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Barisone Safe Sport Update

Replying to myself… Just want to clarify: she drove him to it and took advantage of his pre-existing condition. As someone who suffers from anxiety and depression, I can 100% see how this happened now, and her actions were dangerous… whether or not she wielded a weapon.


Is not neglect.


Based on what? When have they ever proven to be untruthful?


Well, that post is more than two years old by this time. I still have not heard from either safe sport or USEF on the subject. Or Judge Taylor, for that matter. Knock wood. :roll_eyes:


Agree. Especially if it was a day (or a week). Oh my god, your horse’s toes are long, angles are bad. FOR HOW LONG? And we still don’t know why. Was it because she wouldn’t pay? Who knows!


I have been curious about that. Do we know for a fact that she paid the workers for him? Did that info come from her? Given her penchant for obfuscation, fabrication, embellishment, and outright lying, it’s a bit hard to believe anything that comes out of her mouth (or off her fingertips, as it were).


Same here, not a peep from SS or USEF and I even gasp made donations to MB


I believe LK was the source of that information, so I did not take it seriously for even one split second.


You’re misunderstanding what I’m referring to

Maybe that’s why Seeker1 wanted us to pm her our contact info lol
So it would be easier for ss usef to find us :woman_facepalming:


Well, I was informed her complaint was tossed out in 2020 (I don’t know when in 2020). Amazing how they kept up the facade of innocence and knowledge.


Excellent point


Probably. Lol.

As well as any problems we were having so she could “help” us with them. Double :roll_eyes::roll_eyes:


HutHo is assuming it would have been skipped, rather than just delayed a few days until the horses were relocated.


That’s fairly disappointing. You’d think they’d want to be transparent in how they handle things. Im not saying they need to publish their investigations or what have you, just that I ought to be able to look at their website and be able to find something more concrete than the paragraph I quoted. If someone (anyone - not specific to MB) is suspended pending criminal disposition, and the only reason for suspension is pending criminal disposition, it doesn’t seem fair to say, well, you were acquitted but we’re gonna do our own thing now.


I think this is a sticky wait-and-see, but as far as past actions by SS in our realm (mostly in my discipline, it seems)… I stand behind them 100%. I anticipate more coming out in years to come based on things I witnessed or heard of in decades past. Time’s up! I also met with someone from a different sport in person pre-pandemic who used to comment here on SS-related threads. I was horrified that they (not an equestrian) knew about a lot of what I had heard and more. It’s a reckoning. As for what they do with this case? Uncharted waters. But I believe in SS and its mission.

Yes!! :clap:


See, I’m wondering the other way. If more people understood the process, maybe they’d be more willing to be a part of the process.

Probably there are people in both camps. It’s so hard to know what the answer is.


Thanks for your thoughtful response.

I absolutely agree that sports had to take the necessary steps to ensure all participants, especially minors are protected. The reports of abuse from all levels from local clubs to elite sport groups are horrific.

On a side note, but related to my post, a Mr. Harris filed a complaint with the Human Rights Tribunal of Ontario against the Cleveland Indians baseball team . I checked CANLII which is a public website of decisions Unfortunately, Mr. Harris abandoned his application and it was dismissed. If I remember correctly, he was arguing that the club’s name and logos were discriminatory against indigenous people, of whom I am guessing is an ethnicity he identifies with. To the Cleveland Indians’ credit, when they played Toronto after that, their jerseys only said “Cleveland” in recognition of how the name was perceived here. They changed their name this year.


Way veering off thread, but I want to set a record straight. And, I know this poster is banned. I know this poster edited their post. I also know this poster lied and another poster is trying to misconstrue what happened. Here is what happened: A now restricted poster sent me nasty unsolicited PMs and then when I called them out, challenged me to post the message, so I did. Then they tried to change the narrative. Thank goodness they are gone!


Sorry, that argument makes no sense. (Or as we say in the south, that dog won’t hunt.)

People that concerned about the welfare of horses would not have abused horses belonging to someone else, nor would they have neglected to provide critical care for them as needed. Unlike a certain other couple living on the proper, MB/NHG/RC/JH, etc., just don’t sound like they are vindictive enough to willfully harm someone else’s horses.

Oh, and another thing - didn’t LK allege that the reason MB tried to “murder” them was because MHG wanted her horses? Now why in the world would someone allow abuse or neglect to happen to a horse she was wanted for herself? :thinking: