Barisone Safe Sport Update

Give it time, Mom.
Give it time.


the benadryl wore off?


Imagine delighting in the break up of a marriage and posting a warped fantasy online as truth. How LK believes she is entitled to tell the story of anyone’s marriage is beyond me.


Narcissistic psychopath…with a side of drug addict.


Yet, if ANYONE posts ANYTHING about Lauren without also posting proof, they are lambasted and pummeled by the KK squad demanding proof.


Especially considering her mom’s attempts to tell other posters here to mind their own business.


And yes…now couple this post with the admission of lying on SM under oath….


Yeah, it’s all okay though because Lauren admitted under oath she lies and makes up stories so that makes it all okay. Sweet little thing should get a little foil gold star for imaginative writing. :star: Wow. Just wow. And people wonder why I continue to post the truth about this woman!!


It’s time to revisit the lovely old aphorism:

“Having religion is like having a penis. It’s a perfectly lovely thing to have; but it’s still impolite to take it out and wave it around in public.”



I love it.


Perhaps her mother should spend more time reviewing Lauren’s social media posts instead of transcribing illegal recordings. Oh wait, most have been deleted…that is except all the ones the Barisone team, USEF, and posters here have via screen shots!


Beginning at 1:03 approximately they discuss this post. Apparently the date of the post was August 6th




are web crawlers still a thing?

Oof. That was so hard to watch, even just for a minute or two. Including the part where Mr. B had to specify which horrendous Facebook post he was referring to at that moment, since obviously there were so many hideous ones.


You know, the way things happened those last few days are :exploding_head::

End of July Mr Tarshis starts negotiating with JK for at least a week.

July 30: many personalities FB post

July 31: MB hires private investigator

July 31: first 911 call

Aug 1: 2nd 911 call

Aug 1: Hay Guy starts watching barn. I love Hay Guy.

Aug 2: Mr Tarshis believes he and JK have reached an agreement for LK to move.

Weekend of Aug 3-4 (I’m guessing this is when the “wait till Monday” secret recording happened because there was some indication she was supposed to be moving based on the above agreement)

Aug 3: Instead of packing, RG was doing internet searches to find MHG’s kids. (From MB’s suit against police)

Aug 3: 911 call. This is when LK tells police she has hidden recordings

Aug 4: 911 call where RG can be heard shouting in background

Aug 4th late night/possibly early Aug 5th: people were incapable of unplugging a dryer

Aug 5: MB goes to police station

Aug 5: Steve Tarshis emails a get gone letter to LK

Aug 5: LK reports MB to SS (based on her sm posts).

Aug 5: JK hires ED

Aug 5: RG takes his handwritten (by LK) complaint to the building inspectors

Aug 6: LK posts insanity on FB

Aug 6: MHG mails her SS complaint

Aug 6: ED meets LK for first time with JK, while RG secretly records meeting

Aug 6: Inspectors, fire Marshall, etc descend on farm

Aug 6: MB and everyone else living in barn given boot.

Aug 6: RC bitten by poor Rosie while trying to post notices

Aug 6: LK served with eviction notice.

Aug 7: Farrier service refused which resulted in “Finish The Bastard” text.

Aug 7: 1:42 pm video clip sent to RG’s phone. Cameras then turned off.

Aug 7: CPS shows up

Aug 7: shooting

What I can’t place from testimony is when LK made her SS report or exact dates of her googling CPS phone number on two separate occasions (when JH stole her phone…)

Also don’t have an exact date for the ninja appearance.

But HOLY HECK, August 5th and 6th sound awful.

Edit to add: LK testified she ordered the recorders on July 31 and received them the next day, but Mr Tarshis testified about conversations between him and MB showing up on social media before Aug 1, so…

Edited to add the dryer and Finish the Bastard


It’s brutal. That’s why I made notes the 2nd time I watched it because, well, she contradicts herself so often over two days and my brain needed to jot it down. And now I don’t have to watch much.


You must know that if you post you will provoke ire. - your time would be better spent praying the three mystery’s of the rosary if you really want this to stop.


About the third time the poster you quoted hit the “so and so were in a relationship and he was still married” button I started smelling eau de anger. It seems as though that is a thorn in their side, quite possibly from a cheating spouse / bad marriage themselves.[But I’m not questioning their dating or married life!]

Change is always stressful, even when it’s something we want. MB is a guy that has dealt with a lot of stress before, a lot more than many of us. To be on the Olympic team, to juggle training his own horses, his clients and their horses, running a farm, being in a relationship, and who knows what else! That’s a full plate and second helpings too.


I have yet another question for the legal experts. Even if there were recordings and IF they had anything about harming anyone, how would anyone prove that the people had any intention of acting on it? Couldn’t the person say “I was joking” or something similar? Especially since these recordings were not made by law enforcement investigating a potential crime.

If SS would actually use illegal recordings to go after anyone except the person who made them, I hope they would face legal consequences.