) neglectful, reckless & abusive “ history.” They can even provide names of people who witnessed your (theoretical) “pattern,” of bad parenting. (Even though, once you demand names they run & hide. Once you try & force them to be accountable for their accusations, they run away or, worse, change the subject entirely.

Think about that. Because, you never know when lightening will strike & put in the center of a circus you never asked to be in & suddenly everyone is wondering why you didn’t leave the location of where the lightening struck BEFORE the lightening struck. A cautionary tale for those who victim blame.


I think she was saying that how showing has changed in the US has paved the way for entitled people to buy their way up the levels to some extent without needing to even know the rules. LK being such a person.

As per usual YankeeDuchess latches on to something she knows nothing about to argue against the poster. This can’t be blamed on Manni. Also per usual people can’t just scroll past Manni without comment. She has a right to be sensitive to how people post about her. She did have a particularly vicious poster turn everything into an attack on her. I asked a question about showing up the levels and my post got turned into an attack on Manni somehow even though I was speaking about a person I know IRL. I then was accused of being an alter for Manni.



When my son was in second grade my son told his teacher that he hated me (because I made him go to school) and she reported my family to CPS. It was pretty horriffic and took almost a year to get it straightened out, not to mention a fair amount of money.

They threatened to take my 3 children.

She told CPS that my mother had siezures, which was not true and was irrelevant in any case. She had brain damage from surgery to remove a brain tumor and had aphasia. We finally got it straightened out when I was able to catch her in a lie. She told the psychologist that he was habitually late for school because his mom (me) regularly overslept. Children who were late for school had to be signed in at the office and that never happened.

She was fired.

Terrible stories. Imagine if a BNT shot you & you were all over the news everyday & especially every time something new is reported. Do you think for one second people determined to victim shame you, wouldn’t be the first one’s to go around saying “the victim isn’t a victim… she abused her children and even a teacher sad it!” And, “it was sooooo bad, CPS was called, took all her kids away! I found this info on a government site which I can longer find but I swear, I saw it! Child abusers aren’t VICTIMS!”

Then, people who have never met you but perhaps, engaged in some political debate with you on SOCIAL MEDIA claim they heard it too & even witnessed it! And, can offer up many more stories of your (theoretical) neglectful, reckless & abusive “ history.” They can even provide names of people who witnessed your (theoretical) “pattern,” of bad parenting. (Even though, once you demand names they run & hide. Once you try & force them to be accountable for their accusations, they run away or, worse, change the subject entirely.

Think about that. Because, you never know when lightening will strike & put in the center of a circus you never asked to be in & suddenly everyone is wondering why you didn’t leave the location of where the lightening struck BEFORE the lightening struck. A cautionary tale for those who victim blame.

But…you are an adult. Not a child. Not a really good analogy IMO.

I mean it was an escalating situation and you could choose to leave. A child doesn’t have that choice.

    GWE said straight up that she and others were PMing each other speculating that I was an alter for LK. I find it mildly amusing that they would waste their time doing that.

great!! So looking forward to a discussion with real arguments with you… You should really be able to do better… BTW, as you are an expert for the German System, how do you like the possibility to win your entry back in your class if you get a ribbon?? Isn’t that extraordinary nice???


Believe me, its very common here and it occurs all the time… You simply have to know how to handle it and reporting is the fastest and cleanest way to deal with it…

I have heard rumours one of the mods participates in the thread under an alias. Rumour…not confirmed.

I’ve been showing for 20 years. I agree that artificially shutting out competition from lower priced shows is a huge potential criticism.  

 If you don’t know what part of the country I live (and show) in, it seems unlikely that you would know the exact impact of the mileage rule in my area.
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So you don’t keep up with changes the USEF makes? Got it. Hell I haven’t been in a show ring in about 15 years and I still keep abreast of the changes.

@Manni01 this quoted post just demonstrates a barn culture shift for Dressage to mimic that of H/J. I don’t think that can rest on the USEF. It rests on the trainers who allow their people to show with zero knowledge.


Check this out…a nice reminder for all those bashing a certain someone and making statements that are untrue, unproven, spreading lies and trying to further ruin theit reputation. Better hope what you say is proven to be true…

Maybe the mileage rule related discussion belongs on a different thread. This one already has plenty of sidetracks.


I don’t think we can positively say that the original mods are no longer mods. That being said, who cares. They are part of our community here on CoTH. I can’t imagine moderating a board I have zero interest in.


Pretty sure the two shows per weekend is a show management decision and not a USEF rule; in my part of the country, a weekend show is one show; one set of USEF fees. Also the grounds fee (set by show management) for haul in is much less that the cost to stable.

So some of the things you are complaining about are show management decisions, not USEF rules. Why not set up your own show management firm, and put on some inexpensive shows yourself?

The rule about multiple international judges for CDIs comes from FEI, not USEF.

Now the mileage rule: that is fair game to criticize.


@MHM Context to your quote of my comment. #791 #790

Denali, I do agree that USEF is not responsible for riders showing without any knowledge…


Well, there are a lot of rules, and a lot of people don’t fully understand them until the rule “bites them”. Then they pay attention.

I thought she was saying that USEF had deliberately made the sport more expensive in order to shield rich competitors from better but poorer competitors, which I think is absurd.

Some misguided policies which make things more expensive but were not intended as such? Maybe.


 I think LK was comparing herself to the parent, not the child.

if you ask show management they will tell you they have to do it because of all the money they pay to USEF…

And again my fav argument the AA rule…
In the US your time as an AA is over once you earn any money with riding…
Theoretically there would be the possibility for the show management to find local sponsors to sponsor price money for the classes… That way the riders could at least get some of the money back they spend for the show… But wait… not possible because then they would loose their AA status…