Barisone Trial Starting Monday, 3/28

It’s where she is now.


Any recordings she turned over to the prosecution are required to be released to the defense. It was MB’s business so if he decided to install cameras, etc he was the one leasing/ whatever the property.


She was just questioned by them

She sure made it sound like she bought him to retire and live whatever time he had left in peace.


I’m sure many of us AAs can relate to the struggle!


So Bilinkas brought up that MB didn’t want her boyfriend there. There have been comments before about MB being attracted to young women. LK made a comment once about she was sleeping with who (whom?) she wanted to sleep with and MB was in jail. There seems to be very bad blood between LK and MHG.

Was MB known for chasing young women? I had chalked all that up to useless gossip.

If the barn gets weird, leave. Run. Load up everything and go. If a boarder gets weird, already have eviction forms etc. and know how to do an emergency eviction. Find the horse another barn. Move it for free. Pay a month’s board. Anything to avoid this.

What a mess. What an unnecessary mess.

Oh and way up thread there was a discussion in barn owners forcing boarders out and mentioning not watering the horse, not blanketing the horse, not unblanketing the horse, basically not providing care to the horse. All kinds of people piled in with a happens a lot attitude. That justifies her staying until an acceptable place is found and if justifies JK and RG checking on the horses the next day. I will add, y’all just told on yourselves as to how you do business or you just are ignorant of how barns run. The places I have boarded have been varying cost and care and Only once when I was a kid have I seen horses neglected. It was horrendous. Every other barn in over 60 years put the horses first. Most of them were not show barns so there is that but I believe you are in a small minority of unprofessional barns. Contracts, formal notices of not following agreements, local eviction forms are the professional means to doing business. Playing junior high games to force people out whether or not in a barn environment or on the job could cause a legal nightmare down the road. Love my barn owners. Love providing my own care at home. Love my barn owners. :heart:


He was in his mid-teens when she bought him, so definitely not at death’s door. And his shivers must be mild enough that he could train and compete at FEI level. I get that some people would balk at paying good money for a horse with that diagnosis, hence the alleged problems selling him.


She 41 she stated that today… not like she is underage for sure or even close to it. With some of the Facebook pages read today and the fixation on MHG…. One can’t help but wonder why LK hated her soo much. I know what I think after today’s testimony. One Angie I never really thought about before…


I never said they would be fixated, I was merely ruminating on non-horse people not understanding why someone who felt threatened wouldn’t leave that environment.

I take zero sides on this, just watching it play out like everyone else.

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I wonder if anyone from LK’s current barn is watching this, too…


I thought he sounded like a teaching horse. I forgot the term. Schoolmaster? The retiring horse that can’t perform to the same panache but the lucky people that get them can learn how to ride the higher levels without messing up their not so well trained horse. So $40,000 may be just right or generous and in his heyday he may have been worth much more. If he holds up long enough for her to learn then he is a great deal. If he doesn’t, not so much.

That is an assumption so really don’t know.

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I said that neither one is a conservatorship, not that they are they same.


Not legally. Letting a parent or spouse access accounts or having joint accounts with either is not distinguishable. A conservatorship is a very specific court-appointed legal arrangement - it isn’t giving a parent permission to access funds.


An attorney being ruled against repeatedly has no bearing on the judge’s thoughts on the guilty or innocence of the defendant. Its a reflection on the attorney - not the client.


I would have to think so. Wouldn’t you?


I certainly have encountered attorneys for whom toeing the line and operating on the assumption that you miss 100% of the shots you don’t take with regard to admissibility and questioning is sort of their operating strategy.


Oh! I finally get why the state was asking her about what her FAVORITE online game was…
It’s CHESS!!!..of course it is. She loves it. Lol. Loves it so much she makes up stories about it. Got it!


There is always someone who is hungry, and believes that they are smarter than whoever had issues with a person in the past, and will take them on. Especially in the horse business. It’s hungry out there.


Thanks to all our you for posting updates today. I was out doing horsey things and missed it all! Really appreciate the synopsis of the testimony.

I think the theory of the case is to be that all this craziness eventually caused MB to snap mentally. Strangely enough, me saying that at the time is why I think LK keeps sending me threatening DMs and shoutouts to this day, as I really stopped following this until now (scheduling-type hearings are never interesting!)

The attorney can’t really put MB on the stand because 1. He doesn’t remember anything about that day, which the expert psych witness should establish, and 2. That poor man is not in a mental condition to be cross-examined. I honestly hope they have him on suicide watch during this trial.

40k for an FEI schoolmaster with some minor issues is about right, IMO. That would be a 6 figure Young Rider horse with a clean vetting.


Will you just STOP?