Manni01 - the post you are so outraged about was not a personal attack. Saying that you have a unique view of amateur dressage riders is not vicious. We all have unique views about things. Saying “adopted country” is not personal. The US is my adopted country as well. I do not see that as an insult - or anything personal - of any kind.
I am not sure that threats and getting in people’s faces is the way to go here.
I am always puzzled by the persistent conspiracy theories that large groups of posters constantly communicate by PM in order to coordinate an attack on some particular poster in a particular thread… that is a lot of paranoia going on there - and paranoia will destroy ya. IF it happens, it is an extremely rare occurrence. IF I get a PM about a thread (very rare), it is just a very short discussion about a particular point… no coordination, no plots, nothing. Sorry to disappoint.
If a moderator is posting on some threads under their own screen name… ummm… who cares?
I wish I could be like Manni - have some nice warmbloods and live where it was warm and go to clinics and show… if wishes were horses…
But no - I just finished digging out of another gawdawful Snowmaggedon mess. I no longer have my own horse - my retired pasture puff was put down last summer. I am the only groom, barn cleaner, midwife, nutritionist, pimp, vet tech etc. for someone else’s 25 horses. I load the youngsters on the trailer to go off to the BNT to start their show careers.
I do get to school some lovely horses at another barn. Most fun: a Fjord who is amazing at lateral work and outshines many of the warmbloods!
I look back fondly on when I was able to go to dressage shows on weekends… and only had one or two horses to tend to… but the current herd here does not allow me to wallow in such thoughts for long.