Barisone Trial Starting Monday, 3/28

Oh I know but sometimes it’s just better to avoid drama. Especially when they have aggressive ppl on the property. Cops can set some ppl off.


Do you think she’ll be able to control herself and refrain from posting?


how do you know that?

Stop what? Pushing back on ridiculous comments?

I don’t care, do you?

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I did not beat the hell out of her. I made one, quick correction. I was not pushing over the threshold. She started acting up when I was half a mile from the barn. What I was supposed to do, risk my safety by trying to dismount from a rearing horse?

If you knew me and my horses, you would know that they were the most loved and well taken care of horses. I really take offense that you are accusing me of abusing my horses.

I have noticed your habit of insulting others. I am done commenting to you. EVER. Not worth my time to see your nonsense.


I totally agree…if my comment was taken as a snark, I apologize. Not my intent.

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Please show me where I have insulted anyone? Out of all the people slinging insults I’m the one called out?

That’s fine. Put me on ignore. It helps :slight_smile:


I left one in a one day. I was paying full training and realized she had no respect for me or my money and was treating everyone differently depending on how expensive their horses were-even if they were not training with her. If I’m paying the maximum, you don’t have to like me or my horse but at least respect my money and your income. Then later I’d run into her and she would openly make fun of my horse. I was just glad to get away from her. Even the lesser care there was good though.

Other than that I saw my friends get talked out of their horses they felt safe riding into buying a horse they couldn’t afford and were afraid to ride for the trainer to ride. I just wanted to ride and improve on the horses I had so those kind of people were not interested. The trainer I left in one day, at one point, she had pulled all the riders in full training off their expensive horses except me so they were all complaining about not riding. I said funny, she doesn’t want to ride my horse! We all laughed about that. Kids did though. That horse loved kids.

You are right though. I’ve been very lucky. I appreciate it too.

Wow…some of the comments on the live feed chat were harsh!! But many of us are accused of victim shaming here…we have been kind compared to some of the chat comments!


If you are not singing in harmony with the love MB/hate LK club, it’s open season for snark and gaslighting back at you. Rise above (as you always do).


I care in that I hope she refrains.


You are unable to accept that people don’t agree with you, so you demean and accuse of gaslighting. You need to grow up.


Some of us dislike both, and dislike one more than the other. Not really the love-fest people are making it out to be.



MB’s personal life has never been my business, nor is MHG’s. I don’t care what their relationship was. I appreciate the talent of both riders and totally understood training/boarding with them was a personal choice.

LK on the other hand has lashed out at family and friends and strangers nonstop. She chooses to invade others’ lives for no apparent reason.


Listening to the redirect after the break.
Yikes she’s not doing herself any favors.


“$5000 for those two horses.”
Board and train, plus housing.

Deal cut by both dad and LK.

Amazing she remembers texts so crystal clearly (text between MB, JK that he shared with LK) and others she needs refreshers, and doesn’t seem to really recall.


That’s smart of you. I need to adopt that philosophy when posting here.


It was the Crime & Law’s feed. Not necessarily in order….
