Barisone Trial Starting Monday, 3/28

Yeah that’s not center mass.


She’s arguing against LKs posts about soaked clothing, not blood loss overall. Keep up.


I’m saying we all saw there was no blood visible on her clothing. I didn’t say she wasn’t bleeding internally. She is the one who said her hands and arms were covered in her blood…the phones showed no blood at all on them.


Let’s go back to how/why MB’s phone was on the table. Any ideas?


Cop put it there?

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The officers sealed LK’s wounds with patches before the EMS people arrived and that kept her from bleeding out and dying, but the Hospital is apparently where things took a turn for the worse, as they had to remove those patches and were trying to operate on her.


JH stole it and was trying to clone it?

It’s been a long day here guys, couldn’t resist.


It’s in the upper lung area, which while not center mass, is certainly somewhere you’d hit if you were aiming at center mass - poorly - or trying to shoot someone in the shoulder and missed due to poor shooting skills. Because we have no video, we can’t determine much from what is available.


He was standing in that corner. My bet is that he had it in his hand, set it down to put his hands up and ask how to end this war, then when she rushed off the porch toward him he grabbed the gun in his pocket instead of his phone again. he seems to be right handed.

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Almost all the day’s footage is up on L&C, so check back in another half hour for it all to be up.


This is from one of IM’s posts:

“So if MHG told LK “you need to leave” and MB told LK “don’t worry I’ll handle MHG” what was she to do.”

Have we heard any testimony from anyone about this statement?


Possibly, but I don’t buy for one second he said How can we end this, I don’t want war". WAR is an LK word.


Quoting LaLa from this old thread: Woman Shot at Barisone Farm
((QUOTE) He knows what he did to me. Nothing I say or do will ever change that. Honestly, mb is a great trainer. No one is sadder than me he pulled this. But he did. Fact. Without ANY provocation. Fact. And, sadly for him, w out the knowledge he and his cronies were being recorded. Fact. Another thing- do you really not think we don’t know whose gun he used? We live there. Or, did anyway.

I pray this never happens to you. Imagine being shot in the chest twice, the rib once, laying on the ground bleeding out as your trainer attempts to kill your fiancé… fast fwd. A month has passed and miraculously, you are alive. You leave the ICU in incredible pain and make the horrid mistake of going on social media. Blatant lies being told, INSANE stories, every person who secretly hates you (maybe Bc of horses you own or possibly Bc of the caliber training u were getting- whatever) comes outta the woodwork - BUT- only when you can’t defend yourself. That’s just sick. Literally, wishing death on someone & blatantly lying as they lay in critical condition for a month in an ICU…?? And… somehow, IM THE bad guy? Well, I can at least defend myself now, counselor. So… I think I will. Then, I’ll prob get bored and leave it be. I can’t make the world rational. Sadly. (END QUOTE)

Ooops. She was released from the hospital after 19 days. she was NOT in the ICU for a month.


We heard that MHG did say something to LK about leaving and MB shot it down by yelling at her, because it wasn’t her place to make that call. That popped up a few times.


Without any provocation…… yeah riiiiiiiight.


Another IM post that will bite the dust probably tomorrow!


Mar 21

Sorry, guess again. As a matter of fact go to your nearest casino and bet your house, your life and your children’s lives that no recording devices were taken by RG and LK.
As for the recording devices being illegal…we shall see. Not in the case at hand but with whatever comes after…media, USOPC, SafeSport…who knows?
As an extremely experienced criminal defense lawyer has advised LK and RG…"if you put a recording device in your locker because you were afraid…and that recording device revealed a plot to do you harm…I’ll get that dismissed in 10 minutes! And if the plot to do you harm actually took place…I’ll get that dismissed in 5 minutes.


post # 2419:
The question you SHOULD be asking yourself, is “Why was MB saying Lauren was harassing and threatening him when the 911 recordings state the EXACT opposite, & why did MB become in such a rush to get them off the property- **after 2 yrs of living & training there?”** THATS what doesn’t make sense. Except to those of us who were actually there. Those who had to endure berating by MB on the daily - OUT OF NOWHERE. He could have asked for a grace period on the money owed. We’d have given it. He could’ve told his dumbass gf to grow up- he didn’t. No. He got RC’s PINK Ruger - lured me off my porch to “work it all out,” then shot me twice in the chest. All I can provide. Sorry. (END QUOTE)

Wait- I thought he was hiding in the bushes?

two years?

Suddenly? April is suddenly when she was shot…when??

That porch looks like there’s no place for a chair- just a landing.


If MB is found not guilty, will they lift the SS ban?


Just a comment but, I was an EMT in college and responded more than once to perforating gunshot wounds and on more than one occasion, the victim was walking around, telling us no no no I don’t need to go to the hospital, and we had to search them and find a hole going straight through their side. Once someone had been stabbed in the neck and I could see their spine and they were telling me they were fine.

It can be kind of impressive what that rush of adrenalin can do and if you miss something vital, a victim can well be up, talking, walking around, and even get themselves into the ambulance and you’re utterly amazed they’re not dead.


I’m not eggbutt, but I will say that it’s definitely perplexing that she lost a lot of blood (and I have no reason to doubt the doctor’s testimony), but there wasn’t much on her hoodie. It’s just weird.