Barisone Trial Starting Monday, 3/28

Yeah but when I set up trusts for my kids the funds were made available to them at pre-determined ages (18 & 25). That way they could pursue further education, down payment on a house, let it ride or whatever.

Unless I knew they would never be capable of handling the money and would need a trustee or guardian I would expect them to handle their own finances. No parental involvement - doling it out like they are 10 and receiving an allowance. I would be MORTIFIED if my 40+ year old couldn’t be trusted with the funds.


Well, it’s only day 3. I’m still waiting for the “all will be revealed” that LK repeated so many times over the past 2 1/2 years. But she admitted today she flatout lies on social media and seemed to blame readers for not knowing that. So she lies simply to provoke? The innocent little girl act today with the fake tears was as I expected. The constant asking for questions to be repeated and all the rambling was distracting. She seemed to be drugged at times, slurring her words.

The police absolutely bungled this situation in so many ways. Seriously it would be funny if a man’s future was not at stake.

Based on chat comments, I believe the all male jurors will find LK vindictive, manipulative, and disgusting.

Both attorneys are doing the best they can with what they have to work with. Taylor seems to be quite biased in favor of the State as chat posters have commented. It is obvious there is history between Taylor and Bilinkas.

But, ask me next week when the defense has begun their part. I still believe there is plenty of reason to suspect self defense. Rob’s testimony will be interesting since LK threw him under the bus so many times.


The defense isn’t going for did he shoot or not. It’s going for not guilty by reason of insanity and self defense. They admit he shot. It’s not guilty because of why he shot them. The burden of proving insanity and self defense are for the defense to prove, not the prosecution. That’s the affirmative defense standard that was discussed in detail way up thread.


Maybe both?

There might be people who would be interested in the articles who will not jump into the thread at this point.


Bilinkas said MB shot her? After the past two days with the horribly bungled crime scene and complete lack of forensics, opens the door wide open to not believe one word from LK/RG.


A long time ago when he told the judge he was going for not guilty by insanity and self defense.


I think the jury can find the evidence doesn’t show mb shot anyone, or find the evidence supports either the charges or the affirmative defense. It’s not completely binary. Affirmative defenses often are “if I did it, I didn’t commit a crime”.

Juries do what they do. I don’t see mb not appealing this if it doesn’t go his way.


You know her? Always sucks to learn when someone lied to you.


My conspiracy theory is that JK has “connections” and that Taylor is purposedly being biased.

Does anyone know of a website that has daily highlights/summaries of the trial?


The judge is bought? :joy:

Oh. I’m sorry. This must be quite shocking.


I’m sorry you had to hear that.


Wow! I thought that was someone else who has posted here in the past defending her.


You never know lol. For some reason, I thought JK was a lawyer or some upper white-collar position. Money is obviously not a concern for him so I’m sure he knows other people with influence.



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Since MB blacked out and cannot aid in his own defense at the time of the shooting he has to assert what he’s asserting.

He cannot say they wrestled for the gun as he has no memory. He cannot say someone else had a gun as he had no memory.

And in this country the burden is always on the prosecution to prove BEYOND A REASONABLE DOUBT.


I’m so very sorry. Truly. Many, many people have been used and manipulated by her and her father.


Yeah, people are crappy like that. Which is why I prefer horses. I wonder how many other people are in the same situation as you. You’re probably not alone, if that’s some sort of weird cold comfort.