Barisone Trial Starting Monday, 3/28



Same, some attorneys care more about getting in the info than being knocked down by the judge. I think Bilinkas is pushing because getting the jury to understand the level of stress on MB is imperative for the defense.

Also, it isn’t a public speaking competition, so the pauses, etc. don’t matter really. Courts are really not like Matlock. It’s too early for me to even call whether he’s doing a good job or a bad job.

The self-defense part of the claim will only come up when discussing the exact incident, and I really think MB’s defense is hanging his hat on the insanity claim…self defense is the backup plan. They Kurt only needs to believe one of the two.


I have faith in the jury here.


Let me see if I understand this…

She set out to destroy MHG and Barisone bc she: was treated differently by MB (as in he treated MHG, his GF, more fairly) AND one time MHG stole her gloves and took a bridle away. Makes total sense now.

This whole thing makes me sick


It was at a meeting she called on 4/27/19 that she was told by MHG “time to leave” … and things were sour at this point.


Now that I think of it, it’s sort of interesting to compare that version to MHG on the stand yesterday, when MHG said that MB was tougher on her, MHG, because he had higher expectations of MHG’s riding ability.

Sorry about the plethora of initials. Just did not want to use too many pronouns in order to avoid confusion.


I wonder if that was set up after her (admitted) drug use?
It would make sense.


Yes, but according to LK’s testimony it was only MHG with the issue, not MB, so I think she’s arguing that it was not at all clear that MB wanted her gone until June/July. The substance of the April meeting was not discussed other than MHG wanting her to leave and LK saying MB told MHG to stop. It very well could set up as a meeting to lay out the financial expectations for the summer season in NJ. We don’t know as that has not been address on cross as far I can recall - I was in and out for quite a bit of the testimony this afternoon with meetings.


Gift or grift?


I think Bilinkas was trying to get to the financial aspect with his line of questioning regarding the number of horses, the cost of the horse, the cost of training, and what was the agreed amount paid to MB for that - and the housing. The judge did not let him finish that line of questioning.


Did anyone catch the one poster on the live stream chat that was threatening the others? Miss K.


figures it took three days to get weird.


Where was this? I have not ventured into any of the other discussion options yet.

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Well consider yourself lucky. There are LOTS of threads about how unprofessional and unregulated the horse industry is. I agree the mind-games and passive-aggressive tactics are horrible and childish, but unfortunately many barn owners and trainers have little more than a high school education and have zero idea on how to run a business or act in a professional manner.

If you have never run across a barn bully, or a jealous/possessive/paranoid trainer than good for you. Many of us AA boarders here HAVE had to deal with that B.S. and leave as soon as we can. The unfortunate thing is that many of us lowly working AAs don’t always have the cash on hand, or our own trailers to leave immediately or live in board-impacted areas so it can be tough to find a place as soon as we want.

When I left my last boarding barn, the writing had been on the wall for awhile. They were stealing my grain, not feeding supplements, not shoeing my horse in the manner my vet recommended. I knew that at this point the BO/trainer showed herself for who she really was and I put in my 30 days notice (paid) and left at 5am the next morning. I had to hand-walk my horse to his next barn since I could not get a trailer on that short of notice, but I did everything possible to avoid a run-in with her since I knew she would go ballistic. It hurt my bank account to pay a month’s board there and 2 months’ board upfront at the new place, but I couldn’t take the pettiness and her craziness anymore.


Yes interesting. Also interesting is that LK thinks she should have been given so much attention. She’s a low level rider and MHG is a successful GP rider. Sounds like there was a romantic interest from LK that wasn’t being reciprocated and that infuriated her. So much so she set out to remove that stumbling block at all costs (like she says in her texts/posts)


Yep. Had one BO/trainer that went crazy when she found out I was looking at other options. She gave me till the end of the day to get my horse out and I did not own a trailer. When I came back with a friend to get my horse, I was terrified.


I suspect you mean FIGURATIVELY. “literally” means that’s exactly what she said. Figuratively means that’s what she meant.
HUGE pet peeve of mine, and critical when reciting information from a trial - which I appreciate you doing.


Similar thing happened to a friend. Gave notice to move her horse well in advance, she was working off board, then all of a sudden she owed 3 months board and XYZ…. And horse would be locked up and cops called unless paid. She had worked more than the hrs required on their contract, every single month and recorded it. She paid it anyway just to get out of their and not give them any reason to have the cops show up. When she went to get the horse BO had her horses blanket locked in the barn and the horse had on BOs blanket. It was middle December so she took the horse with the BOs blanket and within 3 minutes of leaving BO was calling her telling her to return the blanket or she would call the police. She was hiding in her house while she was getting her horse.

So much unnecessary drama over someone wanting to leave. Someone who was treated like crap but I guess when free labour leaves ppl get crazy.


It is illegal to lock up a horse and keep someone from leaving, money owed or not. Call cops and they will help you vacate and cops tell barn owner to take you to court.

Just so everyone knows.


Just noticed Lala is trolling the forum…probably gaining tips for her performance tomorrow.