Hut, you are on a horse forum so I have to assume you actually know the answer to this crazy question, but just in case you do not I will explain it to you.
There are different levels of board.
At MB’s place LK was in full training, so not only does her board cover feeding the horse but it includes training with a Olympic level trainer or someone that Olympic level trainer assigns to do the training/riding. That costs extra. That is not cheap.
I have never looked at the boarding situation in NJ but I am betting there are full care (in this case full care = horses are fed, horses are turned out, horses have clean stalls, heck maybe even blanket changes) boarding situations that cost substantially less than training board with an Olympic level trainer. Perfectly good horse care, perfectly good horse accommodations, horses are safe and happy and well fed, just not getting training rides daily by an upper level pro. But it seems like if you think your horses are in danger where they are living that the training rides by the upper level pro thing would not be overly important. Oh but wait, Daddy and lawyer had found a place with those training rides and LK said no to it.
I believe she used the term “endless means”, so your point is exactly right. No job (so endless time) and endless means = plenty of time and money to arrange a departure if a departure is what is wanted. But clearly that is not what LK wanted to do even after Daddy made arrangements for her.