I know one person who actually did evict a ‘boarder.’ It was an older horse she had taken on a care lease to use for lessons. Horse turned out to be lame after a few months. Friend spent $ on vets, etc but then wanted to return horse. Owner said horse was sound before, friend made horse lame, and owner refused to take horse back. Owner also started showing up at farm, speaking to other boarders claiming friend lamed horse, not taking care of horse, etc. Friend had to find another farm to take horse. Other farm were fully informed, and they agreed to take horse. Friend paid one month board, loaded horse, and owner was informed horse is move to X address. DO NOT show up at Friend property again.
How I was involved was Friend had shared a few videos of prospects asking for feedback. I had questioned the horses age as being potentially problematic. But also, I heard this nasty jerk ass issuing instructions on the video. That was the owner. I mentioned to my friend that I would not suggest getting into any kind of deal with that jerk. My friend felt she could ‘handle it.’ It wound up going way worse than she could have imagined. $10,000 was spent by my friend and her partners on the deal (including vets and some substantial $$ to lawyers) by the time horse left the property.