Barisone Trial Starting Monday, 3/28

The person who spoke of her in the YT feed chat said that there was nothing overly wrong with her at first, apart from rarely being around the horses when there was work to be done and seeming to be high all the time and lounging in her boyfriend’s truck while he took care of the horses and socialized with the others. She was said to be quite friendly and approachable, until she decided there was a problem and went to town on them for refusing to give her a phone number for someone that she wasn’t supposed to be in contact with. What and who that means exactly, I don’t know, but she apparently did not take it well and got them in trouble.


Going out on a limb here…

They might conclude she stayed in order to harass and drive him insane. Her not leaving and the stress that caused, played a role in his insanity the day that he shot her. So it could be a piece of the puzzle. Maybe. Not sure how it ties into self defense though.


And to add on to this - a lot of the time the client or witness isn’t aware of just how much has been turned over to the other side. They may not know about a video or audio recording until it comes up in court. If they are well prepped, they will know. But it sounds like there are a ton of audio recordings, so if they all got turned over in discovery then the defense attorney may have a far better idea of what is on them than she does.


Interesting, thanks.

Again, that seemed to me like it was a huge warning sign when he said that. It will be interesting to see what comes of it down the road.


Wow. So in Lauren’s world going to someone’s wide open FB page and looking at old posts and photos is cyber stalking?

I guess that’s what she was/wasn’t doing when she searched my posts here all the way back to 2013/2014. So, if I understand correctly there are activities okay for Lauren but not others. Got it.


In Lox she’s more likely to be at $5k per, and she might be getting a slightly better deal since she’s a year round client now. But that’s just the dry stall, and we all know everything is more expensive in Wellington, even in the off months.

I don’t know, obviously, but I’d hope any trainer who was willing to take her on after this had a very strict contract in place with a very short termination clause.


Key words, AT FIRST.


And that seemed to be the crux of her posts on FB. Making them pay for perceived bullying.


I wonder it was MHG’s phone number she was wanting….


I actually agree with you (shocking, I know) on this. I don’t think they’ll focus so much on why didn’t she leave to avoid being shot. But where it may come into play is when they debate his mental status the day of and whether her insistence on staying, when by her testimony today, it was already going bad in July. Jury could ask themselves could that have driven him to a point of insanity to the level necessary in NJ? Note - I’m making no comment on whether that is ture or not - we’ve heard no defense witnesses yet.

I think the jury may end up more focused on these spoiled rich people who do things like spend $40k on a broken down horse out of the goodness of their hearts (LK’s description of why she bought Jay-T) when some of them make not make that much in a year and just be disgusted by all of it.


No one’s hands are being held. Hate it for you.


The month before LK’s first score on Jay-T the horse was getting very good scores in the Young Riders. Not sure I buy that explanation.


So Daddy DOES handle all the money out of her account! Isn’t that a conservatorship?


He may have maintenance issues but he’s not “broken down” by a long shot.


It certainly looks to me like the judge has made up his mind as to the guilt or innocence of MB already.

However, it may look totally different when the trial is turned over to the defense. We may see the similar endless sidebars and corrections by the judge of Shellhorn at that point, though I’d be already getting pretty irritated as a juror at this point. I’d be wondering just how long I was really going to be on the jury over the 3 week estimate I was given at the outset.


No more than someone whose spouse handles all the finances is in a conservatorship.


Spouse is MUCH different than a 41 year old’s daddy handling the money. I’ll let you imagine why.


I was just paraphrasing LK’s testimony about why she bought him, not making commentary on the horse himself.

And I agree - considering she had him entered in the PSG at HITS the week following the shooting, he’s not some rescue horse…


Did it sound like this was at the place where she is now? Or at a previous place?

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True and there are videos on her FB page on him trying to learn tempis. She has lots of trouble counting.