Barisone Safe Sport Update

But Rosie’s testimony would have been inadmissible… being a dog and all…

Hmmm. Career-ending gold, she boasts. None of the “problematic” boarders I have ever had to deal with were ever manipulative, scheming, boasting, smirking, lying and threatening - all at once… such a complete nightmare for everyone associated with that barn at the time.


It IS stalkerish though.
Kind of like the Kim K thing, the ex posting all over SM. That is unnerving I am sure.


as semi decent person, this is hard to comprehend, even when witnesing it live in front of you, so to speak.


yeah, but nope. Buh bye.

If I heard about a plot to kill my child and I was on a cruise in Europe, I’d be so terrified that I’d disembark at the next port and fly home to help in any way possible, instead of going on fun shore excursions and reviewing them on TripAdvisor. But that’s just me.


I think no matter where you are, a good farrier is like a god. (Spoken as someone who had to move a lot due to career. Find a good barn and a good farrier before finding yourself a place to live. Priorities.:grin:)


Bolding mine… ignoring the “problematic boarder” description - instead of understanding that someone with pre-existing mental health conditions could be driven to insanity by someone intentionally harassing them (did you see LK’s pre-shooting post screenshot above?), you instead focus on everything but her harassment? Strange.


Someone in that thread stream believes in brabbling and it isn’t MHM!


Doesn’t that sound remarkably similar to LK/LLPR stating that she had the real names of people posting on the board, supplied to her by COTH itself?


Thinking that LK was merely a “problematic boarder” is naive at best. Granted she was both problematic and a boarder, but on a whole 'nother level in comparison to what we usually consider a problematic boarder to be.

It wasn’t as if she was the client that just didn’t pay on time, didn’t put the broom back, and/or gave unsolicited advice to everyone, she was literally out to “finish the bastard” and said many things on SM prior to the shooting that go beyond general barn drama and problems.

I don’t get the endgame though. So they’d drive him until be broke and then? I mean really, thus far, aside from negative attention (due to their own actions), LK & Co really hasn’t gotten anything of benefit. Sure maybe something will come from the Civil suits, but it isn’t so cut and dry, plus she will also be sued. So I don’t even know that the “winnings” from the Civil suit (or suits) will be all that great? But I don’t know. I also don’t know if it’s tricky because LK really doesn’t have much because it’s likely either in her father’s name/shared with him, or in both names, and it’s obviously her father’s/family money. I don’t know the fine details, but I wonder if this will be at all relevant.

If MB was so whack, they could’ve just said, “you’re whack, we’re going to leave.” Instead of seeing how much they could push his buttons. MB could’ve also done a few things differently, don’t get me wrong. It was 2 people that should’ve never crossed paths.


IM was full of it since day 1. Just dropping little morsels here and there that people were going nuts over.

Why on earth would SS and USEF waste their time monitoring anonymous posters on a BB. A majority here probably aren’t even USEF members. Never mind being aware of everyone’s identity. :roll_eyes:


My bad - it was the horrid cartoonish logo that was removed.

edited not sure how Mt tablet managed to mangle cartoonish so

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Out of interest, does anyone know where RG went after the shooting? I guess he and JK terrorized the people living there the day after the shooting when they came to the farm and, possibly they were tearing out video cameras? Then what? Where did RG go and live for those three weeks before LK was out of the hospital? Seeing as his places of abode are wherever she lives, and she certainly didn’t live at the farm any longer.

He didn’t go back to the farm did he? POssibly he did, to stay with the horses till they moved, but how long did it take until the horses left?

Just wondering if anyone knows where he went.


While I understand you are attempting to infer something negative about MB, I wonder if you have considered that you are actually implying that the people at USEF/SS are unethical. Was that your intention?


So the claim that LK only believed it was a murder plot after the shooting is, in fact, erroneous.


So what? MHG, RC, and JH were all on the radar of RG and JK because of past interactions and were therefore most likely to be at risk of retaliation. MHG was probably encouraged by the others to leave ASAP for her own safety. RC’s horse was co-owned with MHG, so it stands to reason it would ship out with MHG’s other horses. JH was needed at the FL facility to get it up and running and ready for an early influx of horses. They probably even helped each other pack up and load up.
LO was not on the KKlan’s radar, so it made sense that she would remain and arrange shipping for MB’s horses.

Your outrage is misplaced and fed by your “loyalty” to the KKlan. One has to wonder why you are so insistent on condemning everyone in MB’s circle and instead singing the praises of “the family that preys together.” :thinking:


And as long as LK has been an adult, she should have known how to realize she wasn’t welcome anymore and take the mature step to REMOVE HERSELF from the situation instead of deliberately taking steps to make the situation worse. It was HER RESPONSIBILITY to NOT escalate things.

But oh, no - she had to be Miss Badass, because (say it again with me) “By God, I will NOT be rejected.”

Who does that?


Just popping my head in to say that LO, the “mother of the working student”, is also an accomplished rider. Leaving horses in her care is completely appropriate.


I think MB had some legal forms and releases, I believe he was trying to get her to sign a from of this sort, but she would not.

Also, people don’t always abide by the law or what has been agreed to on paper. In addition to that, some “legal forms” and “releases” aren’t even worth the paper they’re written on. So even that isn’t cut and dry, or easy. I do think everyone should have their ducks in a row with appropriate paperwork in place, but sometimes even that doesn’t save you, but sometimes it does.

I’ve seen people get casual and say “go on and start moving/move here, and we’ll get the paperwork together” and then the papers are signed many days (or a month) later. I think all should be signed before the horse moves, but some people are surprisingly relaxed about this. It’s just plain stupid to not have all agreements signed and figured out prior. So if MB did not do that, yes, that was dumb on his part.


I am guessing it is because of his relationship with Allison Brock, who has a connection to people involved with USEF at a high level. I believe that is why LK went on a rant on the SS thread on the HJ forum about “corruption” at the highest levels of USEF. And I now wonder if that rant happened around the same timeframe that USEF dismissed her complaint against MB - it could very well have been the trigger that set her off on that “crusade.”