Barisone Trial Starting Monday, 3/28

I don’t think they planned on anyone actually getting shot.

Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.

I’m not making light of it. I just think this outcome was not what anyone predicted in the purported “ruin MB” plan.


It’s the incomplete hand drying post-dishes for me.

Still didn’t think of it. :woman_shrugging:t3:


No, it’s not a “tactic”

it is an allowed use of evidence used for the purpose of introducing doubt as to the accuracy of a witness’ recall or testimony.


In the dressage world this is pretty noteworthy


Yesterday it was brought up that LK could not continue her “livelihood” because of the shooting.

Exactly what is/was her livelihood, as in 2 1/2 years of all this discussion going on, I must have missed it. It obviously pays well enough to cover all these horses. It must not be riding professionally if she competes as an amateur.


If he’s found not guilty, legally, in a court of law - he didn’t do it.


I believe this was in relation to the claim that she cannot ride at the same level as she was prior to the incident.

No idea as to the truth of that matter.


Absolutely, I agree with you there.

I was just thinking about how plausible it is that she had the gun and then there was a scuffle/he got it and shot her. (As has been mentioned above), and if that is the truth it just seems like a big gamble on their part to lie without knowing MB would have no recollection of events.

Him not recalling anything opens the door wide open for them to tell any narrative they like. But when did they learn he knew nothing?


I saw the picture too - she had her hand covering her breast and the entry woulds were maybe two inches or so above her hand. Definitely not shoulder wounds. I missed the doctor’s testimony but did he not cover the location of the entry wounds?


At the arraignment or before from the prosecutor, or maybe daddy since he knows everything.


The wounds are in the area of the infraspinatus and the right side of the pectoralis major. The infraspinatus is muscle structure that joins the scapula to the top of the humerus.

In anatomy terms, that’s the shoulder. The front of it, but the shoulder.


As far as the gun being missing:

Just a few references about a “missing/stolen gun”…


I have, for the last 2+ years read all of these threads but NEVER once commented. This will be my one and only. But I distinctly recall LK saying yesterday that MB shot her and she ran into the house to tell RG ‘don’t come out here!’ Today, RG stated for the record that he saw MB shoot her. So what am I missing? Did he witness the shooting (true or false doesn’t matter to my question) or did he not?


If I had to answer that question under oath I think I might hesitate too. I honestly didn’t know what answer Bilinkas was going for there. What would everyone here answer if sworn under oath on a witness stand when asked where your father (or anyone) gets his money? Honestly, “a bank” is a totally acceptable answer in my mind. “his job” would have been an acceptable answer too, but that doesn’t seem all that different than “a bank”. What’s the smart, acceptable answer to that question?

I see that one as “ask a stupid question, get a stupid answer”.


She said her hoodie was unzipped so maybe it just wasn’t much in contact with the bleeding wounds. Also it said a lot of clothing was out in the rain. I don’t know when it started raining, but fresh blood definitely washes off easier than blood that has been given a chance to sit on a piece of clothing for a while. I bet her shirt has a lot of blood on it, but there’s no way for us to be able to see that since it was a red shirt.

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That isn’t how it works with Safesport. If he is found not guilty by reason of insanity, it does not mean he is exonerated in the eyes of Safesport. Read the code and you will see the wording that shows they wouldn’t simply lift the ban and let him go back to business, unless it is shown by evidence or admission of guilt from someone else, that he did not shoot LK. Criminal charges and convictions are factored into sanctions, but they are not the sole factor in sanction disposition. As far as Safesport is concerned, he committed an act of violence that could have killed another human being and that is not something they simply dismiss because of a favorable insanity verdict.


I doubt he was hiding. But of course he said that.

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The question was asked after she said daddy writes all the checks from HER account. The question was asking where she gets HER money.

I don’t know about you but I can tell you where every single penny in our accounts come from!


IF he is acquitted I can promise he will appeal the SS sanction.


From what I recall, it began raining after LK had been carted off by the EMTs, which is why the crime scene was so haphazard, as evidence was not yet documented or secured when it began to rain.