Barisone Safe Sport Update

Attempt at humor warning - If you sweat too much do the caterpillars fall off your eye lids?


Did he?


This is a curious question. Did MB know there was another horse coming?


I don’t view that any differently than a non-working woman getting supported by a wealthy husband. We have quite a few of them in equine sport.


He testified that he was hired July 31. He doesn’t say how long it took him to produce the report.


True story. (Unrelated to LK.)

Many years ago in Florida, I crossed paths with an amateur who was there for the winter with five horses. The horses all belonged to her family, and there were one or two younger ones that her trainer showed, and the others were there for her to show.

One day in a random conversation, the subject came up of the degree she had. And she said something like, “If I ever got a real job, it would be in that field.”

So I took that to mean that she thought what she was doing with the horses was her “job.” Although she was not taking care of them. She had staff for that. Apparently her “job” was to ride and show them as an amateur. And the horses were not for sale or anything like that, as I recall, so it’s not as if the plan was to turn them over for a profit.

To the best of my knowledge, she is still doing the same “job” to this day. :woman_shrugging:

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no doubt!

Great work if you can get it!



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It’s easy to keep up when the truth is what is being told repeatedly.

I think there are quite a few personal reasons some cling to supporting the Kanareks regardless what obvious facts are put in front of them. Honestly, most of this would be hard to fathom unless one had experience with Lauren.

I remain sorry that I didn’t do more to share truths about Lauren years ago rather than taking the easy way out by ignoring her and her bestie’s disgusting posts. I should have followed the saying, “if you see something, say something” or taken SS’s advice of taking legal action against her when they determined my reports were “personal conflicts rather than reportable offenses”.


truly recovering addicts are not the problem, even if they do relapse.

The active seeking ones are however not to be trusted.


Some times it’s hard to tell the difference and addicts can be charming and devious. I


And why do you need to know what happened Angela_Freda. What possible difference can this make to you? Are you related to one of the principals in this saga? Will you be affected financially by any outcomes? Do you even know one person here. What possible business is this of yours?


Interesting. So you have reported LK to SS and they declined to act, saying your complaints were just “personal conflicts rather than reportable offenses.”

That explains a lot.


Kurplexed, are you related to any of the people involved? Do you have a vested financial or “other” interest? Why in the world would I tell you anything? Writing “show proof” is probably the most ridiculous “demand” anyone has made to date. If you want to speak to me and there is some ramification to you personally, please msg me and I will talk to you. Meanwhile, I will pray for you to lower your expectations as to what information anyone owes you.

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oh boy! :cowboy_hat_face:


LK is not on trial. Michael Barisone was on trial and because of an act he committed he is in a state mental institution. How consistent is that?

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So @seeker1 is currently in the house.

You have been quite forthcoming in who you are. If your husband has been posting here, why isn’t he as forthcoming?



Her actions will be on trial when the civil case starts.


What explains a lot? I’ve never hidden the fact I have filed SS reports against Lauren, in fact I discussed the reports in a post several weeks (6 maybe) ago. I also mentioned along the way SS used to indicate they took bullying of any kind reportable, which is why I made the reports. They morphed and corrected their focus to minor abuse. That said, USEF Codes of Conduct still apply. Since the time of my reports, the staff has changed.