Because in life you’ll come across grifters who survive by being more aggressive than usual humans. They play life on a different scale than everyone else and their boldness and nerve offers reward due to the lack of heart for the game that most people have.
I don’t see the word murder mentioned there. Or any specific claim. It could have been any random thing from the vagueness of the post. Financial issues, or what have you, especially with the word fraud thrown in there.
If USEF wants it’s members to uphold legal, social and ethical standards, isn’t lying on the stand, while under oath, the embodiment of its antithesis?
They are talking about the Johnny Depp trial on the news right now, which seems to be finally nearing an end. I can’t believe it is still going on. It started during MB’s trial, which feels like it was ages and ages ago, even though it was not that long ago. But still.
After seeing MB’s trial, I can’t imagine how the jury could be expected to deal with all that information over such an extended period of time. Not to mention all the endless press coverage, etc., etc.
She testified under oath in court that she lies a lot. So what difference does it make what she said, either on the BB, or to someone who was getting all his information from her?
I think she uses vague as her cloak when she’s not in her ninja costume.
I imagine it could refer to a number of pots she was stirring, simultaneously.
All of that makes sense. Thank you. I guess I’ve just been looking at SS through the lens of how they will handle MB’s case which is not their normal, or anyone’s for that matter. How could anyone anticipate this?
LK posted somewhere on these boards that the form was also posted on the wall in the barn which makes me believe that it was a standard disclaimer about horse riding is dangerous and they are not responsible for injuries. I can’t think of the exact wording. Basically you can’t sue if you get hurt by your horse.