Barisone Safe Sport Update

It’s possible he was the FI “on call” that evening and was therefore monitoring a group email account. Although I did see the email addresses of various FD personnel posted on the township’s website - including that particular FI.

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She might have also been referring to the New Jersey Equine Liability Law sign, that every farm owner in the state should have posted.


I haven’t watched any part of the Johnny Depp trial at all. One such trial was enough for me. Possibly forever. Lol.


Maybe this will help clarify things…



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Because that is the Kanarek MO, intimidate and threaten. It’s worked for them for years to continue their inappropriate behaviors. It now appears, to me at least, the entire family is complicit in continued bad behavior.


But she didn’t realize the cops response, dumbest murder planner ever, was also suggesting anyone who believes it (coughLKcough) was equally dumb.


I am definitely not implying the people at USEF/SS are unethical.

I think there was a text from MB to MHG saying that he would get LK banned for life from USEF, at a time when he was on the USEF board of directors. It’s not saying USEF is unethical to say that MB may have believed that, as a director, his complaint against LK would carry weight.

Eggbutt has claimed that LK is still being investigated by USEF, and further stated that because USEF membership is down that she thinks they might respond to “public pressure” on the supposed investigation of LK.

I strongly believe that USEF should investigate MB, MHG, and LK and any other USEF members for their roles in this, and make their determinations absolutely independently of any “public pressure”. The recently reposted post of IM talked about USEF probably not appreciating “being played for a fool”. Would “playing USEF for a fool” include using SM to tell lies about a person under investigation to “put pressure” on them to satisfy the person’s personal vendetta?

If USEF “responds to public pressure” in its decisions on any of these people, I will be greatly disappointed in USEF.

Not to mention the whole “shoot two people in broad daylight in the middle of the day with lots of other people on the property” aspect of being the world’s dumbest murder planner. :roll_eyes:

And honestly, the ridiculous rigmarole in that post about who called CPS is just so grotesque. :face_vomiting:


Well, that certainly suggests that VK was not out of the picture by 2015 when MHG testified that her relationship with MB started.

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I’m not seeing many similarities between Johnny Depp and Michael Barisone. I understand people are outraged by some of Amber Heard’s behaviour, but I find no similarities between MB and JD. MB was not an out of control abuser of drugs and alcohol. I have not been following that trial (absolutely no interest), but am aware of what both sides allege from the news.


A release for a friend riding would need to be signed by the friend, not by LK.

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I am not sure how it is so hard to understand that two people can no longer be in the marriage part of a relationship but still very much run a business together. Not every marriage breaks up with two people spewing hate at each other and not being able to adult enough to keep a good business going.

If my friend was coming to the barn to ride and the barn owner wanted my friend to sign a release to ride, the barn owner would likely find me, the person they have a working relationship with, and ask me to make sure that my friend would sign a release before they rode.


VK filed for divorce in 2017 and the divorce occurred in 2018. MB was still in the “marriage part” of the relationship in 2015.

MB called 911 because LK was refusing to sign whatever the document was. He did not hand it to her, and ask her to return it with a signature.

Some people may truly feel or believe that a marriage needs to end with a bang - never a whimper.

Plus ending a marriage is not unlike unraveling a business partnership. The less emotional you can be, the less it will cost either party and the more likely both parties will land on their feet/the business will be on solid footing if sold or dissolved.

LK strikes me as someone whose relationships often end with fireworks and it was only a matter of time before someone was hurt particularly deeply. That it could be physical and directly affect Lauren instead of someone else doesn’t appear to have crossed her mind. Despite deliberately setting out to torment someone using his well-known (and historically well-managed and addressed) issues against him.

Who does that? What kind of person would stoop that low and take pride in being that vicious?


Do you know this for a fact? Divorces can take a very long time. It is not at all uncommon for people to have been separated romantically for many years before things are legally finalized. (And yes, gasp, even carrying on a working business relationship long after the romantic one ends…)

I’m unclear why this is a hill you seem to want to die on - this timeline of VK and MGH. What is it to you how things unfolded over the years?


I’m still wondering the relevance of this fascination with Vera and MHG. By most accounts the Barisone divorce was amicable and MH and Vera did not cause problems for each other publicly. I suspect any angst about the financial settlement, which had a generous length of time to settle, was the amount of wealth tied up in hard assets… what would be sold versus MB’s earning potential over the time period?


An example is a friend of mine. He and his wife have been legally separated but not divorced for 25 years. His pre-retirement gift to himself is to kick her off the health insurance, stop paying for her mobile and file for a divorce this year now that they are both 65. Very much an outlier but it does happen.


Hey Vera, if you are trolling, please sign in and settle this tangent. Thanks! :crazy_face:

Totally joking for those with comprehension issues. I am not implying Vera has the time or inclination to troll these threads. What a shame I felt the need to have to explain this post. But hey, it’s a public forum with lots of personalities!


what a jerk move on his part…