Barisone Safe Sport Update

Such disjointed psychotic thinking


If I felt the slightest need to tape my trainer’s conversation, I’d be immediately on the phone calling barns to move my horses out of there asap, instead shopping on amazon for recording devices.


Great leap at a conclusion there.

By that time Vera and MB were no longer in a romantic relationship but were instead just business partners.

Really we’ve been over this.

And when you jump to conclusions like this, make sure to watch your landing.


As owner of that horse you can bet your Sweet Grass LK should have to sign too.


Which is why I think it was probably the standard “we can’t be held responsible if you are injured while you are at the barn by law” like the one I posted from NC. She said the same thing was posted on the barn wall, so most likely he wanted her to sign a physical copy of the sign.


I’m thinking it’s just another example of the, “Hey, look over here!!!1!1!” approach to attempt a distraction from more relevant parts of the discussion.

Clearly, the personal lives of the people involved years prior to the event are completely irrelevant.

I’m still waiting for a response from a couple of posters to my inquiry about their own dating lives at the time period in question, if it’s so relevant to the topic at hand.


Your obsession with this is weird dude.

Filing for divorce on a certain date in no way impugns when the romance ceased to exist.


This is a good point. A release that covers the barn from both the owner and the rider if the rider does something that causes the rider or the horse to get hurt. Smart document to have.

Well geez ,didn’t everyone you know that got divorced remain romantic until the day before the divorce papers were filed?


Yep. The song and dance show. Let’s get you all indignant about smearing MB so you’ll stop focusing on the fact that LK was discussing a set up for a trial (most likely a civil trial in hopes of a settlement, which actually makes the office access and forging signatures and the constant rants about contracts make sense), LK’s pending SS/USEF issues, etc….


MHG really wanted LK out if there. She wanted the farmhouse got herself, MB, and sometimes her children and parents. She really disliked LK. All perfectly understandable.

Do why did MB permit LK to return to NJ in spring 2019? I don’t believe for a minute JK “forced” MB to do anything.

I think MB wanted LK as a client for the money he could get out of her - for board, for horse sales, etc. As late as July he was making plans to coach her in August and bring in more horses through quarantine, instead of giving her notice to vacate. He wanted to keep LK as a client and appease MHG. Did MHG give him an ultimatum during the last week? Get rid of LK or I’m leaving you?

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The first step in fighting addiction is realizing there’s a problem.

Again the romantic part of the relationship was probably way way over before the first divorce paper was ever filed.

That’s how it was for me and is likely the norm in these situations.


I didn’t read through all the arguing on the thread but I’m almost positive SS has a copy of the recordings of MB and his barn people talking about their plans. I’m wondering if that is why he isn’t being reinstated yet. Sorry if that’s already been mentioned.

Don’t @ me with attacks I’m just sharing information.


Oh dear…I might actually have to find the manifesto again….

LK did actually talk about having to force her way back onto the farm that April by using threats.


If that’s the case, I certainly hope they have the actual recordings which have been verified for authenticity somehow. Not the “transcripts” from LK’s mother.


Yeah, I flagged your inquiry into my dating life for the mods.

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Which once again brings up the glaringly obvious question:

Who does that?!?


Good for you.


No one doubts that they have them. We doubt that there is anything of any real substance on the tapes, considering the lack of action by anyone with any authority to do so.


I don’t know why my quote function only works sometimes.
“ I think that the divorce, the loss of VK as barn manager, who might have simply told LK to leave in early spring 2019, and the loss of VK’s earning power in buying young horses from Europe, training them and selling them, are 100% relevant as to the creation of the stress MB was under. If, as my friend IM stated, MB gave up his marriage, his successful business, and his sensible barn manager for MHG, and then MHG threatened to leave him it he did not get LK off the property instantly, I think that’s the pressure that may have pushed him over the brink.”

That’s all speculation though. None of us know the intimate details of his relationships with VK or MHG.
My parents were separated well before their divorce. For a while they continued living in the same residence, just different bedrooms. So MB/VK May have done that. Or maybe it was exactly as you stated. We just don’t know.
Maybe the divorce actually eliminated stress from MB’s life, or maybe it added stress. Unless we ask MB we are only getting secondhand accounts.


I agree that your legal husband moving out of your shared residence to move into the barn living quarters with his “younger, riper fruit” (was that your term?) assistant trainer would put a real damper on the romance in the marriage. As the wife, do you file for divorce immediately, or think maybe this is just a fling we can survive?

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