Barisone Pleads Not Guilty

That’s a good point. I would hope LK has a support system/protection surrounding her from any harm or harassment whatsoever, too.


I would hope the same for LK! She’s already been through enough.

I think both women need a good support system after this whole thing. Possibly for different reasons.


Maybe it will. LK said she has recordings and all sorts of evidence. Who knows.

Well, the lying, loser, reprobate woman who was shot did seem to post on SM that MH won young riders just because her parents bought a really fancy horse and she was favored by the judges because she was young, thin, and blonde. 

 That was indeed an unkind and ungenerous post by LK, unfairly directed at the girlfriend of the man WHO SHOOT HER TWICE IN THE CHEST AT POINT BLANK RANGE.

It’s going to get interesting if that gets admitted.


Yes, it would seem that if there was enough evidence to charge him with premeditation, there would have been enough to have charged any alleged co-conspirators as well. I’m not holding my breath that MH will be charged.

There is also the the possibility that he was charged with premeditation by the DA as a pressure tactic to plea. If so, it hasn’t worked thus far since trial is set for June. Time will tell.


It’s gotta be California! :slight_smile:

LK has been very harsh in her comments on the people that she feels were involved in her being shot. I however am astonished that people criticizes her for that, should she have sent them flowers and a box of candy? She fights back. You or I may not be comfortable in how she does but it is understandable.
One of the women she feels (knows?)encourage MB to do it, the other she feels(knows?) provides him with the gun.


No, I can understand where she is coming from. I’m not going to criticize that.


We don’t know anything about what’s been recorded etc. Of course there is a possibility of broader context of recordings that may not be apparent to a shooting victim who may or may not be suffering from PTSD. The SM record shows that LK can be absolutely horrendous with her comments about people she feels have wronged her, and she does not appear to have any filter. This is a fact, both pre and post MB shooting.

Of course, shooting anyone is never ok. Some ER physicians in your country had wanted to post graphic photos of shooting aftermath a few years ago in relation to gun laws and mass shootings. I’m not an American, so I have no opinions on your laws and culture on this issue.

However, shooting anyone is reprehensible, and there was a lot of push back to not show real life photos.


Maryland per the poster


Yes, to a degree understandable, but truthfully her screedy posts only serve to bulwark the anathema felt by many.

If you practice and hone your drama mama skills, don’t screech too loud when things go extremely wrong.

Whatever was between them that triggered such a strong and vehement reaction by both can only be speculated, even after the thing is done (trial, etc). I tend to think her sh!t backfired, in a bad way. MB was the wrong person to eke out a “win” from.

Most people would have left. No excuses. Period. Especially if this whole “planned to kill me” stuff has one inkling of truth, I’d be surprised anyone would stay. So there was something else between them that sparked this strong sense of “must win” that shed common sense.


Montgomery, Howard or Anne Arundel County?

Or they charged him with premeditation because he went and found or borrowed someone else’s gun, before driving over and shooting Lauren.

Just a thought.


Well, yeah.

I’m not well versed in the New Jersey legal definition of premeditated when it comes to murder, but the above seems like it would suffice from a common sense/obvious stand point.


One begs to wonder if you were around when this conversation was occurring, did you admonish MB for such awful remarks, were you silent, or did you participate as “one of the gang”? Forgive me, but I actually read with my own two eyes a FB post of yours recently where you and someone with the name of Rosie, Lily or Daisy (a flower name) were commenting about someone hiding behind their keyboard and the remark was made they would need to be hiding behind an 18 wheeler to not be seen, or words to that effect, and then laughing and laughing and laughing and posting your cutesy little emojis of laughter. Pot meet kettle. You apparently are known for your biting nasty remarks to those you feel are inferior to you (or you are envious of) when you have an audience of admirers.

Did you get your boob fixed before arriving in FL? One needs to present the best possible image for the best possible score since it’s all about image and not good training and ability to ride, so you say.

I would also call a 74% from the NAYRC of 2003 and a Gold Medalist more than “some success”. Back in '03 anything above 69 was considered phenomenal, particularly by someone so young. She then went on to the 2003 Waldfried Euro Cup Final in Frankfurt, Germany and placed 3rd. I wouldn’t just call that “some success”, but it is obvious you do.

(Other posters, please forgive me…I’ve seen way too many people shamed about their sexual orientation, body image, handicaps, etc to take any of this lightly. I have no idea if MB practices this type of shameful behavior, but I’ve witnessed it with my own eyes from Lauren.)


Oh my goodness. Clutching my tiara.

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Do you even have a clue what the “tiara” refers to in this situation? It isn’t about you and your duchessness.


I have no idea of the posting habits of previous mods, but I absolutely do not participate in threads, other than one I started years ago to ask for some information for personal use.


You should double check that whole CDI thing - You should stop repeating this because it’s just not true. You were not set to compete in the small tour CDI. you were entered into the national classes.