Barisone Trial Starting Monday, 3/28

During the breaks, is the defendant allowed to talk to friends in gallery?

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I’m off to do chores, back later.
Thanks to those updating with what’s going on.

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Oh goodie, forensic evidence!


Not yet, I believe. Maybe that will be brought up by the defense lawyer, not the prosecutor.

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supposedly there was but it Was not brought up before break
Unless it was brief and I missed it

Defense is excluding witnesses since testimony that has been heard.

WOW! Bilinkas thinks he can rest by the end of next week.


They’re discussing the possibility that the prosecution might rest by the end of the day tomorrow.

So the defense might start Monday morning, with about 15 witnesses to see.


Is the feed back? I still have the NJ Seal.

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Audio recordings aren’t great quality

Hit the refresh. You are paused or the connection went out.

Taylor seems more relaxed this afternoon.

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Thanks. What’s the Juror #7 issue?

It sounds like the audio is recorded convo between Lauren and someone else, regarding the planted devices.

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#7 couldn’t see the laser pointer during the photo presentation.


He didn’t see the laser pointer item.

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They are still mucking around with the audio equipment. About to get started.

Sounds like MB wasn’t holding a gun at this point?

I wonder if she walked, or charged him? The consistent thing I see with the position of Lk and likely the, is that there’s a grain of truth in it. I’m sure Lk did approach mb. It’s the how she approached that will tell the difference.

She’d been banging on about guns and violence, starting him, and what not in an aggressive manner, he found the Suboxone, so there’s drugs, threats, and rumors/stories about her behavior from others.

He appeared hiding behind a bush. Maybe to hide a gun that he didn’t have in his hands when taking to rg, or maybe to give himself some protection from an attack, add Lk had previously(?) Prevented him from leaving an argument.

If she can charging at him, waving something in her hand? Hello, self defense.


Who was she training with before Michael?


A trainer in NC, Donna Kelly, also a dressage judge.