Barisone Trial Starting Monday, 3/28


I watch the whole thing today and my husband wanted to watch so we’re watching again. Catching so many more inconsistencies the 2nd time around. I guess none of it matters bc she didn’t shoot anyone but damn! I hope the jury sees exactly what they are dealing with.

ETA: My husband and I thought about buying a farm. I reminded him of LK. we both decided to go to the local bar for a drink and cheers!! we decided against it.


I know one person who actually did evict a ‘boarder.’ It was an older horse she had taken on a care lease to use for lessons. Horse turned out to be lame after a few months. Friend spent $ on vets, etc but then wanted to return horse. Owner said horse was sound before, friend made horse lame, and owner refused to take horse back. Owner also started showing up at farm, speaking to other boarders claiming friend lamed horse, not taking care of horse, etc. Friend had to find another farm to take horse. Other farm were fully informed, and they agreed to take horse. Friend paid one month board, loaded horse, and owner was informed horse is move to X address. DO NOT show up at Friend property again.

How I was involved was Friend had shared a few videos of prospects asking for feedback. I had questioned the horses age as being potentially problematic. But also, I heard this nasty jerk ass issuing instructions on the video. That was the owner. I mentioned to my friend that I would not suggest getting into any kind of deal with that jerk. My friend felt she could ‘handle it.’ It wound up going way worse than she could have imagined. $10,000 was spent by my friend and her partners on the deal (including vets and some substantial $$ to lawyers) by the time horse left the property.

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Just needs one juror to have reasonable doubt.


DH just said exactly this, about the various crimes LK has admitted to:
The surveillance, the accusation of insurance fraud, and he can’t think of the third one.


And the backbone to not fold (assuming it’s only 1)


And we still haven’t heard anything that hasn’t been covered in the last two years….


But notice how she plays innocent and throws others under the bus… cops and some attorney told her the eavesdropping equipment was legal, to she really didn’t have any part of the equipment - that was all Rob’s doing. She has an excuse for everything.


If he is found not guilty, wouldn’t that have to mean not guilty by reason of insanity? Do you think there is a chance that he will walk with time served?

I believe somebody up thread said that if he is found not guilty by reason of insanity, he would have to go into some sort of mental health facility until they determine he is not a danger to himself or others.

I have no idea if that’s accurate. Just pointing out what somebody already said.


Watching in bits and pieces because of work etc. I’m on the day 2 after they send the jury to break and are debating the relevance or not of GM’s SS ban. Can any of the legal people fill me in on why Bilinkas would object to something that clearly would be stressful being brought in? It seems to me like that would be an effect on state of mind if LK was trying to ruin him, and then GM gets a lifetime ban, and CPS shows up at his own farm 2 days later.

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When it’s time for the verdict the jury is asked as to their finding. The foreman/forewoman stands and each charge is recited

“On the first count, attempted murder in the first(?) Degree of LK how do you find”
Not Guilty. (Some places may add Not guilty due to mental disease or defect if that is the finding)

“On the 2nd count… of RG how do you find”
Not Guilty

On the third charge (they name a gun charge) how do you find?

And so it goes.


Remember the legal standard is for an unanimous jury and guilt must be proven beyond a reasonable doubt.


A jaunt down memory lane.

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Good point

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I would just like to say that it’s very possible that LK is the beneficiary of a trust and her father may be trustee. Hence why he would write the checks. Very common in wealthy families. Could have been set up by grandparents or even further back.


So these are comments made on the feed, in real time?
And they obviously disappear after the feed ends?

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Yes they did. I assume the poster got banned at some point by the moderation on the chat.


There are a couple articles out, co sting the trial.
Should I add them here, or a separate thread?

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@Angela_Freda, if you go to watch the Law & Crime video of the day’s testimony on YouTube, the comments are visible to the side of the video. They are all still there!