Barisone Trial Starting Monday, 3/28

After all of LK’s hype, I’m really interested in these tapes. Obviously we all are, but she alluded to some really juicy stuff in the past.


It was interesting to hear him describe his calculations on how much work he should be doing to cover the barter for the board on the horses.


So they had not played the whole thing before they realized it was going out over the live feed?


They had played about a minute, most of which was inaudible due to the distortion of the playback system and audible noises in the recording.

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Can somebody recap the late afternoon RG testimony please?


I can’t find IdahoRider’s original post but as someone who has met RK: he absolutely is smarmy.


There was no breakdown given on the portion each person (RG, MB and employee) did on the work on the house was there?


But -
Only witnesses to the incident are LK, RG, and MB. MB says he doesn’t remember anything. LK and RG are outing themselves as liars and grifters with a vindictive streak (and former/current drug addicts) who decided to launch a vendetta against MB and MHG for some perceived slight. If jurors are convinced the only two witnesses who are testifying can’t be believed regarding the incident, the state’s case against MB fails.


Basically he said that he showed up sometimes and did the amount of work that he calculated was due and if he got ahead of himself, he just wouldn’t show up.


It was LK saying the Police told them the recording devices are legal and her attorney said, no,no, no, that isn’t true then she and RG said they were only from the locker. Then another man spoke up (JK?) said what I thought was “what about all the others”.


Oops, that was a reply to IdahoRider

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Thanks. Also, darn it.

Side note. I am no technology wizard, but it seems like these guys are having an awful lot of trouble using the equipment. Don’t they do this every day for a living?


The Grand Jury was never given all the information. Like everywhere else, they only heard Rob’s story. If you believe either of them, I got a castle in Ireland to sell cheap.


I know his former employers and yeah, that tracks.


Bilinkas only has to show that MB didn’t know what he was doing at the time because he was insane, OR he knew what he was doing but didn’t know it was wrong because he was insane, OR he felt his life was in danger when he shot her (although this one seems tough because in NJ, you can’t bring a gun to a fist fight from what I have read). The money issues aren’t going to prove any of that. I think the judge is being on the generous side allowing a lot of this.


I can’t speak for Morristown, but the local judiciary should have personnel who deal in the A/V and tech stuff, but these computers seem to be the property of the respective lawyers and they do not seem to employ a unified system for the audio side of things, despite doing so for the photo evidence.

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I am a lawyer and I am absolutely HORRIFIC at technology. Plus they probably work in a different courtroom every day, and all the AV stuff will be a little different.

My impression: the judge is really quite competent but likes to run a tight ship. This case is the opposite of a tight ship and we are seeing that come out. The prosecutor is very good, too. Jury is out for me on the defense…This isn’t really the time when you start tying your case together – he is only here for the cross so it does end up looking pretty here, there, and everywhere. His turn to see how effective he is will come next week.


Yes. I will say that when I do this, I get there early and make sure everything works beforehand, because I KNOW I am awful at fixing it on the fly.



The defense lawyer asked him several questions, which drew out the answers that RG did not have a job, other than helping LK with the horses, and he had a history of drug use, including relapses while they were living at the farm in New Jersey, although he said he did not actually do drugs on the farm property.

RG also said that their arrangement to live on the farm in New Jersey in 2019 was supposed to include him doing construction work on the farmhouse to repair the damage from the frozen/broken pipe over the winter. He also admitted that he was not a licensed contractor who was authorized to do such work in New Jersey.

In response to the lawyer’s questions, he described a schedule that did not exactly make it sound like he had his nose to the grindstone the whole time. The lawyer pointed out that there was still a lot of work on the house that had not been finished by August 2019, and RG agreed that was true.

The lawyer was also questioning how much work RG did himself versus how much work another construction helper did, and RG seemed to have a different opinion on that subject.

Edited to add: RG said the arrangement was supposed to include him doing construction work to offset the board on LK’s horses, and he seemed to have his own methodology for figuring out exactly how much work that involved.


You know what freaks me out? How much we all got right in our speculations, despite a constant refrain from LK and her special friends that we were nowhere near the truth and it would all come out in trial.

They both, LK and RG (especially) don’t play well on TV. I loved RG’s answer when he was asked what he did all day. He took care of her horses (how in a fancy, full care barn) and played with his dogs. Oh, and did stuff for LK. How he could sit there, wearing clothes right down to his undies that someone else has paid for, and act has if he had a job is beyond gross to me.