Barisone Trial Starting Monday, 3/28

Sounds like LK.


My impression is she’s only paying $5000 as she buys JT, then brings the fourth horse.

Yikes. Thanks.

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Re the Insurance fraud, I remember her claiming that.


Those who cannot learn from their mistakes…


Today was the first I’ve heard of that. That one actually sounds like it could be grounds for legal action.


Nah - LK had claimed that MB was attempting to commit insurance fraud way back in the fall of '19.

I’m not going searching for it, but I remember her talking about it in some of the rants.


The person posted a text by MB in screenshot that said he would ruin LKs life…how is that not hearsay??


I can’t remember whose post it was but someone giving a summary of the day’s proceedings said that LK responded to a question about SM posts by essentially shrugging off her FB posts with a comment to the effect of she “didn’t care what she posted, it was just, you know, social media.” And the quote is mine - I can’t remember the exact phrasing - but it gave the impression that she seems to think posting on SM is some sort of game.

This woman is what, 41 years old? Yet she gives no more thought to the consequences of her postings (or other actions for that matter) than if she was 6 years old. Ye Gods, it is no wonder she drove MB insane. :roll_eyes:


Obviously they are not going to show the jurors on the live feed, but it would have been interesting to see their reactions today. I wonder how many of those (mostly male) jury members were reminded of {insert adjective of your choice} women they had known in their lives.


And to return to the matter of the judge inferring that she is cannot be held liable for placing illegal recording devices at the farm “because an attorney told her it was okay.”

So a criminal action automatically becomes “not a crime” if an attorney tells you it is okay - even if said attorney is WRONG.

This judge seriously needs to go under review.


I summarized to that effect a bit, not sure if it was my post you are referring to. My impression was that that is what she wanted the court to hear her say. I felt she wanted it to SEEM like she felt flippantly about posting on social media and viewed all her posts as nothing serious or important. - IE - wanting people in the courtroom to believe she was no serious threat to MB, she just says whatever, you can’t take her seriously etc. I took it as tactic for the courtroom.


It is


I can’t think of any other way she could have defended all the nasty posts.


She posted on fb that she had multiple personalities and was being bullied but a 6 + ft man and she was scared for her life, but she bought cameras and used in her apartment bc she was still planning on going to HITS with him??

I get entries are submitted early on but if your buying cameras for your home bc your scared for for life, why go away with the exact people you’re so scared of?


Yes that’s right. Going to HITS with the man she fears.


Yes she’s very flippant about the ramifications of her comments.


I had not seen either MHG nor LK until today when I looked at the YouTube trial videos. Now I understand the envy, however bizarre and inappropriate, that has been displayed toward MHG on LK’s part. MHG is an attractive lady, a successful Grand Prix professional rider, with sponsors and friends in the industry, and LK is not.

It’s sad that LK could not make the best of what she had, which seems to be plenty, instead of being so envious of MHG that LK decided to be hateful to, and about her, in person and online. The surveillance of MB and MHG and calling CPS is just over the top.

This whole matter was so avoidable. I won’t be watching any more of LK’s testimony. To me it’s akin to watching the Jerry Springer show, unpleasant people behaving unpleasantly. Not my choice to view that sort of thing.


My DH has been listening. He had choice words… I can’t repeat here.
He thinks most men have known someone like this, drama, drama, drama… creating issues, etc. He doesn’t think the impression she’s making on jury with all this will help her cause.


Looking at it from the reverse angle, that might have seemed like a great chance to get her off the property.

“Oops, there’s no room on the trailer for those horses on the first load. We’ll have to come back for them…”