Barisone Safe Sport Update

You have no idea the guilt I, and others, feel for not screaming the truth about your daughter from the highest rooftop. Instead I ignored your daughter’s continued destructive, hateful, evil behavior and many others were seriously hurt. I won’t ignore her behavior again. Don’t dare tell me what to do under any circumstances. I’ve broken no laws - EVER.


Methinks Dr. Schlessinger would be fascinated by LK and would seriously want to use her for a case study for his next book or symposium presentation. (Assuming he has since the trial delved more into the situation and learned more about her.)



Like hell I will. I will show your daughter all the love and empathy she showed me.


Pray for yourself lady, not me.


That Facebook post by LK - holy crapola, talk about injecting herself into a situation that was none of her business and making it all about her. That is not normal behavior or thought process. And, yes, I do agree with other posters here that the living arrangements are the crux of the problem.


Now that you mention it, I do have a prayer request. When I get to heaven, would you ask whoever is in charge if I could be reunited with the hip, the elbow and b**b that preceded me there? I miss them. That’d be great. TIA


Michael destroyed his own life by getting the gun from Ruth and shooting Lauren. This could have been resolved in many other ways including but not limited to pursuing it legally. Everyone feels really badly that he did this but yet he did. No one pulled that trigger but him. No one is responsible but him. There was one gun, one man who had it, and one man who aimed it and shot Lauren. Unfortunately if the people around him werent allegedly egging (no reference intended) him on, maybe he would have sought the appropriate help/solutions that he needed.

No one wanted to blame Michael for the fact that he did not take care of the facility appropriately and thus caused everyone to be homeless. He was the landlord. He was responsible for the edifices on the property. It was much easier to place all blame on my daughter. From what I have heard, his amazing ex wife Vera, handled all such issues prior to her departure.

[edit], MHG, allegedly did not have the wherewithal to solve problems appropriately and was possibly whispering inappropriate solutions in his ear along with threats to leave him. So… at that point, Michael allegedly had 4 huge problems:

  1. Competent wife left
  2. New GF had allegedly little problem solving ability and little understanding of finances and was threatening to leave.
  3. The residences where people/students had lived were destroyed so no where for anyone too sleep, live etc. Logic to them was to blame Lauren as they could not blame their “hero” Michael.
  4. Squeezed financials due to divorce.

[quote=“Seeker1, post:1602, topic:772812, full:true”]

So you are all full of peace and love unless your daughter is recuperating from 2 gunshot wounds, up close, center mass, murder twice dead. Then, in such a case it’s “sorry no recovery at our house honey, it’s Motel Six for you”.


Yeah, the bit about paying “top dollar” almost made me spit out my coffee. The last place I boarded was a nice facility but it would have cost me $8000/ month for board/training of 4 horses, plus probably another $1000 to cover farrier costs, and another $1000 a month or more to rent an apartment there. And the trainer wasn’t even close to having the background or credentials of MB.

A certain someone lives in a fantasy world in which she is the Queen of All Things. :roll_eyes:


Business arrangements sometimes seem unfair for those not privy to the details.

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And now we have the Seeker flip, pass the keyboard, copy/paste buffet for breakfast.


This comment is extremely inappropriate. Prayers for you :pray: :pray: :pray:

Off to exercise! Love my exercise.

YOU are extremely inappropriate.


:scream::scream::scream::scream: Wow. Just wow. Why do you revile his love interest so deeply? And why do you care?


Ahh… come on Knights Mom. You know you like me a little :wink:

Lauren leaving when it was apparent she wasn’t welcome, wasn’t getting whatever attention she felt was owed to her, etc.


Just pointing this out again, due to lack of or no forensics/police investigation, it has not been proven that MB shot the gun.


But apparently not inaccurate.


No I don’t. Not one bit.

Would you like me to tell you why?

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  1. Selfish client who wants things her way so is willing to ruin the lives of others to get things her way (admitted to under oath).

1 thru 4 would have just been taken care of if #5 did not happen.

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