Barisone Trial Starting Monday, 3/28

I love how RB said he only did enough work each month to cover the (was it 2500?) Cost of board they owed and no more. The house was a wreck, no insulation? Walls stripped? And he’s explaining why some days he did no work at all. What a moench!

And then LK comes on here crying that MB owed them 30k! No he didn’t, sweetie. RG says he didn’t do any extra work than was necessary to cover board.


Let me see if I can explain in simpler terms. This is a pretty classic example that you’d find in a textbook or a class.

Steve is a witness in a civil suit for damages against Becca. A department store is suing Becca for the alleged theft of a necklace. Steve takes an oath sworn by the court commissioner. He thereafter testifies that he saw Becca try on the necklace and then walk out of the store without paying for it. When the store’s attorney asks Steve what he was doing at the store, Marcus responds that he was buying some jewelry as a gift for his wife. In actuality, Steve was shopping for jewelry as a gift for his girlfriend .

Steve has probably not committed perjury here, because Steve’s reason for being at the store really doesn’t have anything much to do with Becca’s theft of the item. It’s testimony to explain how he came to be a witness to the event. Steve’s lie here sucks, but it is not material to the outcome, so Steve is probably not guilty of perjury.

Now change the scenario such that Steve says he did NOT see Becca walk out of the store with the necklace, because he doesn’t want to admit that he was there and buying jewelry for his girlfriend instead of his wife.

Steve’s lie here can introduce doubt that Becca committed the action, so it is material and now Steve has just committed perjury.

These are simplified and it’s civil instead of criminal but the principle is the same.

There is no “some perjury” but there is a question of whether a lie goes to the level of materiality that impacts the outcome.


Quite possibly not.

But I will say that different people can react to high stress situations in very different ways.

Particularly if they have had a lot of previous experience with certain high stress situations based on their colorful life experiences.


If RG is not familiar with guns, how did he know the slide being back indicated an unloaded gun?


I don’t know.

I do know that I consider such observations to be indicative of someone WHO DOES know guns, as opposed to someone who doesn’t.


Does it make any difference to any charges being filed of the illegal recordings if witness first says an attorney told them it was not illegal and the defense can show that wasnt the case?


Excellent question. :thinking:

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So why was she bleeding from the aorta? Was it from trying to open up her chest?


I was actually wondering the same thing.

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She had very recently gone at him, stopping h from getting in his vehicle to leave, etc.
I can totally see that the way she came at him on 8/7 triggered a very troubling memory of that


Wasn’t she saying $50K at one point? Or an even bigger number? I don’t remember the exact amount, and I’m not going to weed through thousands of posts to find it. But I seem to recall it was a more substantial number than $30K.


Ah, I see. Interesting.

Thanks very much for taking the time once again to explain it for the rest of us.


Thanks for giving such a nice explanation. That explains why the judge (in the discussion at the end of today when everyone left) didn’t seem terribly concerned.


I was just stating what the laws in NJ require in order to prove self defense or insanity. Whether Bilinkas is able to prove any or some or all of those things when he presents his defense can’t be known at this time. The success (or lack of success) of the insanity defense will depend on the mental health expert(s) who evaluated MB after the shooting.


Whether the recording was legal or not doesn’t matter so much as whether the recording is relevant, in this case - which is what the judge was getting at.

If the illegal recording somehow contradicts the testimony, it can possibly be entered for the purpose of impeachment (which really isn’t a popular thing to do), if the statement it impeaches is relevant - see what happened in the OJ Simpson trial with the Furhman tapes, for example.


Yes, it was a much higher number, which doesn’t make sense if RG was just doing enough work to exchange for the one horse’s board.
When LK brought up the amount she paid for the horse from MB, she seemed to be adding that amt into what he owed her (and also not paying board and training on that horse).


Thank you, you are very good at explaining the legal stuff.


So if she ran 8nto the house to tell rob not to come out here, then,

A) how did rob see MB shoot her?
B) why didn’t she stay in the house? What, she came back out to lie in the driveway?


Yes at a meeting LK called, supposedly held on 4/27/19


Everyone’s getting a very detailed education in criminal law :joy:

In all seriousness, thank you for the nice words.