Barisone Pleads Not Guilty

Do you just make up complete BS and hope someone will latch on? Not one single thing you have stated here is true. I could take it apart, point by point- but, we both know you’re lying & I doubt anyone here is gonna listen again to the 911 call as they know, (perhaps only in their minds right now) I’m right. And, god forbid they’d have to admit that.

Of course we knew what “rules,” were in place. Just bc none of them had anything to do with “barn hours,” & more to do with where clients can graze their horses & where to dismount- doesn’t mean there weren’t “rules.” It does mean no rules were broken. Not by us.

So… now you claim I was having a fb conversation (not a text, phone call or live conversation) with a man who lived in the next room - telling him to watch out for my “multiple personalities?” 🤣 Do better research.

Which was it? “Hollering at them late at night - terrorizing them?” Or… screaming going down the driveway… or screaming in a barn? Well, in fairness, Michael couldn’t seem to keep his BS stories straight - so, I’m not surprised you’re having trouble. Just think it’s low & pathetic you’re outright lying. Hey…, don’t you think it’s ODD he chose a time that no other actual boarders were there to witness his erroneous claims to the police? Not even once. (That I know of.)

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Maybe, just maybe the reverse is true…you only showed yourself and began the routine taunting, harassing, etc when no one was there. I have no idea but your reasoning could be applied in reverse as well.


You are disgusting. I will always put the health of my horses FIRST before putting them in a show ring. And, if the trainer tells me to scratch a test bc I already have the score I need, I’m going to just that. To be a good rider… you need your horse to have good experiences, not bad ones. I highly doubt there is even one show in my entire horse show career. Therefore, if there are “scratches,” (like any person who shows has many of) they’re for good reason. None of them business of yours. At least I learned you’re more concerned with chasing scores than keeping your horses (if you even have any) safe, SOUND & happy. Speaks volumes, honestly.

You just stated you have been stalking my scores over the last 2 years. But… I’m the one whose obsessed??? Oooookay!

And WTF are you to tell me what I need to “take responsibility,” for? I don’t “skip,” lessons. Is this the new subject change since you screwed up so colossally on your last BS fairy tale? You must be MH! Only age, herself would accuse someone of being obsessed with her - on a BB which just happebed to open the door for that. Also, I can’t think of anyone who ever would be obsessed with such a person- so… my conclusion is, you’re MH! How terrible for you.


Yeah, no.
The post did not admit to stalking your scores over the last two years. That’s just ridiculous.


So here we go again, accusing a poster of being someone else. Got it. Standard for you, why I don’t know.

I never said I stalked your scores for two years…you mentioned your show record and I looked it up, entering the past two years as the search time frame. Nothing more or less. No, I don’t chase scores, but I also don’t enter classes I’m not ready for either and I enter my own classes so I take the responsibility for knowing what classes are entered. If it is August and very hot, which is normal of course, I will only enter one class a day to protect my horse. No, I don’t scratch just cause I’m tired or “have the score I need”. I don’t rely on a trainer to tell anyone to scratch or if I need a score for something or riding my horse in the warmup. I’m there to train and work. Not just profile and play.

What “colossal fairy tail” did I screw up on? It’s obvious I hit a nerve with this post which tells me there’s truth to it. You truly are delusional.


@ToN Farm It’s gonna be a long night.


Oh, oops! Thanks for clearing up the condo thing.

And, yes, you’re absolutely right about the cleanliness issue carrying over to other places. We were good friends with the man who cleaned the stalls. Nicest guy ever. He’d help me with my Spanish & was just the sweetest guy you could hope to meet. He was being paid so minimally & left at 3 pm after picking each stall & filling water buckets. He’d have jumped at the opportunity to stay longer and do the stalls again but - like every other employee at the barn & elsewhere (aka construction, vets, utility services etc) I’m sure he very much disliked having to “chase,” his earned pay. It’s degrading. But that’s MB rolled. Expecting the most work & refusing to pay for the service either at all- or on time at all. Everyone there complained about this.
MH (at least as far we had been concerned) never was part of any business dealings we had. (Except for one time despite not being welcome.) She didn’t like having to do work & the only time we ever saw her preparing to clean something- was when a certain clinician came bc, he stayed in their apartment when he came in. Even then, she asked me what the job of 409 was!!! I was like, “it’s for cleaning,” then laughed a little, hoping she was joking. She wasn’t.


Maybe you’ll run into the cat on Florida. I think that’s where people decided it went.

I use 409 for everything that requires cleaning 😂


I agree. Though I doubt I’ll be getting much sleep knowing a trial is coming up & trying to sleep- (with several meds to help) - but hearing loud noises & swearing to god it was gunshots. My psychological well being (and sleep pattern) is pretty much toast at this point. Severe emotional & physical distress tends to screw with one’s usual routine, sadly. And, bc of the fact - if we were killed, it would pretty much guarantee a dismissal. At least in Michaels mind. Afterwards, even if conviction happens- we will still be looking over our shoulders bc… we know there’s a high chance he’d want to finish the job he started- except with new & extra motive of revenge for being held accountable for his Inexcusable actions on aug 7th.


Has anyone named this soap opera yet?


As The Dressage Horse Piaffes


:lol: Perfect!

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As The Piaffe Turns
Lauren’s Hope
One Show Score To Live
All My Cat Shit
General Dressage Barn
The Bold And The Blonde
Guiding Jealousy





I’m fond of All My Cat Shit. @IdahoRider :lol::lol::lol:


Ummm… and I’m the one obsessed? (Belly laugh) Shes 35 or something now. When I was the equivalent of a YR - I was landing double axles. Now, if could land a single toe loop or not travel during a sit spin… I’d be delighted. Who gives a rats tail what anyone did 2 decades ago. Besides, (as per usual) you missed my point entirely. And again, separately, only MH would feel the need to point out a “great score,” she got once & add to it, “it wasn’t bc she was thin & beautiful.” I never EVER used the word “beautiful,” or “thin,” in regards to her. I used those words to describe the young, thin, beautiful & TALENTED staff girls she constantly berated. I DID say that Michael told us as nauseam that he saw her at that YR competition & thought she was the most beautiful girl in the world & would’ve scored her 100%. He’s 20 years her senior. Checking out the very young riders as an old guy does set a precedent for future behavior. Then again, so does impregnating a 19 yr old while married. Any advice for that, Green? If so, you should probably give it to Michael.

edit- I checked & did use the word “thin.” Not “beautiful, though. How TH would I know? I was just quoting what OTHERS said - or didn’t say. To repeat, I dont give a hoot what some woman was doing 20 years ago. Nor do I care what she’s doing now - or at anytime in between. Except for that one thing…


OMG!!! You are freaking brilliant. I’m voting for ‘Lauren’s Hope’ first and ‘All My Cat Shit’ second.


Or… maybe she thought she was smart enough to make it seem that way. Unluckily for her- she overestimated her own intelligence. Her truth will come to light. No matter what.
FYI- in order for police to confiscate possessions (aka phones, computers, iPads, papers etc…) very specific criteria must be met, which then allow (& sometimes force) authorities to collect these possessions to form charges. Take that however you want.

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When You Give a Cat a Condo.