Barisone Trial Starting Monday, 3/28

No, he will still be banned, unless it is revealed that RG (or someone else) shot LK. Convictions and charges are both factored into sanctions and without proving he didn’t do it, he would still be considered dangerous and therefore, banned.


I don’t believe MB brought the gun to the fight. How did LK know the gun was missing? MB was standing in the bushes and threw his hands up in the air (is that when he puut the phone down? Maybe). I don’t believe LK beat him with her phone after she was shot, I think she was beating him with her phone before she was shot. RG beat the living daylights out of MB. I would not be surprised if they jumped him and it would not surprise me if they werent the ones who had the gun and it got turned on LK in the fight. For all I know RG shot LK. I just don’t believe a single thing they say.


RG did a little eyeroll in answering the very first question about guns today. It was SUCH a tell about him lying. and the absolute ease with which he defined the gun as ‘jammed’ (the slide) - that’s familiarity.


The responding officers patched up her wounds, so she wouldn’t bleed out on the ground. Then she was taken by the EMS to the Trauma treatment facility at the local Hospital, where multiple doctors tried to stabilize her and operate on her to save her life. That’s where the big blood loss likely happened, on the table.


I understand what you’re saying, but is that consistent with LK’s testimony of hands so bloody she couldn’t operate her phone?


From what I recall, her hoodie didn’t show signs of heavy blood loss. Just holes where the bullets went.


I am curious what impeachment of a witness means and its impact to the trial.
ETA is this a “tactic”?

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Sticky- that is the INTENDED use of suboxone, but as someone who works in the field, it IS possible to use opiods on top of Suboxone and get an effect, especially with fentanyl/carfentanyl. Suboxone stops withdrawal and cravings, but it does not take away the desire to get high. Therapy and lifestyle change helps with that.
It is quite common that people prescribed Suboxone may use other drugs, even if they aren’t using other opiods. Being abstinent (“sober”) does not mean someone is in recovery!


When in this whole timeline did it come out that MB remembered nothing of the incident?

I assume it was after statements were given to police, etc?

I’m just not sure that I can but that LK/RG had the gun at the farmhouse that day and then lied repeatedly to LEO without the knowledge that MB would have no memory of the event to cover that up.

Or maybe they assumed that it would 2:1 and they could convince a jury with the deleted tapes. I just don’t know.


Right, so how did her hands get so bloody?


So no matter what the outcome of the trial is, LK succeeded in her quest to “ruin him”.

Before anyone nlows a lid, I’m not saying he didn’t also play a part in his ruin. He obviously did.


She isn’t coming out of this looking like a innocent princess


Not to give any credence to anything LK says, but it doesn’t take much moisture to neutralize a touch screen.


No, but she had a reputation before this happened. In time, this will fade away and she will likely be fine and go about her good life. We’re not talking about the trial of the century here.


I didn’t notice any blood on the hoodie at all, and it was very light coloured, so dried blood would have been fairly obvious wouldn’t it? Seems odd if her hands were blood covered, there wasn’t any on it. I know when I get anything on my hands that makes them too slippery to handle my phone, I usually have it on my clothes. But maybe I’m special that way.


I’m pretty sure LK said at one point that MB pulled the gun out of his pocket and shot her, so that would make it possible for him to throw his hands up in the air before the shooting while still having the gun on his person.

Disclaimer: I am not claiming that LK was telling the truth, just repeating what she said.


Well that’s true! I’m ashamed to think I thought it was due to the slippery/stickiness not moisture. But that definitely makes sense!

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How might the farrier’s testimony be important? I missed all of that.

Hah – I’ve tried to use my iphone in the rain a few too many times :rofl:

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Also, as she’s bloody/beating him, she didn’t spread it around on her shirt/clothes?