Barisone Safe Sport Update

Add that to the LK post about only needing 3 shots or bullets and it gets even more disturbing,


In theory, yes. In practice, no. Have a read of some of the SafeSport threads in the other forums and you’ll find many examples of those with permanent bans who still teach, train, coach, associate with current members and even get paid large sums of money to give clinics.


“In theory”–you mean as per USEF policy? " In practice" you are saying they don’t follow the policy. Of course not, the reason people get around it is precisely because the USEF is well aware that their policy is beyond the legal scope of their authority and they can’t challenge people who don’t follow it without risking someone pushing back and exposing it.

You are proving my point here.

You are admitting that this organization that claims they provide “due process” for the accused has policy that is willfully ignored–probably because it is illegal–and apparently everybody knows it. This is why the reality is that as serious as the transgressions dealing with them outside the law is highly problematic. This is the very definition of a kangaroo kourt and no amount of lipstick will change it. This has alway been my fundamental problem with SS.


this is my belief about this poster. I don’t necessarily believe they are connected to the players in this saga at all. Until you have met someone like this you tend not to understand it.


The very sad thing is the original prosecutor had all this information in discovery and did nothing. They all fawned all over the Kanareks and their revolving door of lawyers. What a shame.

There’s no way all this won’t be introduced in the civil trials.

By the way, I wonder if this screenprint made it into the package sent to USEF?

But wait, she was just kidding and lying, right?


Phew. Thank you for a great post. Some good insight there.


She testified she met him as a teenager and their relationship started in 2015.

For sure! In theory none of the events of August 6th and the last 2+ years would have happened.


So who were you dating in 2015??


She’s such a peach. Just a little problematic boarder. Nothing to see here. More importantly lets get back to MB and his virility. That’s the bigger issue. :roll_eyes:


Wow, I hadn’t looked at SS from this viewpoint and now I’m cringing. So people like Rob Gage (though of course he’s deceased) and GM could train kids if their parents so decided? That’s a dangerous position. You can sanction but you can’t uphold the sanction because it’s not a legal decision. Yikes.


Again. Thank you for the great post. Totally agree.


:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


Thank you for your posts. I am uncomfortable with SS because it reminds me too much of civil courts and the various injustices that are put forward there. Judges that simply don’t follow the law, choose who will win a case based on perceived gender bias, wealth, prestige, and /or political connections, and with very little accountability or availability of redress by the average citizen.




At a minimum, the point of claiming to have a plant on the inside is to spread fear, distrust, and create infighting and drama amongst a group. It was specifically designed to prey on someone’s mental state.


I seriously doubt she had a plant of any kind. She had no friends there other than RG. She’s so clever. /s


Most of SS in all sports has been about sexual abuse of minors. SS will act even if the minor (present or past) refuses to participate in court procedings or if the statute of limitations has passed. Or if the coach wins his court case but its obvious he did mess with minors. Etc.

Sexual crimes are often much harder to successfully prosecute than other kinds of crime, and harder on the complainant too.

I don’t think if a coach was say accused of theft and then proved innocent that SS would continue to penalize. I think this language is specifically with sex crimes in mind.

Also SS will ban for behaviour that does not reach the level needed for criminal prosecution.


Someone asked for this