Barisone Trial Starting Monday, 3/28

It’s also been stated that current trainer needs the money. Also that she hasn’t (yet) gone psycho.

ETA: more for @KurPlexed than @BigMama1


Did you see the post up thread about the person making comments on one of the live streams about her activities at the current barn? Obviously there’s no way to verify them, but they sound somewhat familiar.


Am I making this up in my head (totally plausible and I am not on the stand) that LK started here or on SM that she was resuscitated more than once? Testimony says once (not that ANY resuscitations are less severe or traumatizing… just curious if I am remembering correctly.)


That also sounds familiar, but again, I’m not going to dive through thousands of old posts to check.

I believe she also said she had been in the ICU for three weeks, or something like that, while the surgeon who testified today said she was completely out of the hospital in 19 days, according to the records.

I would imagine you don’t usually leave the hospital on the same day you get out of the ICU, but I’m certainly no expert on that subject.

And I believe she said many times (many, many times!) that she went to the hospital in the first place in a helicopter, which turned out to be completely untrue, according to her testimony in court.


Are you talking about the John guy who said she got him kicked out because he wouldn’t give her a phone number? AND he lost his job over something she did to him.


Hahaha! Nancy Pelosi vibes … I think it’s the dentures.

(Edited to add that I love Nancy!)


Very possible I didn’t see al comments as I am working. I did see a comment up thread that she is currently pleasant and normal, which is why I added the parenthetical… she hasn’t gone nuts yet.


Yes, I think it was that one, but I never saw the comments myself. Just the screenshots that turned up on this thread.

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Yeah, this happened shortly after she moved to that barn. The poor kid became almost suicidal over her harassment.


He’s young, so probably doesn’t a deep client list but I wouldn’t say he’s in a position where he would take any client just for the money. Has a very nice facility and seems to be doing well for himself. That being said, 5 or 6 horses is a nice chunk of revenue for any barn.

The one person I know there who met LK was surprised when she learned about all the drama because she found LK to be “normal and friendly” and when LK talked about difficulties with her shoulder and position due to an injury, she didn’t go into any details about it being a gunshot injury.

However, other people may have had different encounters with LK and I have no idea if she has caused any issues for other students or staff there. Other than the people in this thread I don’t get the feeling the LK / MB situation was of much interest to the dressage community during the long wait for trial.


Remember one of LK’s pre-shooting 911 calls was to report a strange black suv at night? I wonder if that was the security that MB hired?

I wonder if LK has a learning disability. She seems to struggle with sequences and really had to focus to read a few lines. I wondered at first if she needed reading glasses but didn’t want to wear them on the stand.


Yikes. I think you may be right. I couldn’t put my finger on it. Yikes again.

You all have such good memories about what was said. Did someone say (Bilinkas?) that when the inspectors came to property, RG was pointing things out to them. Not that it really matters for the trial, but i thought today he said he didn’t have any interactions with them when they got there.


I believe LK said that in cross


I noticed the same thing, and I had the same recollection.


Ok, thank you. I couldnt remember who said it.

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I wondered the same thing about reading glasses. The other possibility had not occurred to me.

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I am in a different discipline and haven’t known or known of dressage trainers except FEI/Olympic leve ones in the news l since I was a teen, so I have no idea what this trainer’s status or financial position is. I am merely restating what has been stated here on this thread in this forum before. Whatever his age or discipline, I agree that 5 or 6 horses in full training is likely a pretty penny for any trainer unless you worked out a crap barter deal like MB apparently did. Knowing what we know about trainer finances and slim margins, I get why maybe he has taken a calculated risk.

As for your friends, I think I said the same. She hasn’t been a problem… yet, as far as we know.

I would contest that people aren’t taking an interest. I ride in an entirely different discipline and only know one person who knows him and ostensibly nobody who knows her, but I am sure keeping my eyeballs open.


I missed the comments about behaviors at current barn. What did they say?

Does anyone know anything about the courthouse? Needs a coat of paint but looks like it is a lovely historic courtroom.

It is strange to me to hear the judge called “judge”. We don’t use that when addressing judges, do counsel refer to each other as “my friend”?