Barisone Safe Sport Update

SS needs a complaint or perhaps corroboration from victims. They will go looking for more victims and interview them. But this is all private and confidential.

My point was that the victims do not need to prosecute the case through the criminal court system and get the accused ruled guilty. Many victims may have neither the courage nor the forensic proof to take on a criminal court case, especially over an alledgely “consensual” case. The courts are brutal.

I put consensual in scare quotes because no, minors can’t legally consent. But a 16 year old girl who gets in a sexual relationship with an adult may feel at the time and later that it was consensual and may even have thought she was in love. May even end up marrying him. Court is vicious in these situations.


I wouldn’t doubt it. It’s all going to come out during the civil trial, is my bet.

Maybe he did want her until he didn’t want her. Doesn’t make a difference. Instead of her posting crap on FB she should have left.

Instead of filing false reports she should have left.

Instead of tormenting people she should have left.

MHG submitted 750 pages of evidence to the powers that be. Odds are there was evidence of things LK had said, done, written in there. THAT’S WHY THEY WANTED HER GONE.

Odds are LK was tormenting MHG and MB thought he could control it until he knew he couldn’t and no amount of :ox: :poop: by Father could control that narrative any more.

Long story short: LK burned her bridges and they wanted her to go. She should have gone. She should have never plotted to oust MHG and she should have never tried to come between that couple.


LOl for sure

His status has been changed and somewhat upgraded, so NO.


I don’t think it’s an upgrade, but a re-open or re-assessment? I guess it’s an upgrade in that it is not a solid “banned”.


Not if those tapes were illegal. It really begs the question….if they were legal and had a plot, why didn’t the prosecution use them for the criminal trial? Still waiting on a legal analysis for why legal incriminating recordings of a plot were not used and why no one else was charged with conspiracy or as an accomplice.


yeah I guess it all rides on whether they are legal or not, which I have no idea. Not sure if SS needs them to be legal, I’m not informed enough to know about that.

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Again your facts are wrong. This has been explained.

When the marriage ended he didn’t go straight to MHG. There was another interest.

That pesky little fact puts a damper on your accusatory timeline.

This particular sequence of events is only something that YOU worry about.


I can almost agree with you on this. Not bc he needed the money so badly, but when you have someone who brags about having unlimited means and is flaunting about this and that, I think I’d want her for a client too, until I didn’t.

It must feel terrible for LK to know that the only value she thinks she brings to the table is a paycheck. Having to pay people to pay attention to you. Kind of makes one feel empty, hollow, unimportant etc. I suspect that could be where some of her disgusting behavior comes from [edit]. Everyone has value.


I agree that safe sport does not need a criminal finding to take action. As I said, it sounded to me from the training as if they do need a complaint from a victim to get very far with their proceedings.

They might get that by receiving a report from a third party and then questioning the victim, who then decides to file a complaint, which I think has happened on occasion.

However, it sounded like a third party complaint by itself without any corroboration would not result in much action from safe sport.

I think it’s important to make it clear so that people have a better understanding of safe sport’s procedure. If nothing else, the result of MB’s case should certainly provide more clarity on their process.


“ MHG really wanted LK out if there. She wanted the farmhouse got herself, MB, and sometimes her children and parents. She really disliked LK. All perfectly understandable.”
Do we know this? Without a firsthand account it’s hearsay. Has MHG publicly stated she wanted LK gone? Maybe she has, personally I’ve never seen such a statement from her. Words are interpreted differently depending on who is hearing them/seeing them.
Let’s assume the paper MB wanted LK to sign was the general safety form. I would interpret it as a standard form to sign. Apparently LK believed it was a form that would allow MB to intentionally hurt her without repercussions.


It does make a difference. If he wanted her for the revenue through late July and only decided he for sure wanted her gone in response to an ultimatum from MHG, it is violating her rights as a tenant to tell her to leave in two days. Obviously she would have been better off if she had moved instantly when he finally asked her to leave, but how was she to know he’d have a mental break down and shoot her if she simply wanted 7 days instead of 2 to move?

I’m sure SS needs them to be legal.


I’m not in training at the moment. But when I have been, I’m honest enough with myself to realize that the trainer’s interest in me is mostly about the fees. I would hope the trainer finds me “pleasant enough”, but I never assume it’s my personality or talent that keeps my place as a client.


I would assume the status changed due to the NGI but he has not been reinstated because they have to consider filed reports, his status regarding the psychiatric aspect, and whether or not he then presents a danger to the sport/individuals.
Like others have said there is no precedent in SS with this situation. They have so much to consider, and he’s currently doing in-patient treatment and isn’t able to ride anyway.


If only as a bad example

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Are you serious? Surely you must be joking.

LK was harassing these people and engaging in illegal activities against them. Drugs were being consumed on the property (they absolutely were).

LK and her behavior caused a background check to be made and all the elements of this abusive (To MB and MHG) relationship was why LK had to go.

LK had to go because she was (odds are) a mentally ill manipulative, vindictive liability who consumed drugs on site living with a convicted felon and a dangerous dog.

That’s it.

It wasn’t because of anything else.


Someone posted the SS language that stated there is a permanent ban from criminal charges for any outcome other than Not Guilty.

Even if he had been found NG on all four counts, SS still has the authority to investigate the shooting.


Some people apparently don’t get that.